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'OS-TSRPG' Released by Skirmisher!

Skirmisher Publishing is excited to announce its release of "OS-TSRPG," a guide to quickly and easily using, and retaining the flavor of, Old-School dungeon modules with a rules-light storytelling system! This can allow grognards to pull their old adventures off the shelf and run them for friends and family members who are never going to learn "Basic," "Expert," or "Advanced/1E" or more recent rules editions, and for newer gamers to enjoy the stories associated with retro scenarios without having to master obsolete game systems. Enjoy classic scenarios featuring evil temples, lost ruins, invasions by Giants, and the convoluted conspiracies of Dark Elves without having to depend on old, unwieldy, and time-consuming mechanics. 

"OS-TSRPG" is available at DriveThruRPG by itself for $3.99 and in a number thematic discounted Bundles, including a Recent Releases Bundle of our two-dozen newest publications; an OGL/d20 Bundle of more than three-dozen bestselling titles; a TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG) Bundle of all the titles associated with our Platinum-bestselling rules-light storytelling system; and a very special Everything Bundle of all our currently-available publications. And all these bundles cost even less if you already own any of the titles in them!