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Manifestations for Animate Objects and Polymorph Other


Conceiving the examples for Animate Objects was fun and Polymorph Other got me to thinking about other uses for the spell beyond just species to species transformations.


Animate Objects

-         Ethereal strings that either come from the caster’s hands or from just above the objects.

-         The objects gain a cartoonish appearance.

-         The object forms joints. Sticks look like centipedes more than serpents.

-         The objects are surrounded by a husk of light with a color that is caster dependant.

-         The object is surrounded by fleshy veins or roots.

-         The object forms one or more faces.

-         Such faces mutter, growl or make other noise.

-         Such faces speak advertisements for the caster’s guild.

-         The object has an incorporeal rider, a weird little critter.

-         The object is controlled by an incorporeal hand.

-         The object produces ectoplasmic sweat that evaporates in a few moments.

-         The object’s shadow is warped.

-         The object forms a tailpipe that is smoking.

-         The object is covered with glowing sigils or runes.

-         The object’s surface becomes tarnished, frosted or reflective (the last works well with wood and other normally non-reflective materials).

-         The object’s footprint glows for a few moments.

-         The object spins off one tiny dust devil per round.

-         The object forms writhing incorporeal tentacles when struck.

-         The object sheds scales or toenails that evaporate after a few rounds.

-         The object has the odor of a skunk.

-         The object has a bizarre reflection.

-         All those within 10 feet of the object have a sweet or bitter taste in their mouths.

-         Harmless lightning acts as legs for object.

-         The object is bathed in light from above.

-         The object’s appearance becomes that of a simple sketch (such as those that some artists start with).

-         Tiny dolls with the caster’s appearance fall behind the object as it moves.

-         The object causes fleshy sores on the non-living surfaces it touches. They fade after a few minutes.

-         The object’s appearance becomes that of bone or rotting flesh.

-         The object grows hair. Color and style are caster dependant.

-         The object grows alien crystals on its surface.

-         Flying objects produce a harmless afterburner when moving.


Polymorph Others

-         One of the target’s limbs enlarges and gains enough mass to immobilize them.

-         The target’s head and chest expand, causing them to break armor and helms to fall off.

-         The target’s legs fuse and shrink into a snake body. For a human I would have it two feet long.

-         The target’s tongue turns into a toad, making speech impossible.

-         The target’s hands turn into large flippers.

-         The target’s head turns upside down. This makes all actions difficult as everything is “upside down” and speech and eating impossible as the mouth no longer connects to the torso.

-         The target’s hair turns into serpents. Watch others scream medusa and run or fight.

-         The target’s eyes enlarge and spread over the face, potentially causing suffocation.

-         The target’s hair turns to room temperature ice or fire. Ice will make headgear difficult to wear and fire produces enough light to draw attention.

-         The target’s skin gains the appearance of dry kindling.