'A Rose for Erato (A Fantasy Scenario for TSRPG)' Released by Skirmisher Publishing!

'A Rose for Erato (A Fantasy Scenario for TSRPG)' Released by Skirmisher Publishing!

Happy Valentine's Day! We have released a very special roleplaying adventure in honor of this holiday about a quest on behalf of the Muse of Romantic Poetry that includes all of the rules needed to play it. 

“A Rose for Erato” is a fun and engaging fantasy adventure inspired by ancient Greek myth and legend that uses our bestselling TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG) rules and which includes a compelling story filled with intriguing challenges; two regional maps; and four pregenerated characters with custom tokens and illustrations.

"A Rose for Erato" is available by itself for just $1.99 and in a number of thematic discounted bundles, including a 66% off Fantasy Settings Bundle; a 60% off TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG) Bundle; and a 90% off EVERYTHING Bundle of all our currently-available titles. 

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