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Spell: Arms of the Hekatoncheires


Arms of the Hekatoncheires allows its recipient to grow additional arms. This spell is only effective on creatures that are actually supposed to have arms (e.g., it will not grow arms on a snake, extra paws on a wolf, etc.). Such arms function like normal limbs in all ways. 

This is one of the spells that was introduced in the best-selling Skirmisher Publishing LLC d20/OGL sourcebook Warriors and is one of the many elements in the book that was inspired by Classical mythology and with an eye toward reflecting it in a practical way. 

Following is Arms of the Hekatoncheires, one of the spells that was introduced in the best-selling Skirmisher Publishing LLC d20/OGL sourcebook Warriors. It is one of the many elements in the book that was inspired by Classical mythology and with an eye toward reflecting it in a practical way. 

Arms of the Hekatoncheires
Level: Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 4, War 4
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes

Arms of the Hekatoncheires allows its recipient to grow additional arms, up to one for every two levels of the caster over 5th. Thus, a 7th level caster could cause one additional arm to be grown, a 9th level caster two arms, an 11th level caster three arms, etc. This spell is only effective on creatures that are actually supposed to have arms (e.g., it will not grow arms on a snake, extra paws on a wolf, etc.).

Such arms function like normal limbs in all ways. Each one can be used to wield a one-handed weapon (e.g., a size Medium longsword for a human) and each pair can be used to wield a two-handed weapon (e.g., a size Large greatsword or longbow for a human). All extra attacks gained from these arms are made at a -5 penalty to the character’s normal total attack bonus (e.g., at +2 for a character whose main attack is normally made at +7). If the recipient has the Multiattack feat (“Multiattack,” MM), these attacks are made at a -2 penalty instead. 

A character can also use shields in his additional hands, gaining increased armor class benefits. Regardless of the number of arms a character has, he cannot manipulate more than two large shields or four small shields (or one large and two small shields), but could use any number of bucklers or parrying devices.

Characters making grapple checks (“grapple,” PHB) receive a +2 bonus for each additional arm they have.

Additional arms will not bestow weapon or shield proficiencies that a character does not already have, nor will they allow a recipient to both cast spells and attack in a round or to cast more than one spell per round. They also require armor to be worn more loosely — as if donned hastily — reducing AC by one place.

Focus: An arm bone from a humanoid creature.