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New Dungeon Map: Stars Down Cliffs


Last week we delved deep into the Cavern of the Charnel Cult, but these week our map aims higher, reaching all the way to the stars! For use in both science fiction and fantasy campaigns, the Stars Down Cliffs has one unique geographical feature. Namely, a crashed starship buried under rubble and lava in primordial times. Despite its rough landing, the ship is mostly intact. The same can't be said of its shuttlecraft, which crashed just outside the cliffs, scattering cargo and survival supplies as it fell. At the suggestion of d-Infinity.net editor Michael O. Varhola, the starship includes a laboratory with crygenic/cloning tanks and an operating table, and several large spaces that can hold a holographic simulation suite and cargo space. As always, you can download this map for free by clicking the link at the top of this page. Enjoy, and I hope your party doesn't come down with any space-borne infections while the explore the Stars Down Cliffs.