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Starfinder: T-600 Infiltration Terminator


The first 'Infiltration' Terminator created by Skynet in its war against the resistance.

A more advanced and powerful version of the standard Sectoid clone, the commander is more durable and able to withstand the punishment often meted out during combat.

Physically they are almost identical to the regular Sectoids, although their craniums are somewhat larget, and their eyes glow a hellish red.

The Commanders are exactly as they sound – commanders. They are always found with the regular Sectoids (1d4 per Commander), and tend to lead from the rear, directing their charges. They also possess a powerful set of psionic abilities to use against enemy targets, giving them a distinctive edge in combat.

If that was not bad enough, they are also able to temporarily take control of the enemy combatant’s minds, turning the fighters on their own, forcing them to attack their friends and comrades.

Like regular Sectoids, the Commanders are fully capable of using armor and other light weapons, but typically do not bother.

These Commanders are more cowardly, and always take advantage of cover, making sure that they send in the light infantry first, or make sure more advanced and powerful units ‘soften’ up the enemy forces before advancing.

X-Com index

Starfinder Creature Index

Chris Van Deelen is the creator and contributor to over half of the Wisdom from the Wastelands series, contributor to the Swords of Kos: Hekaton anthology, and the recently released 'Swords of Kos: The Rite'. He also wrote Creatures of the Tropical Wastelands, and 100 Oddities found in a Car. As prolific as he is, Chris Van Deelen continues to write and produce material which will be in publication soon. Not only is he a prolific content creator, he also has a wide selection of fiction and stories! If you like his work, please follow his personal author page on Facebook and on Twitter to keep up with his latest news and game content.

Sectoid Commander Spellcaster CR 3 XP 800

Lawful evil small humanoid (Sectoid)

Init +4; Senses: Low-light 60 ft.; Perception + 13


Defense                                                             HP 32

EAC: 17; KAC: 19

Fort: +2; Ref: +2; Will: +10



Speed: 20 ft.

Ranged: Sectoid Plasma Pistol Ver. 2 +7 (1d6+3 E&F)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Induce panic, mind control, mind fray, suppression



Str +0; Dex +4; Con +1; Int +2; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Acrobatics +13, stealth +8

Feats: Iron will, mobility, shot on the run

Other Abilities: Greater mind link

Languages: Telepathy



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, pairs, small groups (1d4+2)


Special Abilities

Greater Mind Link (Su): As a standard action, a Sectoid Commander can link its mind to any other Sectoid within 100 ft. The difference is they can link up to 3 Sectoids, as long as they are within 20 feet of one another. As a result, the linked Sectoid gains +2 to hit, 6 additional hit points, and acts as if is under the haste spell. This lasts for 1 minute or until the original linker is killed. Unlike regular Mind Link, if the target is killed, the Sectoid Commander does not suffer any backlash, other than is shaken for a single round. It can use this ability twice per day.

Induce Panic (Su): The Sectoid Commander is fully capable of inducing panic in any target it has line of sight on. As a standard action, the Sectoid commander forces feelings of panic and dread on the target. A will save (DC 15) will negate the effects. The target is allowed a saving throw every round afterwards to negate the effects. While panicked, the target must roll on the following table to see what it will do. The Sectoid Commander can use this once per day.


Induce Panic Table





Run away

The victim drops whatever they are holding and runs away from the Commander at their best maximum movement rate.



The target kneels on the ground, cowering in fear, incapable of doing anything else.


Fire on nearest target

In a panicked state, the target fires on the closest target (friend or foe), but suffers a -2 to hit.


Fire on nearest foe

In a panicked state, the target fires on the closest enemy combatant, but suffers a -2 to hit.



Still somewhat under control, the target is staggered for this round.



The target freezes in place, incapable of taking any action at all.


Mind Control (Su): By making a full round action, the Sectoid Commander forces a single enemy combatant to make a Will Save (DC 15). If it fails, the target is fully controlled by the Sectoid Commander. The target is then forced to perform any action the Sectoid Commander deems fit – including using special abilities against the targets team-mates. This lasts for 1d4+2 rounds, and only ends if the Sectoid Commander wills it, or is killed. It can be used only once per day.

Mind Fray (Su): As a standard action, the Sectoid commander can target a single enemy combatant. The target is allowed a Will save (DC 15). If the save fails, the target suffers 2d4+3 points of electrical damage and furthermore shaken for 1d4 rounds. The Sectoid commander can use this ability every 3rd round.

Suppression (Ex): As a full round action, the creature can designate a single target. It can fire at the target, which is required to make a Will save (DC 12) or become shaken for a single round. The save is only required if the target is hit by the shot. The creature can use this ability every round.

Telepathy (Su): All members of the Sectoid clone race are capable of telepathy. They can use this with one another, and it can link up to 6 Sectoids at a time, and the range is line of sight.


Sectoid Subtype Graft

This subtype is applied to the cloned aliens known as Sectoids.

                Traits: Low light vision 60 ft., +2 to will, suppression, and telepathy.

Sectoid Plasma Pistols table Small Arm











Plasma Pistol Ver. 1



1d4 E&F

60 ft.






Plasma Pistol Ver. 2



1d6 E&F

60 ft.






Plasma Pistol Ver. 3



2d4 E&F

60 ft.

Burn 1d4





Plasma Pistol Ver. 4



2d6 E&F

60 ft.

Burn 2d4





Plasma Pistol Ver. 5



4d6 E&F

90 ft.

Burn 3d4





Plasma Pistol Ver. 6



3d12 E&F

90 ft.

Burn 4d4





Plasma Pistol Ver. 7



5d10 E&F

120 ft.

Burn 5d4







This index will contain all the Aliens, races, weapons, armor, and vehicles I convert for use in Starfinder.

Sectoid Spellcaster CR 1 XP 400

Lawful evil small humanoid (Sectoid)

Init +4; Senses: Low-light 60 ft.; Perception +10


Defense                                                             HP 16

EAC: 14; KAC: 15 

Fort: +1; Ref: +1; Will: +6



Speed: 20 ft.

Ranged: Sectoid Plasma Pistol Ver. 1.0 +4 (1d4+1 E&F)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Suppression



Str +0; Dex +4; Con +1; Int +2; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Acrobatics +10, stealth +5

Feats: Mobility, shot on the run

Other Abilities: Mind Link

Languages: Telepathy



Environment: Any

Organization: Small groups (1d4), medium groups (2d4+2)


Special Abilities

Mind Link (Su): As a standard action, a Sectoid can link its mind to any other Sectoid within 100 ft. As a result, the linked Sectoid gains +2 to hit, 6 additional hit points, and acts as if is under the haste spell. This lasts for 1 minute or until the original linker is killed. If either is killed, the other must immediately make a Fort save (DC 20) or die instantly. The Sectoid can use this once per day.

Suppression (Ex): As a full round action, the creature can designate a single target. It can fire at the target, which is required to make a Will save (DC 12) or become shaken for a single round. The save is only required if the target is hit by the shot. The creature can use this ability every round.

Telepathy (Su): All members of the Sectoid clone race are capable of telepathy. They can use this with one another, and it can link up to 6 Sectoids at a time, and the range is line of sight.


Sectoid Subtype Graft

This subtype is applied to the cloned aliens known as Sectoids.

                Traits: Low light vision 60 ft., +2 to will, suppression, and telepathy.

Hunter Killer Javelin Combatant  CR 12 XP 19,200

Neutral large construct

Init +8; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision 60 ft.; Perception +22


Defense                                                             HP 200

EAC: 26; KAC: 28

Fort: +14; Ref: +12; Will: +9

Defensive Abilities: Hyper-alloy combat chassis; Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 60 ft.

Melee: Bash +23 (6d6+21 B Crit knockdown)

Ranged: One autocannon +26 (6d8+12 P) or Two Autocannons +22 (6d8+12 P) range 100 ft.

Space: 15 ft., Reach: 15 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Missile launch, trample 6d4+21



Str +9; Dex +8; Con -; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +27,

Feats: Deadly aim, nimble moves, shot on the run

Languages: None



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary or pairs


Special Abilities

Hyper-Alloy combat chassis (Ex): The skeletal structure of the HK Javelin is constructed of a special alloy, making it very strong and resistant to damage. As a result, the unit gains a DR equal to its CR against all physical attacks. Furthermore, the unit gains a +2 to all Fort saves.

Missile launch (Ex): As a standard action, the Javelin can launch a high-explosive missile. This has a range of 1500 feet within line of sight, and no to-hit roll is required. It will detonate on the chosen location, exploding in a 30 ft. radius, causing 9d8 damage plasma damage. A Reflex save DC 19 indicates half damage. The Javelin can carry 8 of these missiles.

Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, the unit can move up to twice its speed and literally run over any opponents at least one size category smaller than itself. The HK Javelin merely has to move over the opponents in its path. The creature does not need to make an attack roll; each creature whose space it moves through takes damage. A target of a trample can make a REF save (DC 19) for half damage. If it attempts the save, it can’t make an attack of opportunity against the trampling HK Javelin due to the creature’s movement. The HK Javelin can deal trample damage to a given target only once per round.


T-S Seeker Combatant CR ½  XP 200

Neutral tiny construct

Init +6; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision 60 ft.; Perception +4


Defense                                                             HP 13

EAC: 12; KAC: 14

Fort: +0; Ref: +0; Will: -2

Immunities: construct, unliving

Weakness:  Cascade effect



Speed: 30 ft. Fly

Ranged: Plasma burst +7 (1d4 E & F)

Space: 2.5 ft., Reach: 2.5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Explode



Str +0; Dex +6; Con -; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +9, stealth +4

Languages: None



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, small swarm (2d4), medium swarm (4d6), large swarm (6d8), massive swarm (3d4x10)


Special Abilities

Cascade Effect (Ex): Once the T-S Seeker takes enough damage to be destroyed, it will automatically detonate, inflicting the damage listed under explosive.

Explosive (Ex): The T-S is programmed to explode if it comes into contact with more than 3 resistance fighters. It will attempt to ‘sneak’ up unseen, and once it is in the area of effect, it will detonate. The T-S seeker has an explosive radius of 20 ft., and inflicts 2d6+4 Plasma damage. The unit is destroyed in the process.


Piru Spellcaster CR 11 XP 12,800

Chaotic evil medium outsider

Init +8; Senses: Blindsense (alcohol, drugs, rich food) 250 ft., Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +25


Defense                                                             HP 155

EAC: 23; KAC: 24

Fort: +10; Ref: +10; Will: +18

Defensive Abilities: insubstantial, invisible; Immunities: Physical attacks



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: touch +20 (2d10+14 C & special)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.



Str +3; Dex +8; Con +0; Int +3; Wis +2; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +20, mysticism +20, stealth +25

Feats: Iron will

Other Abilities: Bestow curse

Languages: Common, abyssal, infernal



Environment: Any urban or suburban (including space stations)

Organization: Solitary


Special Abilities

Bestow Curse (Su): As a full round action, the Piru can bestow a curse upon a single target. It can also do this upon its death, automatically targeting whoever killed it. The victim is allowed a Will save (DC 20). If the save succeeds, then nothing untoward happens. If it fails, the GM will secretly roll on the following charts to see when the curse occurs, and what are the actual effects of the curse.  The Piru can also use this upon anyone who it deems has insulted it or refused to give a suitable ‘offering’. The creature can use this ability three times per day.


Bestow Curse Table





Personal injury or illness

The targeted victim will suffer physical harm. It could very well kill them! It is up to the GM to decide if the illness is caused by a disease or poison.


Injury to patron or friend or illness

Someone close to the victim, or a patron of the establishment will suffer physical harm. It could very well kill them! It is up to the GM to decide if the illness is caused by a disease or poison.


Property damage

The property, or an item will either be damaged or destroyed.



The target of the curse will be killed one way or another.


Curse Intensity Table



Damage or effect


Piru is only somewhat annoyed, ignore the death effect on the table above and reroll.

1d4 points of damage per level of target. Item must save or be considered damaged. If illness is indicated, then the target is allowed an unmodified saving throw.


Something has really aggravated the Piru, and the retaliation is a lot worse.

2d6 points of damage per level of target. Item must save with a -2 to the roll or be considered damaged. If it fails by 5 or more, it is destroyed. If illness is indicated, then the DC of the disease is increased by +2.


The Piru wants the target dead.

Death, or destruction of item or property. Item is allowed a saving throw with a -4 to the roll or is destroyed. Even if the save succeeds, the item is still damaged. If illness is indicated, then the DC of the disease is increased by +4, or the poison or disease is magical in nature, such as mummy rot.


Time until Curse takes effect


Length of time




6d10 minutes


4d6 hours


1d4 days


1d6 weeks


When it comes down to it, the GM should use their imagination when it comes to determining what actually happens. When it comes to taking actual damage the GM should turn it into a story. For example, character is just walking along and ends up getting hit from falling debris near a construction site, or is in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets hit by stray rounds from a gunfight, or gets hit by a run-away vehicle. Think Final Destination. When it comes to disease or poison, maybe the character was unwittingly exposed to something. Again it is up to the GM to use their imagination!


S.H.C. Victim Spellcaster CR 5 XP 1,600

Chaotic evil medium undead

Init +9; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15


Defense                                                             HP 60

EAC: 16; KAC: 17

Fort: +4; Ref: +4; Will: +10

Defensive abilities: Flame aura; Immunities: Fire, undead immunities, unliving

Weakness: Vulnerability to cold



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: One fist +10 (1d4+8 F, Crit burn 1d6) or two fists +6 (1d4+8 F Crit burn 1d6)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Fire wielder



Str +2; Dex +5; Con -; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +3

Skills: Athletics +15, intimidate +10

Feats: improved initiative

Languages: Common (cannot speak)



Environment: Any except cold locations

Organization: Solitary


Special Abilities

Fire Wielder (Su): Once per round as a standard action (unless otherwise noted), the creature can use one of several types of fire-based attacks. It can choose to shoot a series of small, independently targeting balls of flame. They act like magic missiles and have a maximum range of 50 ft. The creature fires off 1d6 balls (randomly rolled each time), and they will automatically hit, inflicting 1d4 points of fire damage. Once every 4 rounds the creature can also use a single fireball. This is a full round action and it has a burst radius of 20 feet. The maximum range is 50 feet from the creature and it inflicts 4d6+5 points of damage. A reflex save (DC 15) halves the damage. Another attack he creature possesses is that it can also create a cone of fire once every two rounds. This has a 10 foot width, and a range of 30 feet. The damage inflicted is 2d6+5 and anything caught in the radius is allowed a reflex save (DC 15) for half damage. Finally it can choose to use the attacks against weapons or armor, or even attempt to start objects or locations on fire. If it is an item, the item is allowed a saving throw, and if it fails, the item takes 2d6+5 damage and is now burning, and will take the same damage every round. Each round it is allowed another save, and if it succeeds, then the fire is snuffed out. Locations with flammable material are automatically burning, and will continue to burn, spreading by 5 feet per round in a random direction.

Heat Aura (Su): There is an aura of intense head surrounding these creatures. Anything coming within 5 feet will automatically suffer 1d6 points of flame damage per round.

Vulnerable to cold (Ex): The creature takes double damage from all cold-based attacks, and also suffers a -4 to any saving throw involving cold-based saving throws.



Type disease; Save Fort DC 12

Track Physical; Frequency 1/day

Effect When the victim is infected, nothing seems amiss. The disease will progress as normally through all the tracks, but the victim will not feel the actual effects of each stage of the disease. Once the track hits dead, the victim will feel warm for about 30 seconds, and then the heat will become excruciating. Flames will appear on the exterior of the victim, and in moments any clothing and other items will be burned to ash. For 1d4 rounds the victim will burn, screaming in unholy agony, until the disease has finished converting. It then becomes a S.H.C victim, which has only one purpose – to spread the flames. Only humanoids can contract this disease, and no one has been able to figure out the actual vector, although there are those who are certain it is actually a magical curse.

Cure 2 consecutive saves.

Phase Rat Combatant CR ½ XP 200

Neutral small magical beast

Init +3; Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision 60 ft., vibration sense 120 ft.; Perception +4


Defense                                                             HP 13

EAC: 10; KAC: 12

Fort: +4; Ref: +4; Will: +0



Speed: 20 ft.

Melee: Bite +7 (1d6+1 P), or claw +7 (1d4+1 S)

Space: 2.5 ft., Reach: 2.5ft.

Offensive Abilities: Phase



Str +1; Dex +3; Con +2; Int -4; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +4, stealth +9

Feats: mobility, spring attack

Languages: None



Environment: Any except vacuum

Organization: Single, small packs (1d4+1), large packs (3d4+4)


Special Abilities

Phase (Su): As a standard action, the Phase rat is able to become insubstantial and it can move into the surrounding terrain. It can move through any type of material, even metal, although it cannot use this ability to pass through energy fields. It is fully able to move while hidden, and cannot be detected (except through vibration sense, or life-sense). The creature will eventually breach the surface, and typically in the same square as an enemy. The enemy is allowed a perception check vs. the creature’s stealth. If it fails, the target is considered to be flat-footed.


Phase Rat, glowing Combatant CR 2 XP 600

Neutral small magical beast

Init +4; Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision 60 ft., vibration sense 120 ft.; Perception +7


Defense                                                             HP 25

EAC: 13; KAC: 15

Fort: +6; Ref: +6; Will: +1

Immunities: Radiation



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: Bite +11 (1d6+4 P), or claw +11 (1d4+4 S)

Space: 2.5 ft., Reach: 2.5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Phase, radiation field



Str +2; Dex +4; Con +1; Int -4; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +7, stealth +12

Feats: mobility, side step, spring attack, step-up

Other Abilities: Glow

Languages: None



Environment: Any except vacuum

Organization: Solitary or small groups (1d4+1)


Special Abilities

Glow (Ex): Because of the radiation emanating from the creature. This produces dim illumination for up to 30 feet around the creature. It also causes the creature to suffer a -4 to its stealth roll, although this does not matter when the creature is moving through solid matter.

Phase (Su): As a standard action, the Phase rat is able to become insubstantial and it can move into the surrounding terrain. It can move through any type of material, even metal, although it cannot use this ability to pass through energy fields. It is fully able to move while hidden, and cannot be detected (except through vibration sense, or life-sense). The creature will eventually breach the surface, and typically in the same square as an enemy. The enemy is allowed a perception check vs. the creature’s stealth. If it fails, the target is considered to be flat-footed.

Radiation Field (Ex): The Glowing Phase Rat generates a field of low radiation. This covers only the square it is in, but anyone physically attacking the creature must make a fort save (DC 13), or contract radiation sickness.


Phase Rat, Brood Alpha Type CR 4 XP 1,200

Neutral medium magical beast

Init +5; Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision 60 ft., vibration sense 120 ft.; Perception +10


Defense                                                             HP 50

EAC: 16; KAC: 18

Fort: +8; Ref: +8; Will: +3

Defensive Abilities: Defensive phase; Immunities: Disease, poison



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: Bite +13 (1d6+7 P Crit disease), or claw +13 (1d4+7 S Crit disease)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Phase



Str +3; Dex +5; Con +1; Int -4; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +10, stealth +15

Feats: mobility, spring attack, step-up, step-up and strike

Other Abilities: Disease

Languages: None



Environment: Any except vacuum

Organization: Solitary


Special Abilities

Defensive Phase (Su): The creature can choose, as a standard action, to become insubstantial. While it is in this state, it becomes immune to all physical attacks, although it still suffers regular damage from energy weapons. While in this state, the creature cannot use its natural attacks, and often uses this ability as a purely defensive measure. It is a swift action to turn off this ability.

Diseased (Ex): Whenever they bite a target, there is a flat 20% chance the target will become infected by Bubonic plague. This will become 100% if the creature succeeds with a critical hit with the bite or claw.

Phase (Su): As a standard action, the Phase rat is able to become insubstantial and it can move into the surrounding terrain. It can move through any type of material, even metal, although it cannot use this ability to pass through energy fields. It is fully able to move while hidden, and cannot be detected (except through vibration sense, or life-sense). The creature will eventually breach the surface, and typically in the same square as an enemy. The enemy is allowed a perception check vs. the creature’s stealth. If it fails, the target is considered to be flat-footed.


Transit Hunter Expert CR 4 XP 1,200

Chaotic evil medium monstrous humanoid

Init +5; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10


Defense                                                             HP 45

EAC: 16; KAC: 17 (or by armor type)

Fort: +3; Ref: +5; Will: +11

Defensive Abilities: local appearance

Weakness: Alcohol vulnerability



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: combat knife +10 (1d4+5 S Crit bleed 1d4)

Ranged: tactical rotating pistol +8 (2d4+4 P)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: sleep toxin



Str +1; Dex +5; Con +0; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +3

Skills: Athletics +10, bluff +18, diplomacy +15, disguise +35, sense motive +15, stealth +10

Feats: Fast talk, iron will, skill focus (bluff)

Other Abilities: Gentle feeding, reproduction

Languages: Common



Environment: Any urban, or any transport

Organization: Solitary


Special Abilities

Alcohol Vulnerability (Ex): Alcohol of any type is toxic to the Transit Hunter. The very smell of it repulses them, and they will leave anyone who has imbued in the drink alone. If they actually ingest it, or the blood of someone who has been drinking, they will die. If ingested directly, it is an instantaneous death, if they drink the blood of someone who has been drinking; they must make a Fort save (DC 20) or die instantly. Even if they succeed in the save, they are considered staggered and will lose 2d6 hit points per round for 3d4 rounds, which could still kill them outright. Finally if alcohol touches their flesh, they must make a fort save (DC 20), or become paralyzed for 1d6 rounds.

Gentle Feeding (Su): Using their tentacles, the transit hunters are able to feed off their sleeping victims without causing them harm. The same toxin that puts the victim to sleep acts as an anesthetic, and will dull the pain the attack inflicts. Each minute the creature remains in physical contact with their target, they suck the blood from the body through the tentacle. This causes 1d6 points of Constitution damage, and once the victim reaches zero constitution, they die from blood loss. If the feeding is interrupted, the lost Constitution will return at the regular daily rate.

Local Appearance (Su): All transit hunters possess the ability to look exactly like the most common type of creature to use such conveyances. They are able to take this form and can remain in such a state until they feed or need to reproduce. When in this form, they are virtually indistinguishable from other creatures or humanoids, and as such they gain a +20 to their disguise checks.

Reproduction (Ex): The creature can choose to implant a host with an egg. The victim is allowed a fort save (DC 15). If it succeeds, the egg is killed by the host’s natural immune system. Otherwise it will quickly grow into a larva, which takes 4d6 hours. Once it hatches, the larva will then begin to feed. As it feeds, the larva exudes the same anesthetic, which shuts down the pain receptors. Each hour the victim will lose 1d6 points of Constitution. Once the victim reaches zero, it dies and the larva takes over the body. Over 3d10 days, the body will gradually transform until it has the exact appearance of the transit hunter species.

Sleep Toxin (Su): The tentacles of the transit hunters are coated with a special toxin. Just touching someone with the tentacle will cause the victim to make a fort save (DC 15) or fall into a deep slumber. This will last for 2d4 hours, and the victim can be awakened through pain, such as taking damage, but otherwise they will stay asleep.


C.H.A.S. Combatant CR 10 XP 9,600

Neutral medium construct

Init +9; Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision 240 ft.; Perception +24


Defense                                                             HP 200

EAC: 20; KAC: 23

Fort: +10; Ref: +10; Will: +7

Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 40 ft., 80 ft. (flying, limited)

Melee: 1 or 2 punches +20 or +16 (2d8+18 B) or 1 kick +20 (2d12+18 B Crit knockdown) or by melee weapon +20 (+18 damage)

Ranged: 1 or 2 machine gun bursts +23 or +19 (3d8+10) or by variant (see chart below)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Any weapon



Str +8; Dex +5; Con -; Int +3; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Acrobatics +19, athletics +19, piloting +19

Feats: Blind fight, bodyguard, cleave, improved initiative

Other Abilities: Jump Jets

Languages: Common



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, pairs, trios, or squads (3d4+4)


Special Abilities

Any Weapon (Ex): The CHAS is fully capable of handling any type of weapon it encounters, including enemy weapons that are not often seen. As a result, the CHAS unit does not require the proficiency to use the weapon. This covers the entire range from swords, bows and other archaic weaponry, up to modern weapons, and even the various weapons on ships and other vehicles.

Jump Jets (Ex): The CHAS comes equipped with Jump Jets, which allow it limited flight capabilities. It can fire while using these jets, but suffers a -4 to all attack rolls. The unit can move up to 80 feet per round, and it has enough fuel to last for a maximum of 2 minutes. After the fuel has been depleted, it needs to be replaced before the unit can use this ability once again.


Loadout variation chart


To hit






Missile Launcher


6d8+10 B&P


100 ft.

5 missiles

Explosive range 30 ft. Save for half

Grenade Launcher


By grenade


60 ft.

10 grenades

Damage is always based on type of grenade used. Can carry different types of grenades, depending on mission parameters.





80 ft.

600 rounds

Fires 6 rounds per shot, can fire up to three times in a single round. Multiple shots suffer the usual -4 to hit.

Flame Thrower



 Burn 3d6

30 ft.


Based on the Ifrit class flamethrower, this is slightly less powerful but otherwise uses the same statistics.


Xeno-metamorphosis DNA Infection

Type: disease (physical contact) Save: Fortitude DC 17

Track: Physical Frequency: 1/hour

Effect: Any creature coming into contact with the contaminant must make an immediate save. If it fails, the creature is infected. The track progresses until it hits bedridden, at which point the DNA metamorphosis is complete and the infected creature changes into a fully developed Xenomorph Drone.

Cure: 3 consecutive saves

Cylon, human AKA ‘Skinjobs’ or ‘The 12’

Racial Traits

Created to be almost indistinguishable from regular humans, the Cylon humanoids take the physical appearance and mannerisms of their hated for.  They are so similar to regular humans, only a detailed scan on a biological level will be able to detect the slight chemical differences, which are a trademark of their synthetic creation.

Ability Adjustments: +2 to Str and Con, -2 to any attribute

Hit Points: 4

Size and Type: Cylon humanoids are medium size with the human subtype.

Computer Symbiosis: The way the Cylon human’s brains are constructed, they can physically ‘jack’ into computer systems, using the palms of their hands. This gives the Cylon humans a +4 to any computer checks they are attempting, as long as they are able to physically touch a computer with their bare hands. Even gloves will prevent this from occurring.

Predestined Profession: Having been created to infiltrate human society, each Cylon humanoid has been given a profession. This is chosen at creation and the Cylon automatically gains 1 rank in it every level without having to pay for it.

Resistant: Cylon’s are slightly more resistant to the effects of poisons, disease, gaining a +2 saving through when exposed to such hazards.

Resurrection: Whenever a Cylon humanoid is killed, a new body is resurrected at the nearest Cylon base-ship or colony. Depending on the distance between the place of death and the nearest body, the newly resurrected Cylon humanoid may lose hours, weeks or even longer of their memory. This can translate into lost experience and even levels and abilities, depending on how long it has been since the last memory upload.

Self-controlled Hallucinations: Due to the nature of their programming, Cylon Humans are fully capable of creating their own controlled hallucinations. As such, when they know something is about to occur, they are able to modify what they ‘see’ in order to either offset the effects, or enhance them to be more to their liking. As such, if given time and foreknowledge of what is about to take place, they will gain a +2 against all mind-affecting effects. This does require a standard action, however.

Skill Focus: Every Cylon humanoid specializes in a specific skill, and automatically gains this feat at first level. The skill must be chosen at that time.


Cylon Raider (Tier 2)

Tiny fighter

Speed 8; Maneuverability good (turn 1)

AC 21; TL 15

HP 35; DT n/a; CT 7

Shields None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)

Attack (Forward) linked light laser cannons (4d4), tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8) 5 missiles carried.

Power Core(s) Micron Light (50 PCU); Drift Engine None; Systems basic medium-range sensors, mk 5 armor, mk 1 trinode computer (tier 1)

Modifiers +1 any three checks per round, +2 Computers, +1 Piloting; Complement 3


Captain Computers +4 (2 ranks), gunnery +1, Intimidate +4 (4 ranks), Piloting +2 (1 rank)

Gunner gunnery +12

Pilot Computers +11 (2 rank), gunnery +7, Piloting +12 (2 ranks)

Colonial Viper Mk II (Tier 2)

Tiny fighter

Speed 10; Maneuverability good (turn 1)

AC 19; TL 18

HP 35; DT n/a; CT 7

Shields None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)

Attack (Forward) chain cannon (6d4), tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8) 8 Missiles carried.

Power Core(s) Micron Heavy (70 PCU); Drift Engine None; Systems advanced long-range sensors, mk 5 armor, mk 5 defences, mk 1 duonode computer (tier 1); Security anti-hacking systems mk 1 (DC +1), computer countermeasures (alarm, firewall)

Modifiers +1 any two checks per round, +4 Computers, +1 Piloting; Complement 1


Pilot Computers +11 (2 ranks), gunnery +7, Piloting +12 (2 ranks)

Special Abilities

Chaff and Flares – As a standard action, the pilot can choose to release a series of flares and flak. The ship carries only enough for 3 uses, at which time they need to be replenished. Using these will increase the fighters TL by 2.

Nimble – When making the Flip and burn maneuver, the DC is 15+1x the tier.

Turbo Burst – As a full round action, the pilot can initiate the Turbo engines on the fighter. When this takes place, the speed increases to 15, but manoeuvrability drops to poor. The ship can maintain this for a maximum of 5 rounds before the fuel reserves for this are drained and need to be replenished. 


Damascus Plasma Blade (Advanced melee weapon, one-handed Plasma)








DPB Mk 1



1d4 S or E&F

Bleed 1


Powered (capacity 20 use 1), operative

DPB Mk 2



1d6 S or E&F

Bleed 1d4


Powered (capaciPty 20 use 1), block, disarm, integrated, operative

DPB Mk 3



2d6 S or E&F

Bleed 1d6 or wound


Powered (capacity 40 use 1), block, disarm, integrated,  operative

DPB Mk 4



4d8 S or E&F

Bleed 2d6 or wound


Powered (capacity 40 use 1), block, disarm, integrated, operative

DPB Mk 5



5d10 S or E&F

Bleed 3d6 or wound


Powered (capacity 80 use 1), block, disarm, integrated, operative

DPB Mk 6



8d12 S or E&F

Bleed 5d6 or severe wound


Powered (capacity 80 use 1), block, disarm, integrated, operative

DPB Mk 7



12d12 S or E&F

Bleed 8d6 or severe wound


Powered (capacity 100 use 1), block, disarm, integrated,  operative


Advanced Cylon Centurion Combatant CR 8 XP 4,800

Neutral medium construct

Init +8; Senses: Low-light vision 60 ft.; Perception +16


Defense                                                             HP 125

EAC: 22; KAC: 24

Fort: +8; Ref: +8; Will: +5

Defensive Abilities: DR 8 /-; Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: Claw +17 (3d6+14 B Crit knockdown) or up to three claws +13 (same damage)

Ranged: Wrist-mounted machine guns +20 (5d8+10 F Crit wound)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Hatred, instill terror



Str +6; Dex +4; Con -; Int +2; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +16, intimidate +21 pilot +16

Feats: Cleave, coordinated shot, deadly aim (-2 to hit, +4 damage), improved initiative,

Other Abilities: Ballistic proficiency, wireless communication

Languages: Cylon, common



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, pairs, trio, squads (3d6+6)


Special Abilities

Ballistic Proficiency (Ex): When using their wrist-mounted machine guns, they gain +2 to damage, and any critical hit has the DC increased by +2.

Hatred (Ex): The Cylon robots have a built-in hatred for all biological creatures, and as such, they gain a +2 to hit, and +2 damage.

Instill terror (Ex): This model of cylon is intimidating to anyone seeing it. If the unit is engaged in combat, it can choose its current target and attempt to instil stark-raving terror on it. As a swift action, the Cylon is allowed an intimidate check. If the check succeeds, then the target is automatically shaken for 1 round. If the Cylon rolls a natural 20, then the effect will last for 1d4+1 rounds.

Wireless communication (Ex): All of the later model Cylons come with built-in communication gear, which allows them to keep in constant contact with all other Cylons in a 1000 mile radius. They are fully capable of using this link to call for reinforcements or for simple data transfer. This can be jammed, as it is a technological feature.


Cylon IL Series Expert CR 5 XP 1,600

Lawful Evil medium construct

Init +4; Senses: Low-light vision 60 ft.; Perception +16


Defense                                                             HP 65

EAC: 17; KAC: 18

Fort: +2; Ref: +2; Will: +8

Defensive abilities: Resistance 5 against acid, cold and electricity; Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: Assassin’s dagger +10 (1d8+5 S Crit bleed 1d6)

Ranged: Corona laser pistol +12 (2d4+5 F Crit burn 1d4)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Corrupt electronics, sneak attack



Str +0; Dex +4; Con -; Int +4; Wis +; Cha +2

Skills: Acrobatics +11, athletics +11, luff +16, diplomacy +16, computers +11, culture +11, sense motive +16, sleight of hand +11

Feats: Diversion, fast talk, improved initiative

Other Abilities: Call reinforcements, improved command bolster

Languages: Common, Cylon



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, pairs


Special Abilities

Call reinforcements (Ex): As a full round action, the IL can request reinforcements. 2d6 regular centurions and 1 commander will arrive within 1d6 rounds of this request being sent. The IL can use this ability once per day.  

Corrupt electronics (Ex): As a standard action, the IL series can send out special ‘virus data packets’ to any weapons or electronics it can see within 100 feet. The IL has to choose what item is being affected and the item is allowed a WILL save DC 15 (see page 409 of the core book) or the item shuts down for 1d4 rounds. If the item in question does not use any electronics, then it is immune to this effect.

Improved command bolster (Ex): Taking into account the ability the commander possesses, the IL series is able to use a very similar, but improved ability.  All centurions and commanders in range will gain a +3 to both EAC and KAC and have their movement increased by 10 ft. Also while under the influence of the command bolster, centurions gain the deadly aim feat.  This translates into a -2 to hit, but the affected units gain +6 damage (which will stack with hatred). Finally any units affected by this gain a +2 to all saving throws. This lasts for 1 minute and can be used once per hour, and can effect up to 12 centurions and 2 commanders at once. Also because the Commanders are typically more intelligent than the average Centurion, they will use tactics, taking control of the other centurions, making them use cover, suppressing fire, ensure they flank, concentrate fire on a single target and so forth.

Sneak Attack (Ex): As a free action, the IL is allowed a bluff check against a target, and if it succeeds, any attacks which hit automatically add an additional +5 damage, and the target must make a Will save DC  15 or be stunned for a single round.


Cylon Assault Laser Rifle (Long Arm)











ALR Ver. 1



1d8 F

70 ft.

Burn 1d4





ALR Ver. 2



1d10 F

100 ft.

Burn 2d4





ALR Ver. 3



5d4 F

100 ft.

Burn 3d4





ALR Ver. 4



5d6 F

125 ft.

Burn 4d4





ALR Ver. 5



10d6 F

150 ft.

Burn 6d4






Cylon Gladius Combat Blade (Basic melee weapon, one-handed)








Gladius 1



1d6 S or P

Bleed 1d4


Analog, block, disarm

Gladius 2



1d8 S or P

Bleed 1d6


Analog, block, disarm

Gladius 3



3d10 S or P

Bleed 3d6


Analog, block, disarm

Gladius 4



8d10 S or P

Bleed 8d6


Analog, block, disarm

Gladius 5



10d12 S or P

Bleed 10d6


Analog, block, disarm


Colonial Warrior ‘Blaster’ Pistol (One-handed Small Arm)











CW Blaster Mk 1



1d6 E&F

50 ft.





Breach, ignite

CW Blaster Mk 1



2d8 E&F

50 ft.

Burn 1d4




Breach, ignite

CW Blaster Mk 1



3d8 E&F

75 Ft.

Burn 2d4




Breach, ignite

CW Blaster Mk 1



5d8 E&F

75 ft.

Burn 3d4




Breach, ignite


Colonial Warrior Uniform (Light armor)






Max Dex

AC Penalty

Speed Adjust

Upgrade slots


CW FS Mk 1










CW FS Mk 2










CW FS Mk 3










CW FS Mk 4










CW FS Mk 5











Classic Cylon Centurion Commander Combatant CR 6 XP 2,400

Neutral medium construct

Init +7; Senses: Low-light vision 60 ft.; Perception +13


Defense                                                             HP 90

EAC: 18; KAC: 20

Fort: +6; Ref: +6; Will: +3

Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: Two gladius slashes +13 (1d8+12)

Ranged: Laser rifle +13 (2d6+8 F Crit burn 1d6)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Hatred



Str +6; Dex +3; Con -; Int +2; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +13, intimidate +18, pilot +18

Feats: Coordinated shot, bodyguard, improved initiative

Other Abilities: Call reinforcements, command bolster, laser proficiency

Languages: Common, Cylon



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary but always with a minimum of 6 centurions.


Special Abilities

Call reinforcements (Ex): As a full round action, the Commander can request reinforcements. 2d4 regular centurions will arrive within 1d6 rounds of this request being sent. The commander can use this ability once per hour, up to 4 times a day.  

Command bolster (Ex): The elite of the Cylon centurions, the Commander is able to rally all Cylon Centurions within 100 feet by issuing commands via an electronic link. This is a full round action, and when the Commander does so, all centurions in range will gain a +2 to both EAC and KAC and have their movement increased by 5 ft. Also while under the influence of the command bolster, centurions gain the deadly aim feat.  This translates into a -2 to hit, but the affected units gain +4 damage (which will stack with hatred). This lasts for 1 minute and can be used once per hour, and can effect up to 6 centurions at once. Also because the Commanders are typically more intelligent than the average Centurion, they will use tactics, taking control of the other centurions, making them use cover, suppressing fire, ensure they flank, concentrate fire on a single target and so forth.

Hatred (Ex): The Cylon robots have a built-in hatred for all biological creatures, and as such, they gain a +2 to hit, and +2 damage. 

Laser Proficiency (Ex): When using any type of laser weapon, they gain +2 to damage, and any critical hit has the DC increased by +2.


This is the main index for the handful of Battlestar Galactic (Classic and remake) I will be working on.

Classic Cylon Centurion Combatant CR 4 XP 1,200

Neutral medium construct

Init +3; Senses: Low-light vision 60 ft.; Perception +10


Defense                                                             HP 50

EAC: 16; KAC: 18

Fort: +4; Ref: +4; Will: +1

Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: Sword +12 (1d6+10 S or P Crit wound)

Ranged: Laser rifle +9 (2d4+6 F Crit burn 1d4)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Hatred



Str +6; Dex +3; Con -; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +10, pilot +15

Feats: Coordinated shot, bodyguard

Other Abilities: Laser proficiency

Languages: Common, Cylon,



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, trio, squads (3d6+6)


Special Abilities

Hatred (Ex): The Cylon robots have a built-in hatred for all biological creatures, and as such, they gain a +2 to hit, and +2 damage.  

Laser Proficiency (Ex): When using any type of laser weapon, they gain +2 to damage, and any critical hit has the DC increased by +2.


T-700 Combat Terminator Combatant CR 5 XP 1,600

Neutral medium construct

Init +2; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision 60 ft.; Perception +11


Defense                                                             HP 85

EAC: 18; KAC: 20

Fort: +9; Ref: +6; Will: +2

Defensive Abilities: Advanced hyper-Alloy combat chassis; Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 20 ft.

Melee: Three punches +11 (1d8+16 B Crit knockdown)

Ranged: Any firearm  +15 (damage +8)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Detailed anatomy files, will not stop



Str +8; Dex +2; Con -; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +11, intimidation +11, piloting +16

Feats: Cleave, deadly aim, strike back

Languages: Common



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, small hunting packs (1d3+1), medium packs (2d4+3), large hunting packs (3d6+10)


Special Abilities

Advance Hyper-Alloy combat chassis (Ex): The skeletal structure of the T-700 is constructed of a special alloy, making it very strong and resistant to damage. The alloy is also heavier and as such the unit is slowed because of this.  As a result, the unit gains a DR equal to its CR+4 against all physical attacks. Furthermore, the T-700 gains a +4 to all Fort saves.

Detailed anatomy files (Ex): The Terminator has detailed files of humanoid anatomy. As a result, it automatically gains a damage bonus equal to half the Terminators CR rating (rounded down). Also anytime the Terminator gains a critical hit, any DC save increases by +2.

Will not stop (Ex): When the T-700 reaches zero hit points, it automatically ‘heals’ 20 points of damage on its next turn. This will only occur if the T-700 is under Skynet’s control, otherwise the T-700 does not gain any benefit from this. This allows the T-700 to continue to fight, although this can only be used once. After the additional hit points have been lost, the T-700 is destroyed.


M1A Powered Armor M1A4 PA

Price: 2,500 Level: 4

EAC Bonus:  +6 KAC Bonus: +10

Max Dex Bonus: +2 AC Penalty -4 Speed: 30 ft.

Strength: 18 (+4) Damage: 1d8 B

Weapon Slots: 1 Upgrade Slots: 3

Capacity: 40 Usage: 1 / hour

Size: Medium Bulk: 20


M1A Powered Armor M1A8 PA

Price: 12,500 Level: 8

EAC Bonus:  +10 KAC Bonus: +15

Max Dex Bonus: +2 AC Penalty -3 Speed: 30 ft.

Strength: 20 (+5) Damage: 1d10 B

Weapon Slots: 2 Upgrade Slots: 3

Capacity: 40 Usage: 1 / hour

Size: Medium Bulk: 23


M1A Powered Armor M1A12 PA

Price: 40,000 Level: 12

EAC Bonus:  +16 KAC Bonus: +20

Max Dex Bonus: +3 AC Penalty -2 Speed: 30 ft.

Strength: 24 (+7) Damage: 2d10 B

Weapon Slots: 2 Upgrade Slots: 4

Capacity: 80 Usage: 4 / hour

Size: Medium Bulk: 27


M1A Powered Armor M1A16 PA

Price: 200,000 Level:16

EAC Bonus:  +22 KAC Bonus: +28

Max Dex Bonus: +3 AC Penalty -2 Speed: 40 ft.

Strength: 28 (+9) Damage: 4d8 B

Weapon Slots: 3 Upgrade Slots: 5

Capacity: 100 Usage: 4 / hour

Size: Medium Bulk: 30


M1A Powered Armor M1A20 PA

Price: 1,000,000 Level: 20

EAC Bonus:  +30 KAC Bonus: +35

Max Dex Bonus: +1 AC Penalty -2 Speed: 40 ft.

Strength: 30 (+10) Damage: 5d10 B

Weapon Slots: 4 Upgrade Slots:  6

Capacity: 100 Usage: 4 / hour

Size: Medium Bulk: 32


Stryker M2 Series Advanced Body Armor (Heavy armor)






Max Dex

AC Penalty

Speed Adjust

Upgrade slots


M2S -4







- 10 ft.



M2S -6







- 10 ft.



M2S -8  







- 5 ft.



 M2S -10







- 5 ft.




Stryker M1 Series (light armor)

Zealot Armor (light armor)






Max Dex

AC Penalty

Speed Adjust

Upgrade slots


M1S -7










M1S -9










M1S -14











Morita TW Heavy Assault Series (Heavy weapon)











Morita TW 300 AR



1d10 P

100 ft.





Analog, automatic, burst fire,  integrated, unwieldly

Morita TW 301 AR



2d12 P

120 t.





AAnalog, automatic, burst fire,  integrated, unwieldly

Morita TW 302 AR



4d12 P

150 ft.





Analog, automatic, burst fire,  integrated, unwieldly

Morita TW 303 AR



10d12 P

200 ft.





Analog, automatic, burst fire,  integrated, unwieldly

Burst Fire

This is an optional rule which allows the shooter to fire a single ‘burst’ of rounds. The average burst is usually 3 rounds or charges (depending on the usage of the weapon in question) per pull of the trigger. Firing a burst incurs a penalty of -2 to hit, but the damage of the attack is increased by 25% (round down). This consumes the equivalent of 3 full shots (rounds or charges, so that if the weapon would use 4 rounds or charges for a single shot, using it on burst fire will now consume 12 charges). The burst will affect only a single target.

Morita TW Assault Series (long arm)











Morita TW 200 AR



1d8 P

50 ft.





Analog, automatic, burst fire,  integrated, penetrating

Morita TW 201 AR



2d10 P

50 t.





Analog, automatic, burst fire,  integrated, penetrating

Morita TW 202 AR



3d10 P

75 ft.





Analog, automatic, burst fire,  integrated, penetrating

Morita TW 203 AR



7d10 P

100 ft.





Analog, automatic, burst fire,  integrated, penetrating

Burst Fire

This is an optional rule which allows the shooter to fire a single ‘burst’ of rounds. The average burst is usually 3 rounds or charges (depending on the usage of the weapon in question) per pull of the trigger. Firing a burst incurs a penalty of -2 to hit, but the damage of the attack is increased by 25% (round down). This consumes the equivalent of 3 full shots (rounds or charges, so that if the weapon would use 4 rounds or charges for a single shot, using it on burst fire will now consume 12 charges). The burst will affect only a single target.

Benchmade Tactical combat knife (Basic melee weapon, one-handed)








Benchmade TCK Mk 1



1d4 S

Bleed 1


Analog, block, disarm, feint, operative

Benchmade TCK Mk 2



1d6 S

Bleed 1d4


Analog, block, disarm, feint, operative

Benchmade TCK Mk 3



4d4 S

Bleed 2d4


Analog, block, disarm, feint, operative

Benchmade TCK Mk 4



6d6 s

Bleed 6d4


Analog, block, disarm, feint, operative

Benchmade TCK Mk 5



10d6 S

Bleed 10d4


Analog, block, disarm, feint, operative


Brunham TW Peacemaker Series (small arm)











BTW 100 Peacemaker Pistol



1d8 P

30 ft.





Analog, penetrating

BTW 101 Peacemaker Pistol



2d6 P

50 t.





Analog, penetrating

BTW 102 Peacemaker Pistol



4d8 P

70 ft.





Analog, penetrating

BTW 103 Peacemaker Pistol



8d6 P

100 ft.





Analog, penetrating


T-H Hybrid Combatant CR 4 XP 1,200

Neutral medium construct (living)

Init +3; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision 60 ft.; Perception +10


Defense                                                             HP 50

EAC: 16; KAC: 18 (Armor type if used)

Fort: +6; Ref: +4; Will: +1

Defensive Abilities: Hyper-Alloy combat chassis, limited regeneration; Immunities: Construct

Weakness: Limited vulnerabilities



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: Punch +10 (1d6+9 B) or by weapon type +10 (damage +9)

Ranged: Westinghouse M-27 Phased Plasma Pulse Rifle 40 Watt+13 (2d10+4 E&F Crit burn 2d6)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Will not stop



Str +5; Dex +3; Con +1; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +10, bluff +15, stealth +10

Feats: Lunge, mobility

Other Abilities: Unwilling infiltrator

Languages: Common



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary


Special Abilities

Hyper-Alloy combat chassis (Ex): The skeletal structure of the T-H hybrid is constructed of a special alloy, making it very strong and resistant to damage. As a result, the unit gains a DR equal to its CR against all physical attacks. Furthermore, the Harvester gains a +2 to all Fort saves.

Limited Vulnerabilities (Ex): Unlike most constructs, the T-H hybrid is not immune to the effects of mind-affecting, stun, or sleep.

Limited Regeneration (Ex): The flesh of the T-H Hybrid can heal damage it has sustained. The flesh regrows at a rate of 4 hit points per hour, as long as the unit is not active. Also, as long as the flesh has not been completely destroyed, this will work. Overall the T-H hybrid has 20 hit points worth of flesh, and at least 5 points must remain for this ability to work. Otherwise the true nature of the T-H hybrid is obvious to all those viewing it. If all flesh has been destroyed, it can only be re-grown in a Skynet facility.

Unwilling Infiltrator (Ex): All T-H hybrids were created by capturing human resistance and forcing them to undergo drastic and invasive hybridization. As such the T-H Hybrids fully believe that they are in fact human and will act accordingly. Until Skynet sends the over-ride command, which turns the T-H Hybrids into the killing machines they are, in order to inflict as much damage as possible against the resistance. When this is triggered, the T-H hybrid gains a +2 to hit, and +2 to all damage. It essentially becomes mindless and cannot be affected by mind-affecting attacks at this point. When this occurs, the unit automatically gains the Will not Stop ability.

Will not stop (Ex): When the T-H hybrid reaches zero hit points, it automatically ‘heals’ 20 points of damage on its next turn. This will only occur if the T-H is under Skynet’s control, otherwise the T-H Hybrid does not gain any benefit from this. This allows the T-H Hybrid to continue to fight, although this can only be used once. After the additional hit points have been lost, the T-H Hybrid is destroyed.


Harvester Combatant CR 15 XP 51,200

Neutral gargantuan construct

Init +5; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision 60 ft.; Perception +25


Defense                                                             HP 300

EAC: 29; KAC: 31

Fort: +17; Ref: +15; Will: +11

Defensive Abilities: Hyper-Alloy combat chassis; Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 50 ft.

Melee: Four fists +24 (6d6+31 B Crit knockdown), or two grapples +20 (no damage, grappled)

Ranged: Plasma cannon +25 (6d12+15 E&F Crit burn 6d6)

Space: 25 ft., Reach: 35 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Plasma blast, trample (8d6+31), vehicle killer



Str +16; Dex +5; Con -; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +25, survival +31

Feats: Improved combat maneuver (grapple), penetrating attack

Other Abilities: Release the hounds

Languages: None



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary or small groups (1d3+1)


Special Abilities

Hyper-Alloy combat chassis (Ex): The skeletal structure of the Harvester is constructed of a special alloy, making it very strong and resistant to damage. As a result, the unit gains a DR equal to its CR against all physical attacks. Futhermore, the Harvester gains a +2 to all Fort saves.

Plasma Blast (Ex): The cannon used by the harvester is incredibly deadly, and can typically destroy most targets in a single strike. What makes the weapon even worse is that it has a ‘splash’ or ‘explosive’ radius, which can still harm targets that are near the primary target. Anything caught within 20 feet of the primary target are allowed a Reflex save (DC 21) or they will take half damage from the attack. A successful save means they were able to avoid the splash effect.

Release the hounds (Ex): All Harvesters come with two Moto-Terminators built into their chassis. As a full round action, the Harvester is able to release both Moto-Terminators to join in on the chase. If either unit is damaged or destroyed, the Harvester can use its arms to pick them up and replace them in its legs. Here the units will automatically be repaired for 4d6 damage, which takes 1d4 rounds, and if the units are kept inside the Harvester for 24 hours, all damage is repaired. Taking damaged or destroyed Moto-Terminators into its body requires 1d4+3 rounds.

Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, the unit can move up to twice its speed and literally run over any opponents at least one size category smaller than itself. The Harvester merely has to move over the opponents in its path. The creature does not need to make an attack roll; each creature whose space it moves through takes damage. A target of a trample can make a REF save (DC 21) for half damage. If it attempts the save, it can’t make an attack of opportunity against the trampling Harvester due to the creature’s movement. The Harvester can deal trample damage to a given target only once per round.

Vehicle Killer (Ex): The Harvester is unusually adept at destroying enemy vehicles. As such when targeting a vehicle of any type (ships included), the Harvester gains a +4 to hit and damage is increased by 25% (rounded down). Furthermore, this also applies to any sort of bunker or dug-in installation.


Hydrobot Combatant CR 1/2 XP 200

Neutral medium construct

Init +3; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision 60 ft.; Perception +4


Defense                                                             HP 13

EAC: 10 (14); KAC: 12 (16)

Fort: +0; Ref: +0; Will: -2

Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 40 ft. (swim), 10 ft. (land)

Melee: Pincer bite +6 (1d6+3 P Crit bleed 1d3)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Leap



Str +3; Dex +3; Con -; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +9 (+14 swim), stealth +4 (+9)

Feats: Step up, step up and strike

Other Abilities: Aquatic

Languages: None



Environment: Any aquatic

Organization: Patrols (1d4), Squad patrols (2d4+3), Platoon Patrols (3d4+8), swarms (5d12+20)


Special Abilities

Aquatic (Ex): Having been created for work in aquatic conditions, these robots automatically gain a +5 bonus to athletics (swim), and Stealth. On top of this, the robots EAC and KAC are increased by +4 each. Out of water, the units lose this advantage.

Leap (Ex): The Hydrobot can lay in wait for a target to pass nearby. As long as the target passes within 30 feet, it can leap out of the water and attempt to smash into the target. When it does this, the Hydrobot gains a +2 to hit, and if a critical is achieved, the target not only takes bleed damage, but is knocked prone.


Aerostats Expert CR 1/3 XP 135

Neutral small construct

Init +4; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision 60 ft.; Perception +7


Defense                                                             HP 6

EAC: 10; KAC: 11

Fort: -2; Ref: -2; Will: +0

Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 90 ft.

Ranged: attached .40 caliber semi-auto pistol +2 (1d4 P)

Space: 2.5 ft., Reach: 0 ft.



Str +0; Dex +4; Con -; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Acrobatics +7, stealth +7, survival +7

Feats: Shot on the run

Other Abilities: Hover, signal reinforcements

Languages: None



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, small packs (1d4+1)


Special Abilities

Hover (Ex): Although the unit is fully airborne, it is capable of moving as much or as little as it desires, and can even hover without moving and still use its sensors and pistol.

Signal Reinforcements (Ex): As a full round action, the Aerostat can send out a powerful high-density information packet. This will be intercepted by any Skynet units within a 10 mile radius, and the units will converge on the location as soon as possible. The data packet contains not only visual images, but intelligence such as weapons, armor, geographical location, direction, speed and other such information. Skynet Terminators and other units will use this information to track, hunt and destroy the enemy. As such, after receiving the information, all such units gain a +10 to survival (tracking) to intercept marked targets.


Moto-Terminator Combatant CR 3 XP 800

Neutral medium construct

Init +6; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision 60 ft.; Perception +8


Defense                                                             HP 40

EAC: 15 (18); KAC: 16 (19)

Fort: +5; Ref: +3 (+5); Will: +0

Defensive Abilities: Hyper-Alloy combat chassis; Immunities: construct, unliving

Weaknesses: Explosive vulnerability



Speed: 120 ft.

Ranged: Side-mounted machine gun +11 (1d6+3)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Ramming speed 1d6+3+ special (see description)



Str +1; Dex +6; Con -; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +8, Piloting +13

Feats: Mobility, shot on the run

Other Abilities: One with the road

Languages: None



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, pairs, small patrols (1d4+2)


Special Abilities

Explosive vulnerability (Ex): The Moto-Terminator is exceptionally vulnerable to explosive-based weapons, be it grenades, missiles or the like. When such weapons are used on the Moto-Terminator, it loses the bonuses from the Hyper-Alloy combat chassis, and must make a Ref save or be knocked prone.

Hyper-Alloy combat chassis (Ex): The skeletal structure of the Moto-Terminator is constructed of a special alloy, making it very strong and resistant to damage. As a result, the terminator gains a DR equal to its CR against all physical attacks. Futher more, the terminator gains a +2 to all Fort saves.

One with the Road (Ex): Thanks to specialized programming and hyper-active sensors, the Moto-Terminator is literal hell on wheels when it is moving at full speed (at least 120 feet per round). As such the Moto-Terminator gains +3 to EAC and KAC when it is moving at full speed or better, and gains a +2 to Reflex saving throws, including explosive attacks.

Ramming Speed (Ex): As a full-round action, the unit can move up to twice its speed and smash into or through any target in its way.  The Moto-Terminator merely has to move through the same square as occupied by the target. The Moto-Terminator does not need to make an attack roll; each creature whose space it moves through takes damage. A target of a Ramming Speed attack can make a REF save (DC 12) for half damage, furthermore, if the target is medium or smaller, it must then make a second Ref save (DC 12) or be knocked prone.  If it attempts the save, it can’t make an attack of opportunity against the Moto-Terminator due to the creature’s movement. The Moto-Terminator deal Ramming Speed damage to a given target only once per round. Finally the damage is increased based on the Moto-Terminator’s speed at the time of the attack. It must be moving at least 60 feet a round, and for every 20 feet over this movement, the Moto-Terminator will do +1 damage. So if the Moto-Terminator is doing 120 feet, then the damage is increased by +3, or if it is going 240 feet, the damage is increased by +9. Also the Reflex save is increased by +1 per 60 feet per round the Moto-Terminator is moving.


T-600 Infiltration Terminator Combatant CR 5 XP 1,600

Neutral medium construct

Init +3; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision 60 ft.; Perception +11


Defense                                                             HP 60

EAC: 17; KAC: 20 (or by armor type)

Fort: +7; Ref: +5; Will: +2

Defensive Abilities: Hyper-Alloy combat chassis; Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 20 ft.

Melee: Punch  11+ (1d6+15 B Crit knockdown) or by weapon type (+15 damage)

Ranged: Squad machine gun +14 (1d10+8 P), NIL grenade launcher +14, or by weapon type

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Detailed anatomy files, will not stop



Str +7; Dex +3; Con -; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +16, disguise +16, piloting +11

Feats: Cleave, deadly aim, strike back

Other Abilities: Basic infiltrator

Languages: Common



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, small hunting packs (1d3+1), medium packs (2d4+3), large hunting packs (3d6+10)


Special Abilities

Basic Infiltrator (Ex): The exterior of the T-600 is constructed out of rubber and plastic alloys. The ‘skin’ cannot be healed or repaired in the battlefield, only at Skynet facilities. From a distance, the T-600 can pass as a human, but combat damage or up close the nature of the unit becomes obvious. As a result, the T-600 gains a +5 to bluff checks when attempting to infiltrate, but only out to 30 feet. For every 5 feet closer, the bonus is reduced by 1. Also as the Terminator takes damage, the ‘flesh’ will deteriorate. Once the terminator has taken 25 points of damage, the ‘flesh’ has been utterly eliminated. Obviously if the flesh is destroyed or heavily damaged, the true nature of the Terminator is quite clear.  For every 5 points of ‘flesh’ damage the terminator has suffered, it gains a -1 to the bluff check to pass as human. This is cumulative with the penalty incurred from distances.

Detailed anatomy files (Ex): The Terminator has detailed files of humanoid anatomy. As a result, it automatically gains a damage bonus equal to half the Terminators CR rating (rounded down). Also anytime the Terminator gains a critical hit, any DC save increases by +2.

Hyper-Alloy combat chassis (Ex): The skeletal structure of the terminator is constructed of a special alloy, making it very strong and resistant to damage. As a result, the terminator gains a DR equal to its CR against all physical attacks. Futher more, the terminator gains a +2 to all Fort saves.

Will not stop (Ex): When the terminator reaches zero hit points, it automatically ‘heals’ 20 points of damage on its next turn. This allows the terminator to continue to fight, although this can only be used once. After the additional hit points have been lost, the Terminator is destroyed.