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Starfinder: Quarian


Another one of the 'Mass Effect' races converted to be used in your Starfinder game!

This implant plugs directly into your heart and can be triggered to overclock the performance of your heart and circulatory system. When you run, charge, or take a move action to move, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to increase your speed (in the relevant mode of movement) for that action. This extra movement is treated as an enhancement bonus.

Alternatively, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction when you attempt a Reflex saving throw to gain a enhancement bonus to your roll.

When installed in a dinosaur, activating the heart is a free action, and lasts for 1 minute, no matter the model. After using the accelerator, the creature must rest for 10 minutes before using the item again. It can also activate the item as a free action to gain the listed bonus to any reflex saving throw.

Starfinder Creature Index

Chris Van Deelen is the creator and contributor to over half of the Wisdom from the Wastelands series and author of Swords of Kos: The RiteCreatures of the Tropical Wastelands, and 100 Oddities for a Found Car. As prolific as he is, Chris Van Deelen continues to write and produce material which will be in publication soon. Not only is he a prolific content creator, he also has a wide selection of fiction and stories! If you like his work, please follow his personal author page on Facebook and on Twitter to keep up with his latest news and game content.

Cardiac accelerator

System Heart




Speed Increase

Reflex Save

CA Mk 1





CA Mk 2





CA Mk 3






Amargasaurus, augmented Combatant CR 7 XP 3,200

Neutral huge animal

Init +2; Senses: Low light vision; Perception +14


Defense                                                             HP 112

EAC: 19; KAC: 23

Fort: +11; Ref: +11; Will: +6

Defense: Damage reduction 4



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: Bite +12 (2d6+15 B), or spike neck bash +19 (2d8+15 P Crit bleed 1d6), or tail slap +14 (2d6+13 B Crit knockdown)

Space: 20 ft., Reach: 15 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Trample 2d10+13 B



Str +6; Dex +2; Con +3; Int -2; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +19, survival

Feats: Lunge, toughness

Gear: Dermal plates Mk 2, natural weapon sheathing (Chromium), toxin injection



Environment: Tropical forests, jungle or plains

Organization: Solitary, pair or herd (3d4)


Special Abilities

Dermal plating (Ex): The dinosaur has been equipped with Dermal plate’s mk2, giving it a bonus of +2 to its KAC and a DR of 4.

Natural weapon sheathing (Chromium) (Ex): This cybernetic enhancement gives the creature an equipment bonus of +2 to hit and +2 damage.

Toxin Injection (Ex): Upon a successful melee attack, the creature will automatically inject the target with a constitution-based poison. DC 15, Onset is one round, frequency 1 round, cure 1 save

Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, the creature can move up to twice its speed and literally run over any opponents at least one size category smaller than itself. The creature merely has to move over the opponents in its path. The creature does not need to make an attack roll; each creature whose space it moves through takes damage. A target of a trample can make a REF save (DC 15) for half damage. If it attempts the save, it can’t make an attack of opportunity against the trampling creature due to the creature’s movement. The creature can deal trample damage to a given target only once per round.


Allosaurus, augmented Combatant CR 8 XP 4,800

Neutral huge animal (technological)

Init +8; Senses: Low light vision; Perception +16 (+26 smell)


Defense                                                             HP 125

EAC: 22; KAC: 24

Fort: +12; Ref: +14 (+15); Will: +7



Speed: 70 ft., 90 ft.

Melee: Bite +21 (3d4+16 P Crit swallow whole) or two claws +17 (1d10+16 S)

Space: 20 ft., Reach: 15 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Grapple, pounce, rake, mincing throat apparatus (3d4+25 Fortitude save DC 16 or bleed 11 per round), swallow whole



Str +6; Dex +4; Con +4; Int -4; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +21, survival +16

Feats: Improved combat maneuver (grapple), improved initiative, nimble moves

Languages: None

Gear: Cardiac Accelerator, Darkvision capacitors - advanced, mincing throat apparatus, natural weapon sheathing (Chromium), personal upgrade Mk 2, speed suspension (Standard)


Environment: Tropical forests, jungles or plains
Organization: Solitary, pair, or hunting pack (1d4+3)


Special Abilities

Cardiac Accelerator (Ex): The accelerator which has been installed in the creatures heart can be activated as a free action, and has two functions – first it can increase the creatures speed by 20 ft. per round, for up to 1 minute, at which time it shuts down and cannot be used until the creature rests for 10 minutes (as if gaining back stamina). The second function is that it can be activated and increase the creatures Reflex save by +1. This can be activated at any time as a free action.

Grab (Ex): If both claw attacks succeed, the creature is allowed to make a grapple attack (KAC +4). If it succeeds, the target is grappled, and on the next round the creature is allowed to use its rake attack.

Keen sense of smell (Ex): The creature gains a racial bonus of +10 (smell) to perception.

Natural weapon sheathing (Chromium) (Ex): This cybernetic enhancement gives the creature an equipment bonus of +2 to hit and +2 damage.

Personal upgrade Mk 2 (Su): The creature has been implanted with a personal upgrade, giving it a bonus of +4 to its dexterity. This translates into a +2 equipment bonus to both its initiative check, reflex save, EAC and KAC.

Pounce (Ex): As a full round action, the creature can make a charge attack, and if it succeeds, then it automatically gets a rake attack as well.

Rake (Ex): On the next turn after a successful grapple attack, or during a successful pounce attack, the creature is allowed to make an additional 2 claw attacks.

Speed Suspension (Ex): The creature gains an equipment bonus of +20 to their movement speed.

Swallow whole (Ex): The creature is able to potentially swallow whole any creature it bites which is at least one category size smaller. See page 156-157 of the Alien Archive for more information.


Plaguer Combatant CR 2 XP 600

Neutral small magical beast

Init +8; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +7


Defense                                                             HP 25

EAC: 13; KAC: 15

Fort: +6; Ref: +6; Will: +1

Immunities: Disease breath and poison



Speed: 30 ft., 60 fly (perfect)

Melee: Bite +11 (1d4+3 P), or tail stinger +11 (1d6+3 P Crit poison DC 13)

Space: 2.5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Disease breath



Str +1; Dex +4; Con +2; Int -2; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Acrobatics +12 (fly +20), stealth +7

Feats: Improved initiative

Languages: None (can understand common)



Environment: Any temperate or tropical

Organization: Solitary, pair, small packs (3d4)


Special Abilities

Disease breath (Ex): As a standard action, this little creature can expel a cloud of toxic breath. This is considered a 30 ft. cone attack and does not cause any physical damage, instead it will infect those in the area of effect with a disease. It can use this ability once per day.

Type: disease, contact Save: Fortitude DC 11

Track: Physical Frequency: 1/day until cured

Cure: 1 save.

Poison Sting (Ex): The sting of this little creature is toxic to most other creatures it encounters. It causes paralysis, making it easier for the creature to bring down much larger prey to feast upon. It is delivered via the scorpion-like tail, and uses the Dexterity track.

Type: poison, injury Save: Fortitude DC 9

Track: Dexterity FrequNency: 1/round until cured

Effect: Ends at immobile, the victim cannot die from it. Once the poison reaches this phase, the paralysis will last for 1d3 hours and then fade away.

Cure: 1 save.


Xenomorph, Dragon Combatant CR 26 XP 2,457,600

Neutral Gargantuan aberration

Init +8; Senses: Darkvision 180 ft.; Perception +43


Defense                                                             HP 800

EAC: 46; KAC: 48

Fort: +26; Ref: +26; Will: +24

Defensive Abilities Acid blood, acid splash; immunities Acid, cold, vacuum

Weakness: Vulnerability to fire



Speed: 60 ft.; Fly 180 ft. (Average)

Melee: attack Bite +42 (22d10+43  P Crit swallow whole), two claws +38 (18d10+43 S), or tail slash +42 (20d8+42 Crit knockdown), or wing smash +34 (16d8+42 Crit knockdown)

Space: 30 ft., Reach: 30 ft. (50 ft. for attacks with the tail)

Offensive Abilities: Acid breath, grab, inner jaw, swallow whole, trample, wing buffet



Str +17; Dex +8; Con +13; Int +; Wis +; Cha + (17, 13, 8)

Skills: Acrobatics +48, athletics +43, intimidate +43

Feats: Improved combat maneuver (grapple)

Languages: None



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary (Unique)


Special Abilities

Acid blood (Ex) The blood of the Xenomorph is highly acidic. Whenever it bleeds, the blood will burn through almost any substance and will cause 26d4+26 points of damage. The blood will continue to burn for 1d6 rounds, causing damage each round. Attacking the Xenomorph with natural weapons is a very poor idea as the target automatically suffers the acid blood damage if they are using slashing or piercing attacks. When the creature dies, it will burst, washing an area equal to 40 ft. in acid. A Ref save (DC 30) will save anyone caught in the area of effect from the splash. The acid causes 26d4+26 damage per round for 1d6 rounds.

Acid Breath (Ex) As a full round action, the Xenomorph can unleash a powerful jet of acid. This is a cone effect weapon, and has a 60 ft. range (use the 60 ft. Orthogonal template from Pathfinder, easily found online). This will inflict 26d10+26 points of acid damage (Reflex save DC 30 for half). The creature can use this ability up to three times every 24 hour period and can be used once every second round.

Acid Splash (Ex) Whenever the Xenomorph is hit by any type of attack which deals more than 10 points of damage in a single strike; the blood will have a chance to affect anyone near. The acid splash has a radius of 10 ft. and those caught in the area of effect are allowed a Ref save (DC 30) to avoid taking damage. If the save fails, the victim will suffer 26d4+26 points of damage per round, for 1d6 rounds.

Grab (Ex) The creature must make a claw attack, it will do normal damage. If the attack roll successfully hits the target’s KAC +4, the creature automatically grapples the foe as a free action. (If it hits the targets KAC +9, it instead pins the target). Instead of dragging the victim back to the hive, the creature will instead attempt to kill the target on the spot.

Inner Jaw (Ex) Possessing an additional ‘jaw’ the creature can opt to use this attack. It typically will use this on a grappled target, or it can opt to use this in addition to the bite. The bite does slightly less damage (22d6+43 S) but is more accurate. The creature has a +42 with this particular attack, and if the target is grappled, then the bonus is +45.

Natural Weapons (Ex) Cannot be disarmed.

Rend (Ex) The strength of the Xenomorph is so powerful that if it manages to latch onto a target with both main claws (through the grab ability), the target must immediately make a Fort Save (DC 28) or be ripped in two, killing it instantly. Even if the saving throw succeeds, the target still suffers 26d8+43 damage from the attack, and the target is no longer grappled.

Swallow Whole (Ex) If a creature with this special attack begins its turn with an opponent grappled in its mouth (see Grab), it can attempt a new combat maneuver check (as though attempting to pin the opponent). If it succeeds, it swallows its prey, and the opponent takes bite damage. Unless otherwise noted, the opponent can be up to one size category Smaller than the swallowing creature. Being swallowed causes a creature to take damage each round. The swallowed creature will take 26d6+26 points of acid damage per round. A swallowed creature keeps the grappled condition, while the creature that did the swallowing does not. A swallowed creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon the amount of cutting damage required to get free is 80 points.  Or it can just try to escape the grapple using Acrobatics (Escape DC 46). If a swallowed creature cuts its way out, the swallowing creature cannot use swallow whole again until the damage is healed. If the swallowed creature escapes the grapple, success puts it back in the attacker’s mouth, where it may be bitten or swallowed again.

Trample (Ex) As a Full-Round Action, a Creature with the trample ability can attempt to charge any Creature(s) that is at least one size category smaller than itself.  The creature is able to target anything in a perfectly straight line, no matter how many targets are in that line.  All Targets of a trample takes 18d12+43 damage. Targets of a trample can make an attack of opportunity, but at a –4 Penalty. If targets forgo an attack of opportunity, they can attempt to avoid the trampling Creature and receive a Reflex save (DC 30) to take half Damage. A trampling Creature can only deal trampling Damage to each target once per round, per target in the direct line of attack; no matter how many times its movement takes it over a target Creature.

Vulnerability to fire (Ex) The creature has few vulnerabilities, and fire is one. Whenever it encounters fire, the creature will take an additional 50% damage (rounded to nearest) and suffer a -4 to any saving throws involving fire.

Wing Buffet (Ex) As a standard action, instead of attacking, the creature can use its massive wings to produce a powerful wave of air. This is similar to the Acid breath, as it has a 60 ft. radius, and uses the same orthogonal template. Anyone caught in the windstorm created by this will suffer 13d6 B damage and must make a reflex save (DC 30) or be knocked prone. If it does this, it cannot take any other actions except a move action.


Nemesis Combatant CR 13 XP 25,600

Neutral evil large undead

Init +4; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +23


Defense                                                             HP 225

EAC: 33; KAC: 34 (Elite hardplate armor)

Fort: +15; Ref: +15; Will: +14

Defensive Abilities: Eat to heal, regeneration Immunities: undead immunities, unliving



Speed: 25 ft.

Melee: Bite +26 (3d8+23 P) or two fists +22 (3d6+23 B Crit Knockdown)

Ranged: Elite X-Gen gun +23 (4d12+13 P)

Space: 10 ft., Reach: 10 ft.



Str +10 Dex +4; Con -; Int +2; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +28, intimidate +23

Feats: Improved combat maneuver (grapple)

Other Abilities: Death hibernation, death tentacles

Languages: Common



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary


Special Abilities

Death hibernation (Ex):Upon its death, the Nemesis does not actually die. Instead if there is no potential food around, it can go into a hibernation state. For all intent and purposes, the creature is dead, but once any source of food comes within 30 ft. it will come to ‘life’ and the tentacles will burst free and attempt to grapple the food source to the body for consumption. It can remain in this state for 4d4 days before the creature is truly dead.

Death Tentacles (Ex): Upon its defeat, if there are any sources of food within 30 feet, a series of 1d4+2 tentacles will burst from the corpse and attempt to grapple any targets in the radius. If the grapple succeeds, the tentacle will drag the victim back to the body, where it will then use the other tentacles to rip chunks of flesh from the hapless victim, causing 2d8+23 points of damage per round, activating the eat to heal ability.

Eat to Heal (Ex): Once the Nemesis has taken physical damage, it will stop trying to shoot or batter a target to death. It will bite the victim, and for every 3 points of damage it inflicts, Nemesis will heal 1 hit point of damage.

Regeneration (Ex): Although undead, the Nemesis can regenerate damage it sustains without having to consume meat. Every round the creature will automatically heal 10 hit points of damage, up to a maximum of 110 points. Once this threshold has been achieved, the creature cannot automatically heal and must eat to heal damage. It can also ‘restock’ this regenerative ability from consuming meat, as described in Eat to Heal.


Eldritch Elephant Combatant CR 11 XP 12,800

Neutral large magical beast

Init +1; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +20


Defense                                                             HP 180

EAC: 24; KAC: 26

Fort: +15; Ref: +15; Will: +10

Defensive Abilities: Thick hide DR 10



Speed: 40 ft.

Melee: 4 tentacle bashes +20 (2d6+21  B Crit knockdown)

Space: 10 ft., Reach: 10 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Debilitating Trumpet, Tentacle impale, trample (4d8+21 B)



Str +10; Dex +1; Con +5; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +25, intimidate +20

Feats: Improved combat maneuver (bull rush, grapple)

Languages: None



Environment: Any tropical

Organization: Solitary, pairs, small family group (1d3+2), or herd (6d6)


Special Abilities

Debilitating Trumpet (Su): As a full round action, the creature can lift its maw and let out a hideous bellow. This has a 40 ft. radius and anything caught in the area of effect must make a Reflex save (DC 18) or suffer 3d8+11 sonic damage and are deafened for 1d4 rounds. A successful save indicates half damage and the target is not deafened. A critical failure indicates that the deafened condition is permanent.

Tentacle Impale (Ex): If two or more tentacles succeed in striking the target, they can make a grapple check and if it succeeds, they automatically impale the hapless victim on their tusks. This causes 2d10+21 Piercing damage and the target must make a Fort save DC 18 or also suffer 2d6 bleed per round.

Thick hide (Ex): The hide of these creatures is highly resistant to physical attacks. They have DR 10 against all physical attacks.

Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, the creature can move up to twice its speed and literally run over any opponents at least one size category smaller than itself. The Eldritch Elephant merely has to move over the opponents in its path. The creature does not need to make an attack roll; each creature whose space it moves through takes damage. A target of a trample can make a REF save (DC 18) for half damage. If it attempts the save, it can’t make an attack of opportunity against the trampling Eldritch Elephant due to the creature’s movement. The Eldritch Elephant can deal trample damage to a given target only once per round. 

Racial Traits

Ability Adjustments: +2 Dex , +2 Int, -2 Cha

Hit Points: 4

Size and Type: Medium humanoid with the Salarian subtype

Agile: As a species, they gain a +2 racial bonus to any acrobatics check.

Diplomacy: Salarian males suffer a -2 racial penalty to diplomacy because of their general view of most other races. Females are far more diplomatic and gain a +2 racial bonus with diplomacy checks.

Fast: As long as they are not encumbered or are wearing only light armor, gain +10 Ft. movement speed.

Non-linier thinking: The Salarian’s tend to think outside the box, as such they gain a +2 to any intelligence-based skill (only one, they must choose which one it is).

Quick Reactions: Salarian’s gain a +2 racial bonus to initiative checks.

Ultraviolet Vision: The race gains Dark vision 60 ft.


The Salarian race is a species of warm-blooded amphibians. They originate on the planet Sur'Kesh.


Silacoid, Nanite CR 1 XP 400

Neutral small construct (technological)

Init +4; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., low light vision; Perception +5


Defense                                                             HP 20

EAC: 11; KAC: 13

Fort: +1; Ref: +1; Will: -1

Defensive Abilities: Immunities: Construct immunities, unliving

Weakness: Vulnerability to electricity



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: Slam +9 (1d6+4 Crit knockdown)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Choke



Str +3; Dex +4; Con -; Int -3; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Acrobatics +5, stealth +10

Feats: Improved combat maneuver (grapple)

Languages: None



Environment: Any

Organization: Small groups (1d4+2)


Special Abilities

Choke (Ex): As a standard action, the construct can attempt to ‘choke’ a target. It must first make a successful grapple check, and if this succeeds, then the creature will begin to choke the victim. This will inflict 1d6+4 points of damage per round, and the victim must make a fort save (DC 10) or be knocked unconscious.

Vulnerability to Electricity (Ex): This construct, due to its nanite swarm, takes additional damage from electrical attacks. It suffers an additional 1 point of damage per dice damage from weapons using electrical, and any saves involving electricity are at an additional -2.


Here you will find all the conversions I have done for the Halo series.

Mark I Spartan Exoskeleton

Price: 12,010 Level 5

EAC Bonus: +7 KAC Bonus: +9

Max Dex Bonus: +0 AC Penalty -4 Speed: 30 ft.

Strength: 22 (+6) Damage: 1d8 B

Weapon Slots: 0 Upgrade Slots: 1

Capacity: 40 Usage: 10 / hour

Size: Medium Bulk: 30


The Spartan Powered armour program began in 2512. It was the Navy’s first experiment with this type of heavy armour. Bulky and difficult to master, the suit did have several advantages over regular or heavy armour. It was designed to lift up to 4,000 pounds, and despite the bulk, did not hinder the users speed. Unfortunately it could not be completely sealed and was not suitable for toxic, vacuum, or underwater usage.


The early versions of the armour came equipped with Infrared sensors, an early generation motion detection package (pg 220 of the core book), and mounted a Squad machine gun as its primary weapon. The suit was also equipped with a Mk 2 personal computer system, which could assist the wearer with tactical information, and could even be linked to the Squad machine gun, firing it without direct command of the user (using the wearer’s Ranged attack at a -4). Enough space was left over for the wearer to add one additional piece of equipment.


Mark II Spartan Exoskeleton

Price 17,510 Level  7

EAC Bonus: +10 KAC Bonus: +12

Max Dex Bonus: +0 AC Penalty -4 Speed: 30 ft.

Strength: 22 (+6) Damage: 1d8 B

Weapon Slots: 0 Upgrade Slots: 1

Capacity: 40 Usage: 5 / hour

Size: Medium Bulk: 27


With continued research and the improvement of the technology involved, the Mark II armour was somewhat sleeker and less bulky to use. It still had issues with power drainage though. Of the major improvements to the armour, was the addition of a refractive coating, which proved to be useful in dispersing heat from laser and explosive attacks, giving the suit a DR 7 / Fire and Explosive. It still came equipped with the standard Infrared sensors, motion detection package (pg 220 of the core book), Squad machine gun and a Tier 2 computer.


Mark III Spartan Exoskeleton

Price 35,050 Level  9

EAC Bonus: +14 KAC Bonus: +18

Max Dex Bonus: +2 AC Penalty -3 Speed: 30 ft.

Strength: 22 (+6) Damage: 1d10 B

Weapon Slots: 0 Upgrade Slots: 1

Capacity: 40 Usage: 2 / hour

Size: Medium Bulk: 25


Mark III armour saw the advantage of greatly improved power consumption, and better alloys and composites, reducing the bulkiness of the armour again, and allowing for better control. It still possessed the standard equipment, but saw the addition of an X-Gen gun, a significant upgrade to the standard Squad machine gun. Likewise the refractive coating was improved, giving the wearer a DR 9 / Fire and Explosive. The computer was also upgraded to a Tier 3 system, which could still control and fire the X-gen gun, but with a -3 penalty.


Mark IV Mjolnir Powered Assault Armour

Price 58,400 Level  11

EAC Bonus: +16 KAC Bonus: +20

Max Dex Bonus: +3 AC Penalty -2 Speed: 30 ft.

Strength: 24 (+7) Damage: 2d6 B

Weapon Slots: 0 Upgrade Slots: 1

Capacity: 40 Usage: 1 / hour

Size: Medium Bulk: 25


After continued research, the armour’s power issue was finally resolved to the satisfaction of those involved with the project. The standard equipment package was included with the suit, although along with this version came even more effect refractive coating (DR 11 / Fire and Explosives), and the X-gen machine gun was replaced with a more powerful Medium machine gun. This suit was also the first to be fully enclosed, allowing it to be used in Toxic, vacuum and under water. On top of these improvements, a Targeting computer and radiation buffer were now included.


Mark V Mjolnir Powered Assault Armour

Price 250,450 Level  14

EAC Bonus: +18 KAC Bonus: +22

Max Dex Bonus: +3 AC Penalty -2 Speed: 30 ft.

Strength: 24 (+7) Damage: 2d10 B

Weapon Slots: 0 Upgrade Slots: 3

Capacity: 80 Usage: 1 / hour

Size: Medium Bulk: 27


The Mark V was the first suit to be integrated with a personal force field (green force field), thanks to the vastly improved power source the suit could use. This suit still made use of the basic equipment, such as the Infrared sensors, Motion detection, environmentally sealed, targeting computer and radiation buffer.. It also saw yet another improvement in the refractive coating, increasing the DR to 14 / Fire and explosives. The weapon was also replaced with a advanced reactive cannon. Even though communications were improved the system still relied on a Tier 3 computer to aid and assist the wearer.


Mark VI Mjolnir Powered Assault Armour

Price 921,000 Level  17

EAC Bonus: +24 KAC Bonus: +28

Max Dex Bonus: +4 AC Penalty -2 Speed: 30 ft.

Strength: 26 (+8) Damage: 3d8 B

Weapon Slots: 0 Upgrade Slots: 0

Capacity: 80 Usage: 1 / hour

Size: Medium Bulk: 31


Far more technological advances were made with this particular type of powered armour. All the previous improvements were included, such as the Infrared sensor, sealed environment, motion detector, targeting computer and radiation buffer. The force field was improved to blue level, and the weapon was replaced with a Heavy Machine gun. Additional upgrades were introduced, including an upgrade to a Tier 6 computer, the addition of Auto CPR and Injector, a medical interface and finally a fully integrated computer interface. The refractive coating is now DR 17 / Fire and explosives.


Mark VII Mjolnir Powered Assault Armour

Price 2,868,500 Level  20

EAC Bonus: +27 KAC Bonus: +30

Max Dex Bonus: +5 AC Penalty -2 Speed: 40 ft.

Strength: 30 (+10) Damage: 4d8 B

Weapon Slots: 0 Upgrade Slots: 0

Capacity: 100 Usage: 1 / hour

Size: Medium Bulk: 33


The pinnacle of the Mjolnir line of Powered armour. As with the previous iterations of the suit, it contains the Infrared sensor, sealed environment, motion detector, targeting computer, radiation buffer Auto CPR and Injector, medical interface and the integrated computer interface. The force field has been increased to prismatic, the main weapon a Paragon Reaction Cannon, while the Refractive coating is now 20 DR / Fire and explosive. This also includes an adaptive energy shield.


Racial Traits

Ability Adjustments: Str +2, Con +2, Cha -2

Hit Points: 4

Size and Type: Medium humanoid with the Turian subtype.

Acute Vision: Turian’s gain a +2 racial bonus to any visual perception check.

Fast: Turian’s, as long as they are not encumbered or are wearing only light armor, gain +10 Ft. movement speed.

Natural Weapons: The claws the Turian’s possess are not just for decoration, they can use them in combat. A Turian can strike with the claws for 1d3+Str damage.

Radiation Resistant: Turian’s gain a +2 racial bonus when saving against the effects of radiation.

Sense of duty: At first level, a Turian chooses a single profession. This is automatically a class skill and goes up one rank as the Turian gains levels. The Turian can have multiple professions, but she will have to pay for ranks in them as normal.

Truthful: Because of their culture and the way Turian’s were raised, it is very difficult for them to be deceitful. It is not saying that they cannot lie, but it is hard. As such Turian’s suffer a -2 penalty to all bluff checks.


Advent Race

Racial Traits

Ability Adjustments: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Cha

Hit Points: 6

Size and Type: Medium humanoid with the Advent subtype

Boosted Immune System: Advent are heartier than normal humans, and gain a +2 racial bonus to any Fortitude save.

Bred Warriors: The Advent gain the feat weapon focus at first level.

Dense Musculature: Thanks to their much denser musculature, Advent gain DR 5 against piercing attacks.

Linked: The Advent share a limited telepathic link. As such, they can communicate with any other Advent as long as they are within 500 feet of one another. This cannot be used on any other race, unless they possess natural psionic abilities.

Natural Mechanics: The Advent gain a +2 racial bonus to any engineering check.

Well Trained: Members of this race can take one additional combat feat at 1st level.


Horologue Spellcaster CR 2 XP 600

Chaotic evil medium outsider (Horologue)

Init +1; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7


Defense                                                             HP 21

EAC: 12; KAC: 13

Fort: +1; Ref: +3; Will: +5



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: Bite +7 (1d6+4 P) or two claws +3 (1d4+4 S Crit bleed 1d3)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Drain years



Str +2; Dex +1; Con +0; Int +0; Wis +4; Cha +0

Skills: Diplomacy +12, stealth +12

Languages: Common, Horologue



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, small groups (1d4+2)


Special Abilities

Drain Years (Su): When a character is bitten by one of these creatures, they must make a Will save (DC14) or lose 1d6+2 years. This does not age them, instead it reverses aging. Many people might consider this to be a blessing in disguise, but it is not. For every 3 years, the target gains one permanent negative level. To make matters worse, every day the target must make another saving throw or continue to lose years. Eventually this will de-age the character to an adolescent, child, infant and finally the character will cease to exist. This will also happen if the target takes more negative levels than they possess levels. The only way to prevent this from happing is to hunt down and kill the Horologue, or by casting a Remove Affliction. Any permanent negative levels can only be regained by using greater restoration.


Flame Beetle Combatant CR ½ XP 200

Neutral small vermin

Init +3; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4


Defense                                                             HP 13

EAC: 10; KAC: 12

Fort: +4; Ref: +2; Will: +0

Defensive Abilities: Explosive death; Immunities: Fire



Speed: 20 ft.; 40 ft. (flying average)

Melee: bite +6 (1d6+1 F&P Crit burn 1d3), or two claws +2 (1d3+1 P)

Space: 2.5 ft., Reach: 2.5ft.

Offensive abilities: Heat aura



Str +1; Dex +3; Con +2; Int -; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Acrobatics +9, athletics +4

Languages: None



Environment: Temperate or tropical forest

Organization: Small swarms (1d4+2), medium swarms (2d4+3), large swarms (4d4+5), infestations (10d12+12)


Special Abilities

Explosive Death (Ex): When the creature is killed, it will immediately explode, splashing everything within a 20 ft. radius with flame. Those caught in the area of effect must make a Ref save (DC 9) or suffer 1d6 points of fire damage. A successful save results in half damage.

Heat Aura (Ex): The creature can cause its small body to generate a great deal of heat. As a full round action, it can send waves of heat out from its body, up to 10 ft. Anything in the area of effect must make a Fort save (DC 9), or suffer 1d4 points of fire damage. A successful save results in no damage.


Bane Back Spider Combatant CR 3 XP 800

Neutral medium vermin

Init +3; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8


Bane Back Spider Combatant CR 3 XP 800

Neutral medium vermin

Init +3; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8


Defense                                                             HP 40

EAC: 14; KAC: 16

Fort: +7; Ref: +5; Will: +2

Defensive Abilities: Explosive death; Immunities: Acid, mindless, poison



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: 1 Bite +11  (1d6+6 P), or 1 claw +11 (1d3+6) or up to 3 claw attacks +7 (1d3+6)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive abilities: Acid spit



Str +3; Dex +3; Con +1; Int -; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +13 (+23 climb), stealth +8

Other Abilities: Clinging

Languages: None



Environment: Any temperate or tropical

Organization: Solitary, small groups (1d3+1), or small packs (2d4+4)


Special Abilities

Acid Spit (Ex): As a standard action, the creature can shoot a stream of acid at any target within 45 ft. This is a ranged attack at +8 to hit.  If it hits, the target suffers 1d4+3 acid damage (crit corrode 1d3). The creature can use this every round.

Clinging (Ex): The creature is able to move along any surface thanks to tiny tendrils covering legs. The creature gains a +10 to all climbing checks, and can move its full movement rate while climbing.

Explosive Death (Ex): When the creature is killed, it will immediately explode, splashing everything within a 20 ft. radius with acid. Those caught in the area of effect must make a Ref save (DC 12) or suffer 1d4+3 points of acid damage. A successful save results in half damage.


Racial Traits

Ability Adjustments: -2 Con, +2 Dex, +2 Int

Hit Points: 4

Size and Type: Medium humanoid with the Quarian subtype

Distrust of the Machine: The Quarians created the Geth, and have lived with that mistake ever since. When they are involved in combat against constructs, robots or any clearly non-organic machine, they gain a +2 to hit against such targets.

Natural born engineers: Due to living in ships their entire lives, Quarians are quite technically adept, and as such gain engineering as a class skill and gain a racial bonus of +2 to any engineering check.

Quick reaction: Living in starships possesses hazards of their own. All manner of hazard can end a life before one even knows they are in danger. As such, Quarians gain a +2 circumstance bonus to any saving throw involving environmental hazards (such as explosive decompression, loss of gravity, avoiding a toxic spill and so forth).

Ultraviolet vision: The Quarian possess darkvision 60 ft.

Weak immune system: Quarians suffer a -2 to any fortitude saves when dealing with disease, toxins or similar infections. To make matters worse, every time a track advances, the track advanced by two spots instead of one. Quarians can use any type of armor, as long as it possesses the ability to be fully sealed against the environment. If they ever remove the armor, they must make a Fort save (DC 20) or begin to lose Constitution. This is temporary, but for every 6 hours outside their suit, they must save or lose 1d3 temporary points of Constitution. Once their constitution reaches zero, they will die, and of course their fortitude saves lessen with each loss. They can regain lost constitution by donning their environmental suits and will regain 1 point every 6 hours.