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Winter finally hit us! SJW and, of Course, Reviews


Looking out the window, I finally see snow on the ground – albeit only a few centimeters, or inches for my American readers, but still, it’s been really dry the past month!

And the temperature has dropped dramatically as well. The past few weeks we’ve been enjoying above seasonal temperatures, typically above freezing even during the night, but now it’s dropping well below zero for us.

It’s good! I may not be a fan of cold, but we’ll only have to deal with this for a few weeks, at the most, all winter!

I love Canada. =)

Anyhow, you really don’t give a damn about the weather here in Calgary – unless of course you live here, so I’ll get into the blog.

First I’m going to state my opinion about some SJW crap I saw just today.

This whole political correctness and not labeling people shit has gotten so out of control, I honestly wish some people could be banned from using the internet.

Yes, you read correctly.

Come on, people... saying it’s unfair to call babies boy or girl because they cannot speak and cannot assert their gender identity - well this is just beyond stupid.

As I understand it, generally a person's gender identity or preference really doesn't come out until puberty kicks them in the face.

That's typically when they will start to identify what gender they really are, and their preferences.

Hey I could be wrong about that. I'm just using what I consider to be logic.

I guess I'll lump the idiots who believe in this shit up there with those who claim that meteors only fall in craters and who give people shit for hunting animals for food because they believe the only humane thing to do is buy it from a store.

The stupid is spreading.

There, at least that’s a change up from my usual way of writing my blog, isn’t it?

As always I posted my usual two critters for New Mutant Monday. One was inspired by the sorting hat from Harry Potter – just the image! You would be surprised what I came up with! The other was inspired by an image one of my semi-fans sent to me, by the name of Mark Margraf. Here are the two creations for you… The Sewer Stalker and the Cranium Sluice.

Now – despite the fact that my life is almost perfect, I am having more and more trouble each week writing material and putting it up on the site. If you take into consideration the three hundred free creatures I posted over the years, I am up over 500 free creations on the site.

That’s a lot of fodder for your OSR game.

And I’m getting kind of tired of it. I really am. I do believe I’m growing pretty disillusioned at the moment and hope these feelings will end up passing, as they typically do.

I won’t bother going into the details on what is causing these feelings. No one should know, and for that matter, care!

So tell us, Chris – why are you typing this out then? Um… maybe for attention? =) I don’t know, I guess I sort of want people to understand what I’m currently feeling if for some reason I decide I am no longer going to produce material and post it for free on the site.

It’s ironic – I need to get the three mutation books out before I can get the creatures I have written up into a publishable format, and yet I haven’t done a thing.

Who knows… self-diagnosis here – apathy? Lazy? Feeling under appreciated? Who the hell knows.

I’ll get over it or I won’t, it really is that simple.

Anyhow, as usual the guys had another good episode of D-Infinity live, all about why playing orcs. Check it out by clicking on the highlighted link in this paragraph.

I ended up backing another Kickstarter, as the game looks pretty fun… I just hope I don’t get screwed in the end. I do believe I’ve mentioned it in the past about backing games and having to wait in some cases several years to get the finished product.

This one is called NecronomiCorp. Check it out, it does look like fun! And much to my surprise, the one Kickstarter – Kung Fu Combo did reach its bare goal stretch. So I guess I’ll be seeing the game eventually.

I hate to admit it, but considering everything I said about the game, especially the cavalier way the creator replied when I said I mentioned it in my blog, I had hoped it would fail. It didn’t, so now I am still going to get it.

I really do hope it is worthwhile – even though I said what I did above.

Two books were finished this week. The first was Immune: Book two of the Rho agenda by Richard Philips. I didn’t mind the first book in the series at all, although since it seemed to be written for young adults, that is the main reason it took over a year for me to get around to reading the second book.

I found I enjoyed book two far more than the first novel, as it was very violent and downright graphic. The novels are not meant for kids, that’s for damn sure.

Who is the good guy, who are the bad guys in this book, that seemed to be a grey area. The three students find their abilities continue to grow and expand, making them far more than just mere mortals. The while the Government is still pushing to get the nanites into the public, but there is a very dark side to this miracle cure.

As always I really do try to avoid spoilers when it comes to reviews so I hope you’ll just take my word and give the book a try on your own.

The second novel I finished was the final in the Pillars of Reality series: Wrath of the Great Guilds by Jack Campbell.

All the planning and effort of Mari and her mage have finally come to a head and they return to Dorcastle in order to fend off an invasion by the great guilds and the Empire, with the fate of freedom and self-determination at stake.

It was a great conclusion to the series, and as he has with his Lost Fleet novels, I was pleased with how he set up the second series for this. Not sure when he’ll be writing it, but I’ll buy and read it.

One of the few steampunk style books I have ever actually enjoyed.

One of the images used for this blog is the rough copy of Cheonsa. She is the Tiefling daughter of my character Ronnath, but this image has her all grown up now! As always, I have Alfonso Maesa to thank for the image. I can hardly wait to see the finished and colored version!

And that’s all folks. I hope wherever you happen to be you’re enjoying life and are happy! As for me… just under two weeks until Rogue One!