A trio of Dungeon & Dragons 5th edition spells

Here are a trio of 5e spells converted from some that I have posted before on this site for Labyrinth Lord. Of the dozen or so that I converted, these were the easiest to balance against the official spells.

Here are a trio of 5e spells converted from some that I have posted before on this site for Labyrinth Lord. Of the dozen or so that I converted, these were the easiest to balance against the official spells. They are for the druid and sorcerer spell lists and Dragon Hide also goes on the wizard's spell list.


Animate Fingers

4th level transmutation

1 Action


V, S

Concentration, to 1 minute


This spell targets one creature with fingers and forces their muscles to contract and loosen randomly until they make a Strength save, made once per round, or the duration ends. Those affected drop whatever they are holding and spell casters can not cast spells with a somatic component.


Dragon Hide

6th level abjuration

1 Action


V, S, M (a fragment of a dragon egg shell that must be of the species desired which is worth 500 gp)

10 minutes


The caster grows scales of the dragon type of the eggshell used in the casting. The scales provide a +3 to armor class, immunity to the breath weapon of that specific species of dragon and resistance to the breath weapon’s energy type. Once per casting of the spell, the character has Legendary Resistance, thus allowing them to automatically make a saving throw. Using Legendary Resistance does not end the spell.


Lead Feet

1st level transmutation

1 Action


V, S

Concentration, to 1 minute


The spell targets one creature, causing their feat to increase in mass. Those who fail a Strength save have their movement rate halved.

At higher levels: For each level above 2, an additional creature can be affected. If a 6th or higher level slot is used, no concentration is needed.


For those wondering why the saves versus Strength for Animate Fingers and Lead Feet, they can be defeated by shear force, overwhelming the spell.


Requesting feedback on these.

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