‘At the Shrine of Othrys’ Bonus Content

‘At the Shrine of Othrys’ Bonus Content

This page is dedicated to D&D 5E bonus content for Skirmisher Publishing’s “At the Shrine of Othrys” campaign-length adventure for 5E in particular and its Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting in general. This material can also easily be used in conjunction with other fantasy role-playing settings, especially ones inspired by the history, myths, and legends of the Aegean. Be sure also to check out “At the Shrine of Othrys (A Campaign Report,” a fully-illustrated swords-and-sorcery fantasy fiction novella that follows an adventuring party as it explores the title area.

~ D&D 5E Content ~

Thanecros, Unique Paragon Dust Mephit (D&D 5E Monster) — Thanecros is a unique creature of elemental Earth and Negative Energy that looks like a small Gargoyle and which attempts to dominate whatever crypt he occupies.

Hellios, Unique Paragon Radiance Mephit (D&D 5E Monster) — Hellios is a deranged creature of elemental Fire and Positive Energy who looks like a brightly incandescent winged humanoid and believes that he is descended from the God of the Sun.

Unkeyed Dungeon Map — This is an unkeyed version of the keyed dungeon map that appears in “At the Shrine of Othrys.”

Cynocephalian (D&D 5E Race) — One of the Pregenerated Characters that will appear in the adventure, the Sorcerer Lyco, is a member of this dog-headed race of people.

Myrmidon (D&D 5E Race) — One of the Pregenerated Characters that will appear in the adventure, the Fighter Myrmex, is a member of this race of insectoid Humanoids. A number of other Myrmidons also turn up in the adventure …

Olympian (D&D 5E Race) — One of the Pregenerated Characters that will appear in the adventure, the Cleric Angelia, can trace her lineage back many generations to Zeus, king of the Olympian pantheon.

Variant Size Giant Scorpions (D&D 5E Monster) — Oversized scorpions are especially common in areas that are warm, particularly in sites with active volcanoes or other geological activity, and are almost omnipresent in subterranean places.

Illustration by Bob Greyvenstein and © Grim Press. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

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Thanecros, Unique Paragon Dust Mephit

Thanecros, Unique Paragon Dust Mephit