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Expo, Couple of Player Guides, and Least I Could Do


So it has come and gone. The 2015 Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo is now officially history.

I won’t go into it, but this year was a disappointment. Sure, I got hundreds of photos, and got my picture with six celebrities, but nothing can top the 2014 expo for me. Anyone who has been following my blog knows that year nearly the entire cast of Aliens showed up for the expo.

That was the pinnacle of the expo for me. Nothing can top that.

This year due to their draconic and un-relenting rules for cosplay, it was pretty much ruined. I won’t bother ranting about it, because when it comes right down to it, what’s the point?

And on top of it, no real good memories either, not like the previous years.

So onto more important topics.

I have finished the last of the entries from my harvesting book. All the critters from my Creatures of the Tropical Wastes are completed and the only material I need to work on are the extra rules.

It means my goal of completing this new book by the end of the month is more than likely going to be achieved.

After that, finish up several of the nearly complete Wisdom from the Wastelands issues and then I will get to work on the long delayed powered armor, vehicles and robot books.

As usual, the latest chapter in my epic SF novel has been posted. Buck Who, chapter 13 is up and ready for your viewing pleasure.

New Mutant Monday has also been posted, and this time it’s a nasty little creature, the Predisquirrel. Cute name, but he’ll chew your face off! I have two more in the pipe and ready for posting, so expect number six tomorrow.

I had stated in previous blogs all the creatures I will be posting in the foreseeable future are based on the fauna from the Pacific Northwest. I don’t know if I’ll be writing up any mutant plants, but we shall see.

That reminds me, I need to put together the index before too long! I can’t let it get out of hand, the way my other free mutant project did.

This week also saw the latest top five list. I covered my top five favorite John Carpenter movies. So far quite a few people agree with the top three, although I have heard a few grumbles regarding some of the movies that did not make it to the list.

I decided to have a bit of a Jonathan Maberry spree this week. I finished his latest Joe Ledger novel: Predator One. Quite the terrifying look at what could happen if the automated systems of the various drones and other computer driven systems. Poor Joe gets the ever-living shit beat out of him, yet again, and those closest to him are in some of the worst peril they’ve ever faced.

And I finished his short-story compilation, Strange Worlds. Five short stories, all of them touching on different times and genres. I would be very interested in more from the very first story, one dealing with a Vampire, who wants to see true, unbridled martial arts combat. I also got a real kick out of the prequel short story for Plan 9 From Outer Space. That made me laugh several times.

As usual, I also picked up another Pathfinder Companion. This was the Bastards of Golarion. It covers the various half-breeds such as Half-Elves, Orcs and others that are playable races. There are several new sub-varieties for both Half-Elf and Orcs presented, a couple of cities, as well as several new character templates, for lack of a better word. It also covers other types of half-breeds.

Out of the majority of the books I have picked up over the past few months, I found this had the most real potential use in a game. Call me biased, but I have enjoyed half-bloods like these, especially Tieflings, for a long time and since I enjoy a really good RPG session, I would love to play some of the character types presented.

And I also found another book, which caught my interest. This is the Demon Hunter’s Handbook. Like many of the Player Companions I have purchased and reviewed, this deals with combating the evil creatures from the lower planes. It has all the usual crunch, such as traits, feats, equipment and Magic. It does cover on other topics, such as cutting deals with these fiends, evil demon-hunters, demon hunting organizations, and the campaign setting for the World Wound.

It has the usual interesting ideas, which can easily be used in any campaign setting in which Demons are a serious menace.

Finally I would like to introduce my readers to an online comic I have been following for many years. I actually started to read it way back in the first year and it has been part of my morning ritual now for a long, long time.

It is called ‘Least I could Do’ and it’s produced by Blind Ferret entertainment. It’s not your father’s comic in any shape or form. The main character, Rayne, is a complete ass at times, and loves to have sex with pretty much any girl he can get his hands on.

It is genuinely funny, and I have met the creators Ryan Sohmer and Lar Desouza several times over the past years. Lar is the artist and he is a very amicable man and has a wonderful sense of humor and I’ve never been disappointed by his antics.

Hell, as you can see by the image I chose for this blog, he doesn’t take himself seriously.  His costume is 'Sailor Bacon'. Gotta love this big galloot!

Go check out their comics, and if you want fun fantasy, read the ‘Looking For Group’ comic. Perfect for those of you who happen to be fans of ‘World of Warcraft’.

And that is it for this week.

As always, please like my author page on Facebook, and after a year solid, I finally happen to have gained 26 new followers on Twitter since I posted my blog last week.


Which means I am now posting a lot more often on Twitter. So, please follow me on this form of social media!

Until next week, peace!