Skirmisher Releases '100 Oddities for a Treasure Hoard"

Skirmisher Releases '100 Oddities for a Treasure Hoard"


Skirmisher Publishing is pleased to announce the release of "100 Oddities for a Treasure Hoard," the ninth entry in its popular "Oddities" series! This publication includes 100 unique things characters might encounter in an otherwise mundane collection of loot and includes guidelines for ways to introduce Oddities into your game sessions or stories in a fun and compelling way. It is available from DriveThruRPG and RPGNow (18 pages, $1.99).

Have you ever needed to stock a treasure hoard? If you are the storyteller for a game, the answer to that question is undoubtedly a resounding yes! At the end of a long and perilous quest, the heroes — and their players — usually look forward to some tangible material reward for their efforts. But it can be difficult to get beyond randomized coinage and a handful of gems, especially if you are pressed for time. And ambitious players are always on the lookout for innovative, exciting, and unique loot after a hard day of Dragon-slaying and overlord overthrowing. We are here to help and have created some valuable Oddities for you! 

Oddities are intended to aid storyteller creativity, turning possibly bland areas or gaming episodes into something more, and the goal of this publication is to make things more fun and to take your imagination in directions it might not otherwise have gone. They fill in the corners of a bookshelf, a room, a level, a story or scenario, with all the sorts of things that add interest but take loads of time to come up with. 

Other volumes in this series include 100 Oddities for a Creepy Old House100 Oddities for a Graveyard100 Oddities for a Thieves’ Guild100 Oddities for a Wasteland100 Oddities for a Wizard’s Library100 Oddities for an Enchanted Forest100 Oddities for a Found Car, and 100 Oddities for a Wizard’s Tower

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