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Old Game Notebook: Swamp Castle

Presented here is a map that I created probably in the years 1988-90. It appears to show a keep and surrounding terrain that includes a road, river, bridge, stand of forest, and a swamp, is on a 5-foot per square scale.

I recall that my intent was to have wolves of some some sort in one of the initial areas, probably the ruined gatehouse, but that they were not really intended to be a combat encounter, and that I was going to have a Dragon living in the keep on the hillock surrounded by marshland; I believe what I had in mind was the Yellow Dragon that appeared around this era in Dragon Magazine and which lived in swamps and breathed a caustic gout of salt.

I do not appear to have actually written all this up, however, and in any event never actually ran the scenario that I had in mind! (Which, of course, is the case with much of what I wrote up and collected in my game notebooks in my earliest years as a game developer!)