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'Vault of the Sea Goddess' Released by Skirmisher Publishing!

Skirmisher Publishing is pleased to announce the release of “Vault of the Sea Goddess,” an exciting swords-and-sorcery fantasy short story by author and game developer Octavius Knorr! It is available by itself at the Skirmisher Shop and DriveThruRPG for just $1.99 and in a number of discounted bundles on the latter site.

A hundred years ago, the Great Cataclysm caused the lighthouse of Amphitritos to fall into the sea and, with it, the crystal trident that for long years had guided mariners safely through the islands of the Dodecanese. Now, three adventurers, pious rogue Neeko, Aigyptian warrior Kari, and Gnome artificer Zopee, have sought out the ancient site in a quest to retrieve the holy relic and restore it to the purpose for which is was intended. While they are prepared to descend into and explore the depths, however, there are hazards and evils concealed within them that will put their abilities to the ultimate test …

“Vault of the Sea Goddess” is a self-standing swords-and-sorcery short story that takes place in the Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting, a Dark Ages fantasy milieu set in the Mediterranean and the lands surrounding it. A century after the old world was plunged into chaos, reawakening magic and all form of ancient races and monsters, the worshippers of Gods and Titans battle each other, nations struggle to survive and flourish, and adventurers descend into the ruins in search of wealth and forgotten knowledge.