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Rogue One, Dark Matter, and Bite with the Usual


As we rapidly approach the end of 2016, I continue to find it difficult to come up with something worth your time to read for my weekly blog.

After all, with my lack of progress on any projects and the like, all you have to really look forward to is either a personal view on something and maybe several reviews, depending on what I happened to read or watch.

If that’s cool with the few readers I have, then fine, you’re in luck!

So updates? Zip! I have been too busy at my current job to get lunch breaks most of the time, and when I do get home in the evening, my loving wife needs my attention. So that kind of kills the time I have to write or create.

The only thing I have been able to stay on top of is my two creations for New Mutant Monday’s, and by the time next Monday rolls around, I have to write up the final four for this year. No big deal there.

Also every time I have managed to get the required time to do the edits for the mutation books, my lady has needed me.

Love before fun – although love can be fun! Heh.

Anyhow, here are this week’s usual two entries for your reading pleasure – The Krinkler and the Bisonoid. The latter image comes from an artist named Ryan Pancoast and it is part of a story he created. Of course after one of the page members posted the image on the Gamma World online FB page, I felt obligated to write the creature up.

Oh yeah that mystery novel – as seems to be the case with a lot of my projects, I hit 20,000 words and due to serious work (including a lot of overtime) I have not been able to continue it. I will be getting back as soon as possible though.

It’s not like it would be published anytime soon, I’d be surprised if I see it published before 2018!

So before I get into the rest of the usual reviews for this blog, I have to discuss DeviantArt once again.

It’s a great place to see artwork, but there are so many seriously fucked up people posting stuff there. Yes I guess I am being judgmental, as I simply cannot understand or fathom why people create and like the stuff I have seen in the ‘What’s new’ page and the like.

First there is Vore. God above, it’s about EATING PEOPLE. Seriously – how fucked up is that? I know I mentioned the name, but do yourself a favor and DO NOT look it up. That shit is seriously messed up, believe me. And that’s all from clicking on one image of several which seemed innocent enough and it left long-lasting scarring on my psyche.

Then there is the really messed up shit when it comes to guys wearing hot, sexy women skin-suits. Again, what the hell is up with that?!?  And to take this one step further, guys dressing up in female FURRY skin suits.

And another truly messed up thing I have seen… women eating people and then giving birth to them, after being ‘pregnant’ with them.

Oh and the whole ‘lets shoot someone with a weird ray which turns them into skin suits and wear them.’

Now you might be reading this and thinking why the fuck would I look at this stuff. Well It really wasn’t voluntary, believe me. This is the sort of shit I see appearing in the ‘What’s New’ feed on the site.

Would I ever actually look for that sort of shit? Oh hell no!

I know people are messed up and get off on the strangest of shit out there, but this is really messed up.

Give me a plain old furry over these freaks any day!

Anyhow – yes I finished a couple of books last week. I finished a post-apocalyptic novel called Bite by K.S. Merbeth. This is a bit of an unusual tale as it takes the point of view of what you would call the bad guys. The main character is a young 16 year old girl who finds herself caught up with a band of ‘Sharks’, one women and three men who are raiders and cannibals. The novel shows how she eventually becomes a part of this crew of miscreants and what she does to become accepted.

I’m not used to reading such fare, and to be honest I did like it, although I will always be far more partial to the good guys.

Worth reading.

The second was a novel called Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. It’s all about the theory of infinite parallel worlds and what happens when one scientists manages to discover a way to travel through them.

Although he never responds to any brief messages, I found that I have become a fan of his work, especially after reading the Wayward Pines trilogy.

Really worth getting into – well Dark Matter that is, although you can’t go wrong with Wayward Pines either!

Oh and of course I saw Rogue One.

What do you think? I loved it! I won’t spoil it for any of my readers who have not seen it as of yet, except to say it was full of serious action.

What – you think that’s a spoiler?

And Donnie Yen had the best line in the movie. There are others who would argue that with me, but I stand by my statement.

There you have it. I’m finished for this week.

I hope those of you who read this have a great Christmas with your family. And if you don’t celebrate Christmas, enjoy the extra day off you’ll have!