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Skirmisher to Release 'Swords of Kos' Fiction Line at Comicpalooza

Skirmisher Publishing LLC has announced that it will be releasing the first ttitle in its new swords-and-sorcery fiction line at the Comicpalooza 2012 fan convention, being held Memorial Day Weekend, May 25-27, in Houston.

Swords of Kos: Necropolis is a swords-and-sorcery novel set on the Aegean island of Kos. This story follows the adventures of Paros, a streetwise rogue with a penchant for alchemy, Parthenia, a savage female Elf barbarian, and Selene, a priestess of the outlawed Titan moon goddess, as they brave the hazards of a long-abandoned cemetery and the catacombs that lie beneath it. Dangerous though the hazards and supernatural guardians of this place are, an even greater threat might be the Necropolis itself ...

This book is the first entry in Skirmisher Publishing LLC’s new “Swords of Kos” line of fantasy fiction and is associated with the official campaign setting the company uses to playtest its licensed roleplaying game sourcebooks.

“We are doing a lot of fun things with this series and think fans of fantasy literature in general and gamers in partricular are going to respond really well to it,” said Skirmisher publisher Michael O. Varhola and the author of Necropolis, his 11th book. “It is classic low fantasy swords-and-sorcery, in the tradition of Fritz Lieber's 'Fafhrd and Gray Mouser' books -- and the series title, in fact is a tribute to them. But it is also fresh and new in all sorts of ways."

Skirmisher will be celebrating its 10th anniversary at Comicpalooza and that is part of its motivation for making a number of significant announcements and releases at the convention. Among other things, the company will be running more events than it has at any previous convention, throwing a party for its friends and fans, and giving away at least $3,000 worth of its products.

For more information about Skirmisher in general, the "Swords of Kos" fiction line, or the company's presence at Comicpalooza, post a comment to this message or emailwebmaster@skirmisher.com.