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Physical Mutation Drawback: Damaged Vocal Cords


Maybe it was caused by too much shouting?

A particular type of Xenomorph variant which has been infused with the genetic material of Chiroptera. The originator of this particular variant must have been a massive bat in order to be used as a host.

The end result is a much larger than normal Xenomorph, and one which has the ability to fly. As if the species was bad enough as is.  The creature is approximately ten feet in length, and has the standard bio-mechanical exoskeleton. The major difference is instead of the typical tubes and spikes on the back, it possesses a set of massive wings. These are more similar to that of the mythical dragon than an actual bat, and often show damage from close encounters with obstacles or unfriendly combatants. The creature’s skull is also somewhat shorter than the average Xenomorph, and has a large Mohawk-like crest.

When resting in the hive, the creatures use their feet claws to hang upside-down, in the same manner as the bat from which they obtained part of their genetic code.

The creature – according to reports – is also capable of producing eggs, like a queen, although at a much slower rate. While resting, they will spend up to 24 hours and for a single egg, which they will attach to the ceiling instead of on the ground, as is the case with a normal queen. They typically do this only once every 48-72 hours, as they spend the rest of the time hunting for food or for potential hosts.

Flying is not an easy chore for these creatures, as the base genetic code never really took the possibility into account. They are rather clumsy fliers, taking far longer to maneuver and turn. The only aspect which makes up for this is the increase in their base movement.

It has been discovered this particular species is generally targeted by other hives for destruction, as the queen sees this creature as a potential rival and will send her own drones and other variants, particularly the Praetorian guards to deal with it.

One of this particular Xeno’s favorite tactic is to grab a victim they do not wish to use for implantation and haul the target up into the sky, where if it proves to be particularly difficult to deal with, they will simply let it go and watch as it plummets to the ground. If the impact does not kill the target, they will often rinse and repeat as necessary.

Aliens, Predator, Thing Collection

Starfinder Creature Index

Chris Van Deelen is the creator and contributor to over half of the Wisdom from the Wastelands series, contributor to the Swords of Kos: Hekaton anthology. He also wrote Creatures of the Tropical Wastelands, and 100 Oddities found in a Car. As prolific as he is, Chris Van Deelen continues to write and produce material which will be in publication soon. Not only is he a prolific content creator, he also has a wide selection of fiction and stories! If you like his work, please follow his personal author page on Facebook and on Twitter to keep up with his latest news and game content.

Xenomorph Bat (Combatant) CR 5 XP 1,600


Neutral large aberration

Init +11; Senses Blindsight 120 ft.; Perception +11


Defense                                                             HP 70

EAC 17; KAC 19

Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +6

Defensive Abilities Acid blood, acid splash; immunities Acid, cold, vacuum

Weaknesses Vulnerability to fire



Speed 40 ft. (ground) or 60 ft. (flying)

Melee Bite, +14 (1d8+8 P) or two claws +10, (2d6+8 plus grab S), or tail +14, (1d10+8)

Space 10 ft. Reach 10 ft.


Offensive Abilities Drop, grab, inner jaw



Str +3; Dex +7; Con +0; Int -4; Wis -2; Cha -2

Skills Acrobatics +16, Athletics +11, Stealth +16 (+21 in hive)

Feats Improved initiative

Languages None

Other Abilities Cling, stalker

Gear None



Environment Any

Organization Solitary, or small groups (2d3)


Special Abilities

Acid blood (Ex) The blood of the Xenomorph is highly acidic. Whenever it bleeds, the blood will burn through almost any substance and will cause 5d4+5 points of damage. The blood will continue to burn for 1d6 rounds, causing damage each round. Attacking the Xenomorph with natural weapons is a very poor idea as the target automatically suffers the acid blood damage if they are using slashing or piercing attacks.

Acid Splash (Ex) Whenever the Xenomorph is hit by any type of attack which deals more than 10 points of damage in a single strike, the blood will have a chance to effect anyone near. The acid splash has a radius of 10 ft. and those caught in the area of effect are allowed a Ref save (DC 13) to avoid taking damage. If the save fails, the victim will suffer 5d4+5 points of damage per round, for 1d6 rounds.

Cling (Ex) The Xenomorph is able to move its full speed along any surface.

Drop (Ex) After successfully grabbing a target, the creature will use its next round (or next several rounds), flying straight up in the air, at its maximum movement rate. Once it has gained an altitude of at least 100 feet, it will simply drop the target it is carrying and allow gravity to do the work for it. Note the creature can only grab targets one size (or more) categories smaller than itself.

Grab (Ex) When the Xenomorph happens to be within range of a hive, it will often attempt to grab and drag a victim back to the hive to be cocooned and impregnated. The creature must make a claw attack, it will do normal damage. If the attack roll successfully hits the target’s KAC +4, the creature automatically grapples the foe as a free action. (If it hits the targets KAC +13, it instead pins the target). If it succeeds, the creature will then drag the victim back to the hive to be used as a host. The victim can attempt to break free while grappled, requiring a successful escape (using the acrobatics skill). If the victim turns out to be ‘troublesome’ the creature can opt to bite in order to make the target more ‘compliant’.

Inner Jaw (Ex) Possessing an additional ‘jaw’ the creature can opt to use this attack. It typically will use this on a grappled target, or it can opt to use this in addition to the bite. The bite does slightly less damage (1d6+8 S) but is more accurate. The creature has a +17 with this particular attack, and if the target is grappled, then the bonus is +20.

Natural Weapons (Ex) Cannot be disarmed.

Stalker (Ex) The Xenomorph is a near-perfect predator. As such it gains a +5 racial bonus to stealth rolls, and whenever the creature is in a hive, this bonus increases to +10

Vulnerability to fire (Ex) The creature has few vulnerabilities, and fire is one. Whenever it encounters fire, the creature will take an additional 50% damage (rounded to nearest) and suffer a -4 to any saving throws involving fire.


Poorly Adapted Limbs (drawback)

Type: Plant

Frequency: Common

Power Score: No

Range: Personal

Duration: Permanent

AI Recognition: None

Damage: None

Uses: Constant

Xenomorph Crustacean (Combatant) CR 5 XP 1,600

Neutral medium aberration

Init +2; Senses Blindsight (sound) 60 ft.; Perception +0


Defense                                                             HP 70

EAC 21; KAC 23

Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +6

Defensive Abilities Acid blood, acid splash, Improved Armor (Ex) ; immunities Acid, cold, vacuum

Weaknesses Vulnerability to fire



Speed 30 ft.

Melee Bite, +14 (1d6+11 P) or four claws +10, (2d4+11 plus grab S), or one tail +14, (1d10+11 P)

Ranged Acid-coated pellet +11 (see description)

Offensive Abilities Acid-coated pellet, grab, inner jaw



Str +6; Dex +2; Con +2; Int -4; Wis -2; Cha -2

Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +16, Stealth +16 (+21 in hive)

Languages None

Other Abilities Stalker

Gear None



Environment Any

Organization Solitary or small groups (1d4)


Special Abilities

Acid blood (Ex) The blood of the Xenomorph is highly acidic. Whenever it bleeds, the blood will burn through almost any substance and will cause 5d4+5 points of damage. The blood will continue to burn for 1d6 rounds, causing damage each round. Attacking the Xenomorph with natural weapons is a very poor idea as the target automatically suffers the acid blood damage if they are using slashing or piercing attacks.

Acid-coated pellet (Ex) This particular version of the Xenomorph is able to shoot a single pellet of hive material. The pellet has a range of 75 feet, and inflicts 2d8+5 P Acid  damage. This additional damage can be negated with a successful Fort save (DC 13). If the attack is a critical, then no saving throw for the acid is allowed.  The creature can use this attack only once every second round.

Acid Splash (Ex) Whenever the Xenomorph is hit by any type of attack which deals more than 10 points of damage in a single strike, the blood will have a chance to effect anyone near. The acid splash has a radius of 20 ft. and those caught in the area of effect are allowed a Ref save (DC 13) to avoid taking damage. If the save fails, the victim will suffer 5d4+5 points of damage per round, for 1d6 rounds.

Grab (Ex) When the Xenomorph happens to be within range of a hive, it will often attempt to grab and drag a victim back to the hive to be cocooned and impregnated. The creature must make a claw attack, it will do normal damage. If the attack roll successfully hits the target’s KAC +4, the creature automatically grapples the foe as a free action. For each claw that successfully hits, the KAC to pin drops by 2, so if all four claws hit, then the creature only needs a KAC +5 to pin, instead of +13. The victim can attempt to break free while grappled, requiring a successful escape (using the acrobatics skill). If the victim turns out to be ‘troublesome’ the creature can opt to bite in order to make the target more ‘compliant’.

Improved Armor (Ex) The armor is significantly thicker and stronger than those of other Xenomorphs, and as such they gain a +4 to both EAC and KAC.

Inner Jaw (Ex) Possessing an additional ‘jaw’ the creature can opt to use this attack. It typically will use this on a grappled target, or it can opt to use this in addition to the bite. The bite does slightly less damage (1d6+11 S) but is more accurate. The creature has a +17 with this particular attack, and if the target is grappled, then the bonus is +20.

Natural Weapons (Ex) Cannot be disarmed.

Stalker (Ex) The Xenomorph is a near-perfect predator. As such it gains a +5 racial bonus to stealth rolls, and whenever the creature is in a hive, this bonus increases to +10

Vulnerability to fire (Ex) The creature has few vulnerabilities, and fire is one. Whenever it encounters fire, the creature will take an additional 50% damage (rounded to nearest) and suffer a -4 to any saving throws involving fire.


Anti-Vampiric Field

Type: Physical, plant

Frequency: Rare

Power Score: Yes

Range:  Personal

Duration: Permanent

AI Recognition: None

Damage:  See description

Uses: Constant

Compulsive Mimic (drawback)

Type: Mental

Frequency: Uncommon

Power Score: Yes

Range: Personal

Duration: 1d6 plus power score modifier in rounds.

AI Recognition: None

Damage: None

Uses: One plus the power score modifier per hour.


Xenomorph Arachnid (Combatant) CR 2 XP 600

Neutral small aberration

Init +8; Senses Blindsight (sound) 60 ft.; Perception +7


Defense                                                             HP 25

EAC 13; KAC 15

Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +3

Defensive Abilities Acid blood, acid splash; immunities Acid, cold, vacuum

Weaknesses Vulnerability to fire



Speed 30 ft.

Melee Bite, +10 (1d6+4 P) or two claws +6, (1d4+4 plus grab S)

Offensive Abilities Grab, inner jaw, poison bite



Str +2; Dex +4; Con +1; Int -4; Wis -2; Cha -2

Skills Acrobatics +7, athletics +7, stealth +22

Feats Improved Initiative

Languages None

Other Abilities Camouflage, stalker, webbing

Gear None



Environment Any

Organization small groups (2d3), medium groups (3d4) or large groups (6d4)


Special Abilities

Acid blood (Ex) The blood of the Xenomorph is highly acidic. Whenever it bleeds, the blood will burn through almost any substance and will cause 2d4+2 points of damage. The blood will continue to burn for 1d6 rounds, causing damage each round. Attacking the Xenomorph with natural weapons is a very poor idea as the target automatically suffers the acid blood damage if they are using slashing or piercing attacks.

Acid Splash (Ex) Whenever the Xenomorph is hit by any type of attack which deals more than 10 points of damage in a single strike; the blood will have a chance to effect anyone near. The acid splash has a radius of 20 ft. and those caught in the area of effect are allowed a Ref save (DC 11) to avoid taking damage. If the save fails, the victim will suffer 2d4+2 points of damage per round, for 1d6 rounds.

Camouflage (Ex) The creature possesses an exoskeleton, which allows it to become effectively invisible when viewed. This gives it a +10 bonus to Stealth, and is considered to be invisible when targeting in combat. It can turn this ability on and off as a standard action and can use it as many times a day as it needs.

Grab (Ex) When the Xenomorph happens to be within range of a hive, it will often attempt to grab and drag a victim back to the hive to be cocooned and impregnated. The creature must make a claw attack, it will do normal damage. If the attack roll successfully hits the target’s KAC +4, the creature automatically grapples the foe as a free action. (If it hits the targets KAC +13, it instead pins the target). If it succeeds, the creature will then drag the victim back to the hive to be used as a host. The victim can attempt to break free while grappled, requiring a successful escape (using the acrobatics skill). If the victim turns out to be ‘troublesome’ the creature can opt to bite in order to make the target more ‘compliant’.

Inner Jaw (Ex) Possessing an additional ‘jaw’ the creature can opt to use this attack. It typically will use this on a grappled target, or it can opt to use this in addition to the bite. The bite does slightly less damage (1d4+4 S) but is more accurate. The creature has a +13 with this particular attack, and if the target is grappled, then the bonus is +16.

Poison bite (Ex) The Xenomorphs bite injects paralytic poison into the victim. The victim must make a Fort save (DC 11) or become paralyzed for 1d4 hours. The creature can use this poison with every bite.

Natural Weapons (Ex) Cannot be disarmed.

Vulnerability to fire (Ex) The creature has few vulnerabilities, and fire is one. Whenever it encounters fire, the creature will take an additional 50% damage (rounded to nearest) and suffer a -4 to any saving throws involving fire.

Webbing (Ex) Once a victim has been paralyzed, the creature can produce a thick resin-like web, which is the same material used in the construction of the hives. The creature can fully cocoon a medium sized creature in 4+1d6 rounds. Smaller creatures will take significantly less time, while larger creatures will take more (a large creature would require 4+3d6, huge 4+6d6 and so forth). In order to escape these webs requires an acrobatics (escape) with a DC of 18. If the victim has help, they can escape in only a minute or less. It requires 1d10 rounds to successfully extract oneself from the webbing – if the escape roll succeeds.


Ancestral Memory

Type: Mental

Frequency: Uncommon

Power Score: Yes

Range: Personal

Duration: Instant

AI Recognition: None

Damage: None

Uses: Five plus power score modifier times per 24 hours.


Enhanced Insomnia (drawback)

Type: Physical

Frequency: Common

Power Score: Yes

Range: Personal

Duration: Permanent

AI Recognition: None

Damage: None

Uses: Constant


Xenomorph Queen Facehugger (Combatant) CR 10 XP 9,600

Neutral large aberration

Init +12; Senses Blindsight 120 ft.; Perception +19


Defense                                                             HP 165

EAC 23; KAC 25

Fort +12; Ref +12; Will +11

Defensive Abilities Acid blood, acid splash, ferocity; immunities Acid, cold, vacuum

Weaknesses Vulnerability to fire



Speed 30 ft.

Melee Two claws +18, (2d10+15 S plus grab) or tail +22, (3d4+15)

Space 10 ft. Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. tail only)

Offensive Abilities Face grab



Str +5; Dex +8; Con +3; Int +0; Wis +2; Cha +0

Skills Acrobatics +24, stealth +24 (+29 in hive)

Feats Improved initiative

Languages None

Other abilities Implant

Gear None



Environment Any

Organization Solitary


Special Abilities

Acid blood (Ex) The blood of the Xenomorph is highly acidic. Whenever it bleeds, the blood will burn through almost any substance and will cause 10d4+10 points of damage. The blood will continue to burn for 1d6 rounds, causing damage each round. Attacking the Xenomorph with natural weapons is a very poor idea as the target automatically suffers the acid blood damage if they are using slashing or piercing attacks.

Acid Splash (Ex) Whenever the Xenomorph is hit by any type of attack which deals more than 10 points of damage in a single strike; the blood will have a chance to affect anyone near. The acid splash has a radius of 10 ft. and those caught in the area of effect are allowed a Ref save (DC 17) to avoid taking damage. If the save fails, the victim will suffer 10d4+10 points of damage per round, for 1d6 rounds.

Cling (Ex) The Xenomorph is able to move its full speed along any surface.

Face Grab (Ex) The Queen Facehugger can implant a single embryo into a host, and unlike other Facehuggers, this particular creature will not simply curl up and die after implantation has occurred. If the attack roll successfully hits the target’s KAC +4, the creature automatically grapples the foe as a free action.  The target is then allowed an Acrobatics (escape artists) DC 17 to try and free itself. If this fails, the Queen Facehugger then uses two of its legs and holds it tightly, forcing a tube down the target’s throat and rendering it unconscious.  The implantation will then take 1d20 rounds to complete. Sometimes the face hugger will remain attached to the victim and keep it in this state for up to 4d6 hours. Once the face hugger has completed the implantation, it will eventually release the victim and search for a new victim. The victim has been implanted (see below)

Implant (Ex) Once a victim has been successfully implanted; the embryo will continue to grow. It can continue to implant victims as long as it remains alive. The creature is also fully capable of implanting an embryo, which will grow into a queen. Furthermore, it has been discovered the creature can also choose to implant a Crusher, Lurker, Praetorian, Spitter or Warrior.   It will take as little as an hour or as long as several days before the embryo has grown enough to survive outside the host. At this time the embryo will then tear through the chest of the victim, killing it in the process. Typically the victim will have 4d12 hours before the creature bursts through its chest. If the victim is given medical treatment (actual surgery), the victim has a chance to survive. A surgeon (life science, medicine) will need a successful roll (DC 26) to remove the embryo. If the roll fails, the victim dies in the process.

Stalker (Ex) The Xenomorph is a near-perfect predator. As such it gains a +5 racial bonus to stealth rolls, and whenever the creature is in a hive, this bonus increases to +10

Vulnerability to fire (Ex) The creature has few vulnerabilities, and fire is one. Whenever it encounters fire, the creature will take an additional 50% damage (rounded to nearest) and suffer a -4 to any saving throws involving fire.


Anaerobic Respiratory System

Type: Physical

Frequency: Uncommon

Power Score:  Yes

Range:  Personal

Duration: Power score in hours

AI Recognition: None

Damage:  N/A

Uses: Constant

Overgrowth (drawback)

Type: Plant

Frequency: Uncommon

Power Score: No

Range: Personal

Duration: Permanent

AI Recognition: None

Damage: None

Uses: Constant


Xenomorph Snake (Combatant) CR 4 XP 1,200

Neutral large aberration

Init +8; Senses Blindsight 120 ft.; Perception +0


Defense                                                             HP 50

EAC 16; KAC 18

Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +5

Defensive Abilities Acid blood, acid splash; immunities Acid, cold, vacuum

Weaknesses Vulnerability to fire



Speed 40 ft.

Melee Bite, +12 (1d8+9 P plus poison. Crit triple damage) or two claws +8, (2d6+9 S plus grab), Tail +12, (4d4+9 S)

Space 10 ft. Reach 10 ft.

Offensive Abilities Constrict, grab, inner jaw, poison bite.



Str +4; Dex +5; Con +0; Int -4; Wis -2; Cha -2

Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +15, Stealth +15 (+20 in hive)

Feats Improved initiative

Languages None

Other Abilities Cling, stalker

Gear None



Environment Any

Organization Solitary or small groups (1d4)


Special Abilities

Acid blood (Ex) The blood of the Xenomorph is highly acidic. Whenever it bleeds, the blood will burn through almost any substance and will cause 4d4+4 points of damage. The blood will continue to burn for 1d6 rounds, causing damage each round. Attacking the Xenomorph with natural weapons is a very poor idea as the target automatically suffers the acid blood damage if they are using slashing or piercing attacks.

Acid Splash (Ex) Whenever the Xenomorph is hit by any type of attack which deals more than 10 points of damage in a single strike, the blood will have a chance to effect anyone near. The acid splash has a radius of 10 ft. and those caught in the area of effect are allowed a Ref save (DC 13) to avoid taking damage. If the save fails, the victim will suffer 4d4+4 points of damage per round, for 1d6 rounds.

Cling (Ex) The Xenomorph is able to move its full speed along any surface.

Constrict (Ex) A creature with this special attack can crush an opponent, dealing bludgeoning damage, when it makes a successful pin (see below). The damage inflicted is the same as the tail attack, except it is blunt instead of piercing. A creature with constrict deals this damage every round, unless the victim is able to make a successful Acrobatics (Escape) check.

Grab (Ex) The creature must make a claw attack, it will do normal damage. If the attack roll successfully hits the target’s KAC +4, the creature automatically grapples the foe as a free action. (If it hits the targets KAC +13, it instead constricts the target).

Inner Jaw (Ex) Possessing an additional ‘jaw’ the creature can opt to use this attack. It typically will use this on a grappled target, or it can opt to use this in addition to the bite. The bite does slightly less damage (1d6+9 S) but is more accurate. The creature has a +15 with this particular attack, and if the target is grappled, then the bonus is +18.

Natural Weapons (Ex) Cannot be disarmed.

Poison bite (Ex) The Xenomorphs bite injects paralytic poison into the victim. The victim must make a Fort save (DC 13) or become paralyzed for 1d4 hours. The creature can use this poison with every bite.

Stalker (Ex) The Xenomorph is a near-perfect predator. As such it gains a +5 racial bonus to stealth rolls, and whenever the creature is in a hive, this bonus increases to +10

Vulnerability to fire (Ex) The creature has few vulnerabilities, and fire is one. Whenever it encounters fire, the creature will take an additional 50% damage (rounded to nearest) and suffer a -4 to any saving throws involving fire.


Anti-microbial Slime

Type: Plant

Frequency: Very common

Power Score: Yes.

Range: Personal

Duration: Permanent

AI Recognition: None

Damage: None

Uses: Constant

Roll on the chart below for the type of slime the plant possesses:

Anti-microbial Slime table




The plant's body is covered with a special dermal slime that protects it from all manner of disease, making it immune to infection.


The plant's body is covered with a special dermal slime that gives it added protection against macrobes, also known as oozes, slimes, jellies, fungus, and molds. Any type of creature such as the ones mentioned, if they attack the mutant with any type of physical attack, will suffer 3d6 plus the power score modifier (minimum of 0) damage. Also if the plant uses any type of physical attack, against one of the above creatures, the damage mentioned will be added to it.


Compulsion to Kill (drawback)

Type: Mental

Frequency: Common

Power Score: Yes

Range: Personal

Duration: Permanent

AI Recognition: None

Damage: None

Uses: Constant


Xenomorph Mantis (Combatant) CR 4 XP 1,200

Neutral medium aberration

Init +6; Senses Blindsight 60 ft.; Perception +10


Defense                                                             HP 40

EAC 16; KAC 18

Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +5

Defensive Abilities Acid blood, acid splash; immunities Acid, cold, vacuum

Weaknesses Vulnerability to fire



Speed 50 ft.

Melee Bite, +9 (1d8+8 P) or two claws +8, (2d12+8 S Crit 1d6+4 acid)

Space 10 ft. Reach 20 ft. (Claw only)

Offensive Abilities inner jaw



Str +4; Dex +6; Con +0; Int -4; Wis -2; Cha -2

Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +15

Feats Improved initiative, cleave

Languages None

Other Abilities Jump

Gear None



Environment Any

Organization Solitary or small groups (1d4)


Special Abilities

Acid blood (Ex) The blood of the Xenomorph is highly acidic. Whenever it bleeds, the blood will burn through almost any substance and will cause 4d4+4 points of damage. The blood will continue to burn for 1d6 rounds, causing damage each round. Attacking the Xenomorph with natural weapons is a very poor idea as the target automatically suffers the acid blood damage if they are using slashing or piercing attacks.

Acid Splash (Ex) Whenever the Xenomorph is hit by any type of attack which deals more than 10 points of damage in a single strike, the blood will have a chance to effect anyone near. The acid splash has a radius of 10 ft. and those caught in the area of effect are allowed a Ref save (DC 13) to avoid taking damage. If the save fails, the victim will suffer 4d4+4 points of damage per round, for 1d6 rounds.

Inner Jaw (Ex) Possessing an additional ‘jaw’ the creature can opt to use this attack. It typically will use this on a grappled target, or it can opt to use this in addition to the bite. The bite does slightly less damage (1d6+8 S) but is more accurate. The creature has a +15 with this particular attack.

Jump (Ex) As a move action, the creature is able to jump up to double its regular movement rate horizontally, or its movement rate vertically. The creature does not require an acrobatics roll to jump out of the melee range of an attacker, and as such is not subject to attacks of opportunity when it uses this ability.

Natural Weapons (Ex) Cannot be disarmed.

Stalker (Ex) The Xenomorph is a near-perfect predator. As such it gains a +5 racial bonus to stealth rolls, and whenever the creature is in a hive, this bonus increases to +10

Vulnerability to fire (Ex) The creature has few vulnerabilities, and fire is one. Whenever it encounters fire, the creature will take an additional 50% damage (rounded to nearest) and suffer a -4 to any saving throws involving fire.


Ancestral Form

Type: Mental

Frequency: Rare

Power Score: Yes

Range: Touch

Duration: Permanent

AI Recognition: None

Damage: None

Uses: See description

Damaged Vocal Cords (drawback)

Type: Physical

Frequency: Common

Power Score: Yes

Range: Personal

Duration: Permanent

AI Recognition: +1

Damage: None

Uses: Constant