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'100 Oddities for an Alchemy Lab' Released by Skirmisher!

Skirmisher Publishing is excited to announce its release of “100 Oddities for an Alchemy Lab,” the latest entry in the popular and bestselling “100 Oddities” series of system-free sourcebooks dedicated to helping create compelling stories and make encounter areas more fun and exciting! This illustrated universal sourcebook includes an annotated collection of 100 Oddities, a detailed list of d100 Alchemical Substances, and a menu of d20 Improbable Potables that storytellers can draw upon anytime they need an exotic beverage. 

“100 Oddities for an Alchemy Lab” is available at DriveThruRPG by itself for just $2.99 and in a number thematic discounted Bundles, including a 78% off Recent Releases Bundle of our two-dozen newest publications; a 57% off 19 Times as Odd, (Less Than) Half the Price '100 Oddities Bundle of all currently-available titles in the line; a 64% off Wizarding Ways Bundle of sorcerous sourcebooks; and a very special 90% off Everything Bundle of all our currently-available publications. And all these bundles cost even less if you already own any of the titles in them!       

“100 Oddities for an Alchemy Lab” is inspired by some of the most iconic and enigmatic sorts of characters in fantasy fiction, and is intended to aid gamemasters in creating unique and interesting workplaces for them and other spellcasters with a penchant for potions, esoteric substances, and transformations. 

Oddities in general are intended to fascinate and engage players and prompt them to ask questions like, “Why is this thing here?”, “What is that for?”, or “Who would do something like this?” They are intended to aid creativity, to turn possibly bland areas or encounters into something more, and to take a storyteller’s imagination in directions it might not have otherwise gone. Those that appear in this book in particular are designed to help storytellers make the alchemical laboratories in their scenarios as memorable as those that have appeared in innumerable role-playing game scenarios, fantasy and horror stories, and works of art from the Middle Ages through the present.

A doorway, a workbench, or a book might appear to be just the common and unexceptional trappings of an alchemical laboratory. But when the doorway is engraved with alchemical symbols and cryptic phrases, the workbench has spread upon it neglected tools unrelated to the main purpose of the place, and the cover of the book does not match its contents, each of these things becomes worthy of investigation in its own right.