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Starfinder: Deadly Spectral Remnant

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One of the less ‘moral’ governments decided they needed a soldier which was effectively invisible, and could be unleashed upon the enemy, wreaking havoc and killing anyone who got in the way. They did not wish to create a biological plague, such as a zombie plague, as it could too easily get out of control and cause as much damage to their own side as to the enemy.

As many others had discovered, they turned to the ancient art of Necromancy and combined it with science in order to create the creature they were looking for.  The end result was perfected by taking the body of a living being, encasing it in a nutrient-rich liquid, and destroying the physical body, leaving behind only the brain and nervous system.

This process drove the ‘volunteer’ insane, stripping her of all reasoning and intellect, leaving behind a creature which existed for only one purpose – to kill.

The being is completely invisible to the visual spectrum, and can only be detected through the use of infrared or thermal sensors and / or other similar senses.

Created by infusing the ‘soul’ of the ‘volunteer’ with negative energy, when it can be seen, it appears as a cloud of humanoid-shaped white vapor, with a face which is typically one of either rage or a rictus of agony. The creature is so intensely cold, just a mere touch is enough to kill anyone encountering it, and to make matters worse, the being infects any living creature it encounters with the negative energy it has been created with.

A single being, set loose against ill-prepared opponents, can wipe out an entire platoon with little or no effort.

Although mainly insubstantial, the being cannot pass through solid matter. It cannot walk through walls and as such physical barriers can be an impediment to its movements, although for some reason it can easily pass through living organisms, inflicting the negative energy on them. It has been discovered cold iron and ceramic-based materials will stop the creatures in their tracks, and can actually inflict damage on them.

If destroyed in combat, the beings will reform over a short period of time. The only way for these creatures to be permanently destroyed is to find the remains of their physical forms and destroy those.

Once unleashed, they can only be controlled through the manipulation of their physical bodies, and if something should happen to the necromancers or technicians responsible for the control, the creatures, if left unchecked, will kill anyone they encounter – friend or foe.