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5th Edition D&D ‘Conjuration’ Spells

Following is a list of all the "Conjuration" spells from the  5th Edition D&D   Player's Handbook, once with the spells simply in alphabetical order and once with them organized by level! 

Following is a list of all the "Conjuration" spells from the 5th Edition D&D  Player's Handbook, once with the spells simply in alphabetical order and once with them organized by level. Be sure to also check out our lists of  5th Edition D&D "Abjuration" Spells5th Edition D&D "Divination" Spells5th Edition D&D "Illusion" Spells, and  5th Edition D&D "Necromancy" Spells
5th Edition D&D ‘Conjuration’ Spells (Alphabetical)
Acid Splash (cantrip)
Arcane Gate (6 th)
Arms of Hadar (1 st)
Call Lightning (3 rd)
Cloud of Daggers (2 nd)
Cloudkill (5 th)
Conjure Animals (3 rd)
Conjure Barrage (3 rd)
Conjure Celestial (7 th)
Conjure Elemental (5 th)
Conjure Fey (6 th)
Conjure Minor Elementals (4 th)
Conjure Volley (5 th)
Conjure Woodland Beings (4 th)
Create Food and Water (3 rd)
Demiplane (8 th)
Dimension Door (4 th)
Drawmij’s Instant Summons (6 th)
Ensnaring Strike (1 st)
Entangle (1 st)
Evard’s Black Tentacles (4 th)
Find Familiar (1 st)
Find Steed (2 nd)
Flaming Sphere (2 nd)
Fog Cloud (1 st)
Gate (9 th)
Grasping Vine (4 th)
Grease (1 st)
Guardian of Faith (4 th)
Hail of Thorns (1 st)
Heroes’ Feast (6 th)
Hunger of Hadar (4 th)
Incendiary Cloud (8 th)
Insect Plague (5 th)
Leomund’s Secret Chest (4 th)
Mage Hand (cantrip)
Mass Cure Wounds (5 th)
Mass Heal (9 th)
Maze (8 th)
Misty Step (2 nd)
Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound (4 th)
Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion (7 th)
Planar Ally (6 th)
Plane Shift (7 th)
Poison Spray (cantrip)
Produce Flame (cantrip)
Revivify (3 rd)
Sleet Storm (3 rd)
Spirit Guardians (3 rd)
Stinking Cloud (3 rd)
Storm of Vengeance (9 th)
Teleport (7 th)
Teleportation Circle (5 th)
Tenser’s Floating Disk (1 st)
Transport via Plants (6 th)
Tree Stride (5 th)
Tsunami (8 th)
Unseen Servant (1 st)
Wall of Thorns (6 th)
Web (2 nd)
Wish (9 th)
Word of Recall (6 th)
5th Edition D&D ‘Conjuration’ Spells (By Level)
Acid Splash (cantrip)
Mage Hand (cantrip)
Poison Spray (cantrip)
Produce Flame (cantrip)
1st Level
Arms of Hadar (1 st)
Ensnaring Strike (1 st)
Entangle (1 st)
Find Familiar (1 st)
Fog Cloud (1 st)
Grease (1 st)
Hail of Thorns (1 st)
Tenser’s Floating Disk (1 st)
Unseen Servant (1 st)
2nd Level
Cloud of Daggers (2 nd)
Find Steed (2 nd)
Flaming Sphere (2 nd)
Misty Step (2 nd)
Web (2 nd)
3rd Level
Call Lightning (3 rd)
Conjure Animals (3 rd)
Conjure Barrage (3 rd)
Create Food and Water (3 rd)
Revivify (3 rd)
Sleet Storm (3 rd)
Spirit Guardians (3 rd)
Stinking Cloud (3 rd)
4th Level
Conjure Minor Elementals (4 th)
Conjure Woodland Beings (4 th)
Dimension Door (4 th)
Evard’s Black Tentacles (4 th)
Grasping Vine (4 th)
Guardian of Faith (4 th)
Hunger of Hadar (4 th)
Leomund’s Secret Chest (4 th)
Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound (4 th)
5th Level
Cloudkill (5 th)
Conjure Elemental (5 th)
Conjure Volley (5 th)
Insect Plague (5 th)
Mass Cure Wounds (5 th)
Teleportation Circle (5 th)
Tree Stride (5 th)
6th Level
Arcane Gate (6 th)
Conjure Fey (6 th)
Drawmij’s Instant Summons (6 th)
Heroes’ Feast (6 th)
Planar Ally (6 th)
Transport via Plants (6 th)
Wall of Thorns (6 th)
Word of Recall (6 th)
7th Level
Conjure Celestial (7 th)
Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion (7 th)
Plane Shift (7 th)
Teleport (7 th)
8th Level
Demiplane (8 th)
Incendiary Cloud (8 th)
Maze (8 th)
Tsunami (8 th)
9th Level
Gate (9 th)
Mass Heal (9 th)
Storm of Vengeance (9 th)
Wish (9 th)