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Old Game Notebook: 10th Level Spells

10th-Level Spells

Greater Wish

Delayed Blast Meteor Swarm

Summon Monster X

Improved Energy Drain


Power Word Kill, Mass

Doomsday Machine

Time Travel

(Obviously for D&D, probably v.3.5, and probably from 2005 and somewhat tongue-in-cheek with an eye to including it in an expanded version of our Nuisances sourcebook. Italics added here in keeping with prevailing style.)


As part of my ongoing struggle to keep Skirmisher HQ/my  home office  under control, I have decided that it is time to do something with the hundreds of pages of handwritten game rules, ideas, and other content that I have been compiling for decades. Some of this material, in fact, goes back more than 30 years, to when my friend George and I were developing our "Skirmish Wargaming Rules." And, when I began playing D&D in 1982,  the notebooks , index cards, and scraps of paper with notes and stats increased exponentially. Some of that material has ended up in one form or another in various Skirmisher products, of course, but much of it has sat fallow for many years. So, with an eye to getting some fresh use out of it, I will be incrementally posting it here -- and then disposing of the hardcopy originals. Material will be presented in the order I discover or feel like keying it in. And I reserve the right to correct misspellings and add punctuation and the like!