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Gohtyur's Nose


They say the nose knows, but what it doesn't know can kill it. You need every advantage you can get, and if you can get your opponent's nose in your hands, you control their sense of smell, and who who controls the smell controls the universe!

They say the nose knows, but what it doesn't know can kill it. You need every advantage you can get, and if you can get your opponent's nose in your hands, you control their sense of smell, and who who controls the smell controls the universe!


School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 4

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S

Range touch

Target one living creature with a nose or equivalent organ

Duration instantaneous

Saving Throw Reflex negates; Spell Resistance yes

The subject's nose detaches and rests in the palm of the caster's hand, which can be the hand used to fulfill this spell's somatic component. The nose remains alive and healthy, so long as the subject does so as well. If the subject dies, its nose crumbles to dust. If the detached nose is damaged in any way, it instantly returns to its original face, bloody and bruised but otherwise unharmed.

While a subject's nose is detached it looses the sense of smell, as well as all powers, abilities, and class features related to scent. The subject automatically fails all scent-based Perception checks, and speaks with a distorted voice, as if their nasal air passages were held shut (inflicting a -2 penalty on all Perform (acting, oratory, sing) skill checks but granting a +2 bonus to Perform (comedy) skill checks).

The detached nose retains it's sense of smell, and the subject can catch fleeting scents through the nose with a successful Will save. Detaching a nose from an unwilling subject requires a successful touch attack. If the detached nose is ever touched to the subjects face, it reattaches and this spell ends. The caster can end this spell at any time as a free action while holding the nose.

Finally, a creature with a detached nose is immune to all attacks, powers, and effects based on scent (e.g. stinking cloud, the alchemist class's stink bomb discovery, nauseating trait, etc.)

Note: The absence of a nose may impose penalties to Charisma-based rolls depending on who the subject is interacting with at the time.