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Starfinder: The Lost


Although individually they are weak and easily dispatched, in packs or swarms, these former humans can prove to be quite deadly. From Xcom 2, converted to be used in your Starfinder game.

Skirmisher Publishing’s team members are moving toward completion of the Platinum Edition of City Builder: A Guide to Designing Communities and are excited to tell you about the major milestone we just achieved for it!

* We are currently finishing the last two custom images that will appear in the complete, 85-place version of City Builder and doing a final proof of it, which means we should be able to provide the PDF edition of it to backers within the next two weeks! After that we will submit the book to DriveThruRPG and go through its print approval process, which usually takes one to two weeks, and when that is completed we will immediately make the print edition of the book available to backers who will be receiving it as a reward. 

* We have just incorporated into City Builder the last of the 15 new places we unlocked as Stretch Goals during the Kickstarter campaign for this project and released at DriveThruRPG the final incremental volume, "Shrines, Temples, Cemeteries & Other Religious Places (City Builder Volume 9)," corresponding to a chapter in it. 

++ "Shrines, Temples, Cemeteries & Other Religious Places (City Builder Volume 9)" now includes new entries on Hermitages and Pilgrimage Trails, in addition to the existing and now-revised entries on Cemeteries/Graveyards, Monasteries/Convents, Shrines, and Temples. It also includes all new illustrations, including a cover image by fantasy artist Amanda Kahl; at least two adventure hooks for each sort of place; and three sidebars that can be used to help customize religious places like temples. 

* Please be sure to let us know if you catch any typos or other minor errors in any of the individual volumes or the interim version of the consolidated book! We are in the process of giving all the text a thorough review but there are now more than 120,000 words associated with this publication and we don’t want anything to slip through into the print edition. If you catch anything and email it to us at CityBuilder@skirmisher.com we will gladly thank you by sending you copies of some of our other publications as a sign of appreciation. 

That’s it for now! We sincerely hope you are excited as we are that we have moved this project to the point it is at and with the efforts we have made to steadily move rewards into the hands of its backers. 

T-47 Goliath Combatant CR 8 XP 4,800

Neutral large construct

Init +; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision 60 ft.; Perception +16


Defense                                                             HP 125

EAC: 20; KAC: 22

Fort: +10; Ref: +8; Will: +5

Defensive Abilities: Hyper-Alloy combat chassis Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: Stomp +17 (3d6+20 B Crit knockdown)

Ranged: 2 Autocannons +16 (3d6+12 P Crit wound)

Space: 10 ft., Reach: 10 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Rocket barrage



Str +8; Dex +4; Con -; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +21, intimidate +16

Languages: None



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary


Special Abilities

Detailed anatomy files (Ex): The T-47 has detailed files of humanoid anatomy. As a result, it automatically gains a damage bonus equal to half the unit’s CR rating (rounded down). Also anytime the T-47 gains a critical hit, any DC save increases by +2.

Hyper-Alloy combat chassis (Ex): The skeletal structure of the T-47 is constructed of a special alloy, making it very strong and resistant to damage. As a result, the T-47 gains a DR / - equal to its CR against all physical attacks. Furthermore, the T-47 gains a +2 to all Fort saves.

Rocket Barrage (Ex): As a standard action, the T-47 can launch two rockets. They have a range of 250 ft. and can fire over cover. The weapons have an explosive radius of 30 ft. and inflict 2d10+12 Fire damage. Anyone caught in the blast radius can make a Ref save (DC 16) for half damage. The unit has a total of 12 missiles it can launch before it needs to reload.


TS-20 Aerial Spider Scout Combatant CR 2 XP 600

Neutral medium construct

Init +5; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision 60 ft.; Perception +7


Defense                                                             HP 25

EAC: 13; KAC: 15

Fort: +2; Ref: +2; Will: -1

Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 50 ft. Fly (average)

Ranged: Shock +11 (1d6+2 E Crit Arc 1d4)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: co-ordinated assault, electrical burst



Str +2; Dex +5; Con -; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Acrobatics (fly) +12, stealth +7

Other Abilities: Call Skynet units

Languages: None



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, pairs, trio’s.


Special Abilities

Call Skynet units (Ex): The primary function of the scout is to locate resistance and call in other units. As a full round action, the scout can send out a signal to any Skynet units that are within 1000 ft. of the unit. Generally this is used to call Armored spiders, flying scouts, and low-end terminator units, but it can also call in up to 3 T-800 units. The GM will have the final say in how many and what type of units the scout will call, but they will always arrive within 2d4+2 rounds.

Co-ordinated assault (Ex): When two or more units are working in conjunction, at least one will always attempt to attack from a flanking positon. Normally flanking only gives a bonus to hit when using melee weapons, but in the case of these units, they will gain a +2 flanking bonus to hit.

Shock (Ex): The spider is able to shoot a small electrical bolt at any target within 50 ft. This is a ranged attack and can be used every round.


Resistance NVG’s

Goggle version



Dark Vision Range


NVG ver. 1



60 ft.


NVG ver. 2



90 ft.

Skynet unit type, weapon identification, camera

NVG ver. 3



120 ft.

As above, but includes battle damage assessment of Skynet unit

NVG ver. 4



150 ft.

As above, but the user can ‘tag’ Skynet units, allowing all others using the goggles to see them, and gain a +2 equipment bonus to hit.



TS – 17 Armored Spider Combatant CR 4 XP 1,200

Neutral medium construct

Init +4; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision 60 ft.; Perception +10


Defense                                                             HP 50

EAC: 16; KAC: 18

Fort: +4; Ref: +4; Will: +1

Defensive Abilities: Armor shield Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: One or two pincers +10 or +6 (1d8+8 B)

Ranged: Autocannons +13 (2d8+4 P)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Electrical burst



Str +4; Dex +4; Con -; Int +0; Wis +1; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +15, stealth +10

Other Abilities: Call Skynet units

Languages: None



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, pairs, or small groups (1d4+2)


Special Abilities

Armor Shield (Ex): When the unit is engaged in combat, it can close a heavy shield across its vital and vulnerable sensor suite. This is a move action, and when it uses this, the unit gains a DR 10 against all attacks except energy-based attacks. When it uses this shield, its perception drops to +0. Note that anyone behind the unit can bypass this shielding, and inflict normal damage.

Call Skynet units (Ex): As a full round action, the armored spider can send out a signal to any Skynet units that are within 1000 ft. of the unit. Generally this is used to call additional armored spiders, flying scouts, and low-end terminator units, but it can also call in up to 3 T-800 units. The GM will have the final say in how many and what type of units the unit will call, but they will always arrive within 2d4+2 rounds.

Electrical Burst (Ex): As a full round action, the unit can unleash a burst of electrical energy. This has a radius of 20 ft. and inflicts 2d8+4 points of electrical damage. A Ref save (DC 13) results in half damage. It can use this ability only once every 3 rounds.


Termination Knife








Termination Knife



2d8 P

Bleed 2d4


See description


HK Silverfish Combatant CR 2 XP 600

Neutral small construct

Init +5; Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., lowlight vision 120 ft., vibration sense 100 ft.; Perception +12


Defense                                                             HP 25

EAC: 13; KAC: 15

Fort: +2; Ref: +2; Will: -1

Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 50 ft.

Space: 2.5 ft., Reach: ft. 2.5

Offensive Abilities: Explosive



Str +4; Dex +5; Con -; Int -3; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +7, stealth +17

Other Abilities: Well camouflaged

Languages: None



Environment: Any

Organization: Small fields (3), medium fields (2d4+4), large spreads (4d10+10)


Special Abilities

Explosive (Ex): Being a mobile mine, the Silverfish can detonate at will. This has an explosive radius of 20 ft. and will inflict 2d4+2 points of piercing damage. A reflex save (DC 11) results in half damage. Furthermore, if the unit takes enough damage to destroy it, this will automatically cause it to detonate.

Well Camouflaged (Ex): Once deployed, the unit will actively seek out locations where there is known foot traffic and they will conceal their presence in these locations. As such the unit gains a +10 circumstance bonus to stealth.  


TS-12 - ‘Spider’ Scout Combatant CR ½  XP 200

Neutral small construct

Init +4; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision 60 ft.; Perception +4


Defense                                                             HP 13

EAC: 10; KAC: 12

Fort: +0; Ref: +0; Will: -2

Immunities: construct, unliving



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: Electrified pincer +6 (1d6+2 B&E)

Ranged: Shock +3 (1d6 E Crit Arc 1d4)

Space: 2.5 ft., Reach: 2.5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Electrical burst



Str +2; Dex +4; Con -; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +9, stealth +4

Other Abilities: Call Skynet units



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, pair, trio, small groups (1d4+3)


Special Abilities

Call Skynet units (Ex): The primary function of the scout is to locate resistance and call in other units. As a full round action, the scout can send out a signal to any Skynet units that are within 1000 ft. of the unit. Generally this is used to call Armored spiders, flying scouts, and low-end terminator units, but it can also call in up to 3 T-800 units. The GM will have the final say in how many and what type of units the scout will call, but they will always arrive within 2d4+2 rounds.

Electrical Burst (Ex): As a full round action, the scout can unleash a burst of electrical energy. This has a radius of 20 ft. and inflicts 1d8 points of electrical damage. A Ref save (DC 9) results in half damage. It can use this ability only once every 3 rounds.

Shock (Ex): The spider is able to shoot a small electrical bolt at any target within 50 ft. This is a ranged attack and can be used every round.



Racial Traits

Ability Adjustments: -2 str, +2 wis, +2 cha

Hit Points: 6

Size and Type: Medium humanoid with the Asari subtype

Charming: All Asari gain a +2 racial bonus to bluff, diplomacy and intimidate.

Darkvision: The Asari have darkvision 60 ft.

Meld: Although it can be used for reproduction, an Asari can initiate a meld with any sentient being in order to transfer information. This acts as the mystic spell mind link and can be used at will.

Psionic: Asari gain the minor psychic feat.

Spiritual: Asari cast mystic spells as if they were two levels higher.

Technically adept: Thanks to the tinkering of the Prothean, Asari are more adept and accepting of technology. As a result, the Asari gain a +2 competence bonus to one of any technical-based skill such as computers, engineering, physical science or profession.

Originating from the planet Thessia, Asari are a single gender race. They are extremely long-lived and are one of the oldest sentient species in the Galaxy.



Skill Eater Spellcaster CR 1 XP 400

Chaotic neutral small fey.

Init +4; Senses: Low-light vision; Perception +5


Defense                                                             HP 16

EAC: 10; KAC: 11

Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +4

Defensive Abilities: Pass wall



Speed: 20 ft.

Melee: Touch +3 (see drain skill)

Space: 2.5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Drain skill

Spells: Detect thoughts (CL 1)



Str -2; Dex +4; Con +1; Int -1; Wis +2; Cha +0

Skills: Acrobatics +10, stealth +10

Other Abilities: Meld with book

Languages: Common, sylvan



Environment: Any non-cold

Organization: Solitary, pairs, small bands (2d3+2), medium bands (4d4+4)


Special Abilities

Drain Skill (Su): If the skill eater makes a successful touch attack, the victim must make a Will save (DC 13), or lose 1d2 skill ranks from a random skill. For every skill point the creature steals, they will gain 2 hit points (temporarily). This can be used to heal any damage they have sustained. The temporary hit points will last for 48 hours, at which time they will then lose the hit points, and the victim will then regain the lost skill ranks. The creatures cannot drain more than a total of 8 skill ranks before they are satiated, and once this happens, they will flee. Note that if a target’s ranks in a skill reach zero, they cannot use that skill until either the creature is killed, or 48 hours has past. Note that a lesser restoration will instantly restore the lost points, and will automatically drain the Skill Eater, causing it to lose the extra hit-points.

Meld with book (Su): As a full round action, the creature can merge with any physical book present. There is no limitation to the duration it can stay melded, and it can only be detected by any ability or spell which can detect life.

Pass wall (Ex): This ability can be used a maximum of 4 times per day and acts exactly the same as Operative Phase Shift Escape ability.


Tome Thief Spellcaster CR 3 XP 800

Neutral small fay

Init +4; Senses: Low-light vision; Perception +8


Defense                                                             HP 32

EAC: 13; KAC: 14

Fort: +4; Ref: +4; Will: +6

Defensive Abilities: Now you see me, now you don’t



Speed: 20 ft.

Melee: Dagger +4 (1d4+1 P)

Ranged: You’re stupid +6 (see special ability description)

Space: 2.5 ft., Reach: 2.5 ft.

Offensive Abilities: You’re stupid!

Spells: Detect thoughts (CL 3), fear (CL 3), mind thrust (CL 3) – all once per day



Str -2; Dex +4; Con +0; Int +2; Wis +1; Cha +0

Skills: Acrobatics +8, engineering (bypass locks) +16, stealth +13 (+23)

Feats: Skill focus engineering (bypass locks)

Other Abilities: One with the shadows

Languages: Common, sylvan



Environment: Any temperate forest

Organization: Solitary, small bands (2d3+2), small communities (4d4+6)


Special Abilities

Now you see me, now you don’t (Sp): As a standard action, the creature can cast invisibility on itself. This is cast as a technomancer spell, and has duration of 3 minutes. It can use this only once per day.

One with the Shadows (Ex): Due to the hue of their flesh, all Tome Thieves gain a +10 racial bonus to stealth, but only when the lighting is dim or worse.

You’re stupid! (Sp): Once every three rounds, as a ranged touch attack, the Tome Thief can send a strange black ray at any target within sight. The target is allowed a Will save (DC 15) and if it fails, the target temporarily loses 1d4 intelligence.


TRCX repeating tactical crossbow (Long arm, uncategorized)














1d8 P

30 ft.





Quick reload




1d12 P

30 ft.





Quick reload




2d10 P

45 ft.





Quick reload




3d8 P

45 ft.





Quick reload




5d10 P

60 ft.





Quick reload




10d8 P

60 ft.





Quick reload




12d8 P

75 ft.





Quick reload

Bolt Ammunition Table (per bolt)

Bolt Type







Standard ammunition for the TRCX repeating tactical crossbow.




When a critical strike is achieved, remove knockdown. Instead add 1d4 bleed damage for level  1. This increases to 2d4 for level  5 and 8 and 4d4 for level 11, 5d4 for level 14, 7d4 for level 17 and finally 10d4 for level 20. This can be combined with standard and Adamantium.

Light-weight Stabilizers



Can be combined with Standard and Adamantium bolts. Increases the range of the weapon by 10 feet.

Electrically charged



Turns the weapon damage to E & P




The bolt explodes upon hitting a target. Damage is considered to be half piercing, half fire. Can only be combined with Standard and Adamantium.




The bolt’s damage is considered C & P. Can only be combined with Standard and Adamantium.




Increases the damage by +1 per dice

Heart Seeker



A fusion, which increases the damage by +2 per dice and automatically adds the splintering effect. This is considered magical for damage reduction purposes.  Cannot be combined with other types of ammunition.



Racial Traits

Ability Adjustments: +4 str, -2 dex, +2 con, -2 wis 

Hit Points: 6

Size and Type: Medium humanoid with the Krogan subtype

Acute vision: Due to the set of their eyes, and having evolved on a planet which has an overabundance of deadly predators, Krogan gain a +2 racial bonus to perception (vision).

Blood Rage: The Krogan can cause a chemical trigger in their brains, causing them to go into a berserker rage. This requires 1 resolve point, and can then the Krogan must rest to regain stamina before using this again. While in this state, they suffer a -4 to both EAC and KAC and are completely immune to any type of effect, such as sleep, paralysis, fatigue, and so forth. They also gain a bonus to hit equal to 1+1 per five levels (so +1 at level 1-4, then +2 at 5, +3 at 10, and +4 at 15 and finally +5 at 20). Furthermore, if they are using any type of melee weapon, they gain an additional bonus to damage equal to half their level (which stacks with class bonuses). This Blood rage will last for a number of rounds equal to the Krogan’s level, and one it ends, then any effects that they gained during the rage will come into effect. Even if no effects were gained, the Krogan is considered to be fatigued until they rest and regain stamina.

Built-in food and water reservoirs: Due to the hump, Krogans can go without water for 3 days plus a number of hours equal to twice his Constitution score, before possibly taking damage. Likewise a Krogan can go 9 days without food before possibly taking damage. See the core book for further details.

Heavy Scales: Thanks to the thickness of their scales and flesh, the Krogan gain a racial bonus of +2 to KAC, which stacks with most types of armor.

Natural Weaponry: Krogans have claws on their hands and feet that can be used in combat. The claws do 1d3+Str damage. The natural weapons cannot be sundered or disarmed.

Resilient: Unlike many other species, Krogan tend to have multiple organs. As such when they are hit by the ‘wound’ critical effect, ignore the vital organ critical, and they gain a +2 racial saving throw to any effect or spell-like ability or spell that would affect organs.

Toxin Resistance: Having spent many generations living on an irradiated planet, hostile environments and toxins used by many of the predators on the home world, the Krogan have built up a natural resistance. They gain a +4 racial bonus to saving throws involving poisons, radiation, and other similar toxins.  



Racial Traits

Ability Adjustments: +2 str, +2 dex, -2 wis.

Hit Points: 6

Size and Type: Medium construct with the Geth and technological subtype

Constructed: Geth gain darkvision 60 ft. and low-light vision, and gain a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, and poison. They are immune to sleep. Like Androids, they do not breathe or suffer the effects of hard vacuum.

Cybernetic compatibility: Typically only one cybernetic or biotech enhancement can be added to a specific location, but thanks to their artificial nature, Geth can choose an additional location (skin, arms, spine, etc.) and have two augmentations instead of the usual one in that location.

Electrical Vulnerability: Geth, being constructs, are more vulnerable to electrical-based attacks. As such they suffer a -2 penalty to any saving throw involving electrical-based attacks, and +1 per dice damage inflicted.

Emotionally Stunted: Geth still have difficulty understanding basic emotions, and as such they suffer a -2 to sense motive and bluff checks. On the other hand, they gain a +2 racial bonus when attempting to intimidate.

Natural Engineers: Considering the Geth are artificial life-forms, they automatically gain a +2 racial bonus to both engineering and computers.

Networked Intelligence: This ability acts like the Telepathy spell, but can only work on other Geth. The range is increased to 1 mile. There is no limit to the number of Geth than can be linked into this, as long as each Geth spends 1 resolve point to use join. The duration is limited to 24 hours, at which time the Geth involved will need to spend a resolve to remain in the Network.

Resistant: Thanks to their outer shell, Geth gain a natural DR of 5 against piercing and slashing attacks. 

Shared Skills: As long as the Geth are connected via networked intelligence, they can ‘lend’ a skill to another Geth. This is a full round action, and they can transfer a number of skill ranks up to the receivers maximum level. For example, a Geth with medicine could transfer this skill to another Geth without it. The receiver is level 7, while the sender is level 12, and has 12 ranks. The sender can transfer a maximum of 7 ranks to the receiver.  This transfer will remain in effect for a maximum of 1 hour, and the two Geth do not have to be near one another.


Chipder Expert CR 1/3 XP 135

Neutral small magical beast

Init +7; Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low light vision; Perception +7


Defense                                                             HP 6

EAC: 13; KAC: 14

Fort: +2; Ref: +2; Will: +2

Immunities: Poison



Speed: 40 ft.

Melee: Bite +3 (1d4-2 P Crit poison DC +2)

Space: 2.5 ft., Reach: 2.5ft.

Offensive Abilities: Poison bite



Str -2; Dex +3; Con +1; Int -3; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Acrobatics +7, athletics +7, stealth +3, survival +3

Feats: Improved initiative

Other Abilities: Climber, insect hatred

Languages: None



Environment: Any temperate

Organization: solitary, mated pair, small family (1d6+3)


Special Abilities

Climber (Ex): The creature is capable of moving its full speed when traversing walls. It does not require an Athletics roll, unless it is trying to cross ceilings or difficult terrain.

Insect hatred (Ex): These little monsters absolutely hate insects, and whenever they encounter vermin or insect-like creatures, they go into a rage, which only ends when the Chipder or insect is dead. While under this rage, the Chipder gains +2 to hit, and +2 damage, and an additional 4 hit points. Even when reduced to zero or more hit points, the Chipder will get one last round of action before succumbing to the damage and dying.

Poison bite (Ex): The bite of the small creature injects a weak poison into the victim (DC 10). This is a Constitution-based poison, with the track Healthy-Weakened-Impaired, and ends after impaired. However, when biting vermin or insect-like creatures (such as Shirrens), the poison DC is increased to 14, and has a full track, ending in death. 1 save cures for non-vermin creatures, and 2 for vermin or insect-like creatures.


Kevlar Armour (Light Armor)






Max Dex

AC Penalty


Upgrade slots

Kevlar Basic Mk 1









Kevlar Basic Mk 2









Kevlar Basic Mk 3









Kevlar Basic Mk 4









Kevlar Basic Mk 5











Solider Fighting Style: Ranger

The Ranger is split into two categories, each having their own strengths. Both are fully capable of moving stealthily allowing them while engaging enemies at close range. One specializes in small arms, the other in melee weapons. As stated there are two versions to choose from – the scout, or close quarters assault.



The scout operates very much like an operative, relying heavily on stealth to get up close and personal, or for, as the name suggests, scouting. As such, they gain Stealth as a class skill (while giving up intimidate).

1st Level ability

Phantom (Ex)

Whenever the ranger fails a stealth roll, by spending a resolve point, they are able to re-roll their stealth check. This can only be done once, and then the scout must rest for 10 minutes to regain stamina before using it again.

5th level ability

Shadowstrike (Ex)

As a full round action, and by spending a resolve point, the scout gains a +2 circumstance bonus to hit and can critically strike a foe on a 19-20. Furthermore, the scout only suffers a -10 penalty when attacking from hiding.

9th level ability

Conceal (Ex)

Using a standard action, the scout is able to ‘disappear’, as long as the light is dim or worse. The scout must make a successful stealth roll, and if it succeeds, then the scout is invisible (as per spell) for a number of rounds equal to 10 plus half the scouts level.

13th level ability (choose one of the two following)

Implacable (Ex)

If the scout successfully kills a target, then they are allowed to take an immediate move action.

Hunker Down (Ex)

If the scout did not attack this round, they are allowed to make a stealth roll. If it succeeds, they are considered to be concealed until they move or are somehow revealed. By spending a resolve point, the scout can forego making a stealth roll.

17th level ability

Rapid Fire (Ex)

The scout is able to fire multiple times per round, with only half the normal penalty (this stacks with various feats). Note pistols with the Unwieldy special cannot be used with this ability.



1st Level ability

Blademaster (Ex)

As long as the Ranger is using a blade, they gain circumstance bonus damage with the weapon in question equal to half the rangers level.

5th level ability

Shadowstep (Ex)

After making a successful melee attack, the ranger can spend a resolve point in order to attempt to make a stealth check (as long as the light is dim or worse), and gains a free movement action. 

9th level ability

Run and gun (Ex)

The ranger gains the feat shot on the run. If the ranger already possesses this feat, then the ranger can choose a new combat feat in its stead.

13th level ability (choose one of the two following)

Bladestorm (Ex)

As long as the Ranger is using a bladed weapon, this ability acts as the cleave feat. Any target moving through the Rangers reach or threatened squares (or using any ability or action, which provokes an attack of opportunity) are subject to an attack of opportunity (even if they have an ability that would otherwise make them immune). Both of these gain a circumstance bonus of +2 plus +1 per 5 rangers levels (so at 13 the ranger will gain a bonus to hit of +4, then +5 at 15 and finally +6 at 20).   

Untouchable (Ex)

If the ranger made a kill during its action, the next successful attack against the ranger automatically misses. This can be used only once, then the ranger must rest for 10 minutes to regain stamina also to regain the use of this ability.

17th level ability

Reaper (Ex)
When using a bladed weapon and spending a resolve, the first attack made by the ranger is an automatic hit. The ranger must then rest for 10 minutes to regain the use of this ability, unless the ranger kills the target. If that is the case, the ranger can continue to attack, gaining a circumstance bonus of +2 plus +1 per 5 rangers levels (so at 13 the ranger will gain a bonus to hit of +4, then +5 at 15 and finally +6 at 20) to strike any target within range. This can continue as long as the ranger makes kills. Once the ranger fails to make a kill, then the ability ends.

Racial Traits

Ability Adjustments: -2 str, +4 int, -2 wis.

Hit Points: 2

Size and Type: Medium humanoid with the Sophon subtype

Scientific prodigy: Sophon’s gain a +2 racial bonus to three of the five following skills: computers, engineering, life science, medicine and physical science.

Natural Tinkerer: No machine or program is perfect, and as such, the Sophon are always looking at ways to improve the item or program in question. As such, they are allowed to make an Engineering or other appropriate check (DC = 10 + item level x 1.5). If the check succeeds, then the item will permanently gain ONE of the following modifications: +2 to saving throws, hardness = to level +2, hit points (weapons) = 15 + 5 x its level for weapons, armor or sturdy items, or 10 + item level for other items. This also requires a cost equal to 25% of the items original cost. However, if the roll fails, then the item in question gains the broken condition. If a natural 1 is rolled, then the item is destroyed!

Improve that toy!: As is the case with Natural Tinkerer, the Sophon can improve a weapon or piece of armor they are using. They can only improve a single item once, and by doing so they need to make an engineering check check (DC = 10 + item level x 1.5), and pay 50% of the items original cost. If the roll succeeds, any ranged weapon they modify will gain a +1 to hit, while any melee weapon will gain a damage bonus equal to 25% round down, (minimum bonus of +1) of the items level in bonus damage. Any armor will gain a +1 to either EAC or KAC.

Resistant: Due to the nature of their home-world, Sophon’s gain a Resistance 5 against cold-based attacks or damage.

Radiation Resistance: Thanks to their home-world, Sophons gain a +2 bonus to saves vs. radiation.

Low-light vision: Sophons can see in dim light as if it was normal light. For more information see page 264 of the core book.

Space-Born fighters: Thanks to their superior Intelligence and hard-won experience from battling other races while exploring the universe, a Sophon gains +2 circumstance bonus to any DC check while in starship combat.


Advent Magnetic Rifle (long arm)











AMR 3-4



2d6 P

100 ft.





Automatic, penetrating

AMR 6-4



3d10 P

100 ft.





Automatic, penetrating

AMR 9-4



4d12 P

120 ft.





Automatic, penetrating

AMR 12-4



10d10 P

120 ft.





Automatic, penetrating



Colonial Raptor (Tier 5)

Small shuttle

Speed 8; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0)

AC 24; TL 23

HP 40; DT 12; CT 8

Attack (Forward) chain cannon (6d4), micromissile battery (2d6) x2 linked

Attack (Turret) high explosive missile launcher (4d8)

Power Core(s) Pulse Brown (90 PCU); Drift Engine Single; Systems advanced long-range sensors, mk 8 armor, mk 8 defences, mk 1 mononode computer (tier 2); Security anti-hacking systems mk 1 (DC +1), computer countermeasures (feedback, firewall, lockout)

Modifiers +1 any one check per round, +4 Computers, +2 Piloting; Complement 2


Gunner gunnery +12

Pilot Computers +14 (5 ranks), gunnery +7, Piloting +16 (5 ranks)

Passengers 10

BP 131/135

PCU 89 / 79 / 90

AAC Thrower (Disintegrator Heavy Weapon)











AAF Drooler



2d4 A & F

30 ft.





Blast, fueled, ignite, unwieldy

AAF Spitter



2d6 A & F

30 ft.

Corrode 1d4




Blast, fueled, ignite, unwieldy

AAF Dripper



4d8 A & F

50 ft.

Corrode 2d8




Blast, fueled, ignite, unwieldy

AAF Streamer



5d10 A & F

50 ft.

Corrode 3d8




Blast, fueled, ignite, unwieldy

AAF Deluge



4d20 A & F

70 ft.

Corrode 6d8




Blast, fueled, ignite, unwieldy


Xenomorph Carrier Combatant CR 3 XP 800

Neutral medium aberration

Init +7; Senses: Darkvision 120 ft.; Perception +8


Defense                                                             HP 40

EAC: 14; KAC: 16

Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +4

Defensive Abilities Acid blood, acid splash; immunities Acid, cold, vacuum

Weaknesses Vulnerability to fire



Speed: 40 ft.

Melee: Bite, +11 (1d8+8 P) or two claws +7, (2d6+8 S), or tail +11, (1d10+8)

Ranged: Throw face hugger +8 (see carrier description)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft. (10 ft. tail only)

Offensive Abilities: Grab, inner jaw



Str +5; Dex +3; Con +1; Int -4; Wis -2; Cha -2

Skills: Acrobatics +13, Athletics +8, Stealth +18 (+23 in hive)

Feats: Improved combat maneuver (grapple), improved initiative, cleave

Other Abilities: Carrier, cling, stalker

Languages: None



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, pairs, small packs (1d4+3)


Special Abilities

Acid blood (Ex): The blood of the Xenomorph is highly acidic. Whenever it bleeds, the blood will burn through almost any substance and will cause 3d4+3 points of damage. The blood will continue to burn for 1d6 rounds, causing damage each round. Attacking the Xenomorph with natural weapons is a very poor idea as the target automatically suffers the acid blood damage if they are using slashing or piercing attacks.

Acid Splash (Ex): Whenever the Xenomorph is hit by any type of attack which deals more than 10 points of damage in a single strike; the blood will have a chance to affect anyone near. The acid splash has a radius of 10 ft. and those caught in the area of effect are allowed a Ref save (DC 12) to avoid taking damage. If the save fails, the victim will suffer 3d4+3 points of damage per round, for 1d6 rounds.

Carrier (Ex): As the name suggests, this Xenomorph is capable of carrying 2d4 Facehuggers  into combat. The Facehuggers cling to the back of the Xenomorph, and as a standard action, the Xenomorph can grab one of the Facehuggers and throw it with great accuracy at a target, up to 50 ft. away. This is a ranged attack, and if it succeeds, the Facehuggers is able to instantly attempt to meld to the targets face. See the Facehuggers for more information.

Cling (Ex): The Xenomorph is able to move its full speed along any surface.

Grab (Ex): When the Xenomorph happens to be within range of a hive, it will often attempt to grab and drag a victim back to the hive to be cocooned and impregnated. The creature must make a successful grapple attack (surpass the targets KAC +9). If it succeeds, the creature will then drag the victim back to the hive to be used as a host. The victim can attempt to break free while grappled, requiring a successful escape (using the acrobatics skill). If the victim turns out to be ‘troublesome’ the creature can opt to bite in order to make the target more ‘compliant’.

Inner Jaw (Ex): Possessing an additional ‘jaw’ the creature can opt to use this attack. It typically will use this on a grappled target, or it can opt to use this in addition to the bite. The bite does slightly less damage (1d6+8 S) but is more accurate. The creature has a +14 with this particular attack, and if the target is grappled, then the bonus is +17.

Stalker (Ex): The Xenomorph is a near-perfect predator. As such it gains a +5 racial bonus to stealth rolls, and whenever the creature is in a hive, this bonus increases to +10

Vulnerability to fire (Ex): The creature has few vulnerabilities, and fire is one. Whenever it encounters fire, the creature will take an additional 50% damage (rounded to nearest) and suffer a -4 to any saving throws involving fire.

Dragon Gland, modified

In many ways this particular piece of biotech is overpowered, as my group and I found out, since three of the PC’s purchased it. All it requires is for the character to expend a single resolve point and they are able to use it round after round until they run out of resolve. Many players would argue that this is not all that bad…. Until the GM uses it against the players.

Our solution to this problem was to force the user to rest for ten minutes and use a single resolve point, just as if they were attempting to regain stamina. If the PC needed to regain stamina as well, they would have to spend two stamina points.

In addition to acid, cold, electricity and fire, allow the PC’s to take arachnid, disruption, laser, plasma and sonic. As with the other types of glands, the damage would be 3d6, 9d6 and 18d6 depending on the type of gland, but the damage type can vary.

Note that the Arachnid gland is based on my conversions from Starship Troopers, which is a fire-based acid, which burns and melts anything it touches.

Lastly, in the case where the save is a natural 1, allow critical effects to take place, with the effects based upon the level of the gland in question. For critical effects such as blind, deafened, staggered, stun, the duration is as follows – Wyrmling 1 round, standard 1d3 rounds, Wyrm 1d6 rounds.


Gland Type

Damage type






Acid / Fire






Acid / Sonic












Fire / Electricity






Wyman arms assault combat stave (Advanced Two handed Melee Weapon)











1d8 B/E

Stun DC +2


Block, disarm, double (electrical), feint, powered (capacity 20, use 1), reach (10 ft.), stun, trip




2d8 B/E

Stun DC +2


Block, disarm, double (electrical), feint, powered (capacity 20, use 1), reach (10 ft.), stun, trip




3d8 B/E

Stun DC +2


Block, disarm, double (electrical), feint, powered (capacity 20, use 1), reach (10 ft.), stun, trip




10d8 B/E

Stun DC +2


Block, disarm, double (electrical), feint, powered (capacity 20, use 1), reach (10 ft.), stun, trip




14d8 B/E

Stun DC +2


Block, disarm, double (electrical), feint, powered (capacity 20, use 1), reach (10 ft.), stun, trip


REV 9 Type combatant CR 10 XP 9,600

Neutral medium construct (technological)

Init +11; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., lowlight vision 60 ft.; Perception +19


Defense                                                             HP 200

EAC: 23; KAC: 25

Fort: +12; Ref: +10; Will: +7

Defensive Abilities: hyper-alloy combat chassis, advanced, regeneration; Immunities: construct, immune to blunt, slash and piercing (memetic portion only), unliving

Weakness: Acid, cold vulnerability



Speed: 40 ft. (endoskeleton or merged version), 60 ft. (memetic version only)

Melee: Any single melee weapon +23 (damage +17), two sword arms +19 (2d8+17 S Crit bleed 1d6), or 4 tentacles +19 (1d10+17 P)

Ranged: Any ranged weapon +23 (damage+10)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 15 ft.

Offensive Abilities: Detailed anatomy files, morphic weaponry



Str +7; Dex +7; Con -; Int +2; Wis +0; Cha +0

Skills: Athletics +19, bluff +19, disguise +44, intimidate +19, stealth +44

Feats: Cleave, deadly aim, improved initiative, shot on the run

Other Abilities: fluid form, split

Languages: Common



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary, pairs, small groups (1d4+2), medium groups (3d4+6)


Special Abilities

Acid Vulnerability (Ex): If the REV 9 is hit by an acid-based attack, it does not gain its DR nor does it gain any regeneration.

Cold Vulnerability (Ex): Due to the Nanite swarm the Terminator is constructed of, the memetic poly-alloy portion of the REV 9 is vulnerable to cold. It suffers a -2 to any save against cold-based attacks, and for every 10 points of cold damage the memetic poly-alloy portion sustains; it suffers a -10 ft. to its land speed. Once the memetic poly-alloy portion has received a cumulative 50 points or more damage, it is considered to be staggered. If it takes more than 50 points of damage from a single attack, the memetic poly-alloy portion is temporarily frozen (no save) and cannot move for 2d6 rounds. As the memetic poly-alloy portion regenerates, the penalties incurred from cold damage will disappear.


Detailed anatomy files (Ex): The REV 9 has detailed files of humanoid anatomy. As a result, it automatically gains a damage bonus equal to half the Terminators CR rating (rounded down). Also anytime the REV 9 gains a critical hit, any DC save increases by +2.

Fluid Form (Ex): The REV 9 is composed of a swarm of Nanites. As a result the REV 9 is able to completely conceal itself in any type of environment, gaining a +20 to stealth. Furthermore, the REV 9 can morph its body to take on the appearance of any being it has had physical contact with, becoming a perfect replica of that individual, gaining a +20 to disguise checks. Changing shape or hiding is a standard action. Finally it is impossible for the REV 9 to be grappled, and it can move through even the smallest opening, as long as it is no smaller than a quarter inch.

Hyper-Alloy combat chassis, advanced (Ex): The skeletal structure of the REV 9 is constructed of a special alloy, making it very strong and resistant to damage. As a result, the REV 9 gains a DR 20 / against all physical attacks. Furthermore, the terminator gains a +2 to all Fort saves.

Morphic Weaponry (Ex): As a standard action, the REV 9 can morph one or both arms into any type of bludgeoning, piercing or slashing weapon. It takes a standard action for the REV 9 to reform a regular limb, or create a different type of weapon. When using this ability, the REV 9 has a reach of 15 feet. Finally, it can create four tentacle-like appendages, which it can use to attack targets all around it at once, but at a -4 to hit. It can use this as the fully integrated REV 9 or its memetic poly-carbon form.

Regeneration (Ex): The REV 9 is fully capable of regenerating damage it sustains, even from energy attacks, at the rate of 10 per round. This cannot be done indefinitely though, as it can only regenerate a maximum of 250 points of damage before it needs to replenish the nanites that make up its body.

Split (Ex): The REV 9 is able to separate into two individual units, one the endoskeleton, and the other the memetic poly-carbon portion, which has all the aspects of a T-1000 terminator. This is a standard action for the unit to split, and it is a swift action for both portions to re-integrate into a single unit. When it is split like this, it is not quite as powerful, but the advantages of having multiple bodies typically makes up for any degradation in its combative effectiveness. When it uses this ability, the hit-points are divided equally between the memetic portion and the endoskeleton. The memetic portion retains the ability to regenerate damage, whereas the endoskeleton no longer has this ability (until they have re-integrated). All attacks and saves are reduced by -2, but the movement speed and DR remain untouched. If the endoskeleton is destroyed, the memetic portion can still integrate, although it will require a lot of time to use its regenerative ability to repair the damage the endoskeleton received. If the memetic portion is destroyed, the endoskeleton loses all of the abilities it provided, and it must return to a Legion facility to regain the memetic portion. It is far more vulnerable at this point as well, and is easier to destroy.


Ultralight Wings Improved Musculature

System: All arms

Price: Varies

Level: Varies


This modification to the Ultral-light wings improves the density of the musculature of the wings themselves improving the fly speed.  This alteration to the genetic code of the wings doubles the cost, but also increases the base speed of the wings.


Improved Musculature Table




Fly Speed














Ultralight Wings Improved Neural linkage

System: All arms

Price: Varies

Level: Varies


This type of modification increases the users flying capability. Without this modification, the user flies at poor, which translates to a -8 to acrobatics (flying) checks. Like Improved Musculature, these modifications are available at two levels higher than the original augmentation.


Improved Neural Linkage Table


Skill Modifier












Both can be added to standard wings, using the base cost for the multiplier. So if someone decides they want dragon wings with perfect flight, then the total cost would be x9.

Battlestar (Tier 16)

Colossal battlestar

Speed 4; Maneuverability poor (turn 4)

AC 28; TL 26

HP 920; DT 25; CT 100

Shields None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)

Attack (Forward) mass driver (2d6×10), mass driver (2d6×10), railgun (8d4), railgun (8d4)

Attack (Aft) mass driver (2d6×10), railgun (8d4), railgun (8d4), railgun (8d4)

Attack (Port) mass driver (2d6×10), railgun (8d4), railgun (8d4), railgun (8d4)

Attack (Starboard) mass driver (2d6×10), railgun (8d4), railgun (8d4), railgun (8d4)

Attack (Turret) tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8), tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8), tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8), tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8), tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8), tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8), tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8), tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8), tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8), tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8), tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8), tactical nuclear missile launcher (5d8)

Power Core(s) Gateway Ultra (500 PCU), Gateway Ultra (500 PCU); Drift Engine Single Basic; Systems advanced long-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 10 armor, mk 10 defences, basic computer (tier 8); Security anti-hacking systems mk 4 (DC +4); Expansion Bays hangar bay (6), cargo hold (2), medical bay, science lab (general), tech workshop, synthesis bay, launch tubes (4)

Modifiers +4 Computers, +1 Piloting; Complement 5000


Captain (plus 50 officers) Bluff +25 (16 ranks), Computers +24 (16 ranks), Diplomacy +28 (16 ranks), Engineering +28 (16 ranks), gunnery +28, Intimidate +33 (16 ranks), Piloting +29 (16 ranks)

Engineer (3 officers, 45 crew each) Engineering +28 (16 ranks)

Gunner (5 officers, 25 crew each) gunnery +33

Pilot (1 officer, 12 crew) Computers +24 (16 ranks), gunnery +12, Piloting +29 (16 ranks)

Science Officer (2 officers, 8 crew each) Computers +32 (16 ranks)

Xenomorph Empress combatant CR 20 XP 307,200

Neutral gargantuan aberration

Init +7; Senses Blindsight 120 ft.; Perception +35


Defense                                                             HP 500

EAC: 35; KAC: 37

Fort: +21; Ref: +21; Will: +19

Defensive Abilities Acid blood, acid splash, DR 30 / -, ferocity; immunities Acid, cold, , vacuum

Weaknesses Vulnerability to fire



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: Bite +34 (11d10+34 type) or two claws +27, (6d12+34 S plus grab), two lesser claws (+27 8d6+34 S plus grab) or tail +31, (8d10+34)

Space 25 ft. Reach 35 ft. (40 ft. tail only)

Offensive Abilities Grab, inner jaw, rend



Str +14; Dex +7; Con +6; Int +2; Wis +2; Cha +0

Skills Acrobatics +40, Athletics +35

Feats: Cleave, great cleave, Improved combat maneuver (grapple)

Other Abilities: Pheromone frenzy

Languages: None



Environment: Any

Organization: Solitary


Special Abilities

Acid blood (Ex): The blood of the Xenomorph is highly acidic. Whenever it bleeds, the blood will burn through almost any substance and will cause 20d4+20 points of damage. The blood will continue to burn for 1d6 rounds, causing damage each round. Attacking the Xenomorph with natural weapons is a very poor idea as the target automatically suffers the acid blood damage if they are using slashing or piercing attacks.

Acid Splash (Ex) Whenever the Xenomorph is hit by any type of attack which deals more than 10 points of damage in a single strike, the blood will have a chance to effect anyone near. The acid splash has a radius of 10 ft. and those caught in the area of effect are allowed a Ref save (DC 25) to avoid taking damage. If the save fails, the victim will suffer 20d4+20 points of damage per round, for 1d6 rounds.

Ferocity (Ex) When the empress is brought to 0 hit points, it can fight for one more round. It can act normally until the end of its next turn; if it has 0 HP at that point, it dies. If it would lose further HP before this, it ceases to be able to act and dies.

Grab (Ex) When the Xenomorph happens to be within range of a hive, it will often attempt to grab and drag a victim back to the hive to be cocooned and impregnated. The creature must make a claw attack, it will do normal damage. If the attack roll successfully hits the target’s KAC +4, the creature automatically grapples the foe as a free action. (If it hits the targets KAC +9, it instead pins the target). If it succeeds, the creature will then drag the victim back to the hive to be used as a host. The victim can attempt to break free while grappled, requiring a successful escape (using the acrobatics skill). If the victim turns out to be ‘troublesome’ the creature can opt to bite in order to make the target more ‘compliant’.

Inner Jaw (Ex) Possessing an additional ‘jaw’ the creature can opt to use this attack. It typically will use this on a grappled target, or it can opt to use this in addition to the bite. The bite does slightly less damage (8d6+20 S) but is more accurate. The creature has a +34 with this particular attack, and if the target is grappled, then the bonus is +36.

Natural Weapons (Ex) Cannot be disarmed.

Pheromone Frenzy (Ex) By releasing a powerful pheromone into the air, the Empress is able to increase the combative capability of any Xenomorphs within 1000 feet. All Xenomorphs gain a +4 to hit, and damage is increased by +1 per dice. Furthermore, all Xenomorphs gain the Ferocity special ability. This can be used once every 24 hours, and lasts for 2d6+4 rounds.

Rend (Ex) The strength of the empress is so powerful that if it manages to latch onto a target with both main claws (through the grab ability), the target must immediately make a Fort Save (DC 25) or be ripped in two, killing it instantly. Even if the saving throw succeeds, the target still suffers 20d6+34 damage from the attack.

Vulnerability to fire (Ex) The creature has few vulnerabilities, and fire is one. Whenever it encounters fire, the creature will take an additional 50% damage (rounded to nearest) and suffer a -4 to any saving throws involving fire.


UD-4L Cheyenne Dropship (Tier 4)

Small shuttle

Speed 8; Maneuverability perfect (turn 0)

AC 22; TL 21

HP 40; DT n/a; CT 8

Shields None (forward 0, port 0, starboard 0, aft 0)

Attack (Forward) chain cannon (6d4)

Attack (Port) high explosive missile launcher (4d8), micromissile battery (2d6)

Attack (Starboard) high explosive missile launcher (4d8), micromissile battery (2d6)

Power Core(s) Pulse Black (120 PCU); Drift Engine None; Systems advanced medium-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 5 armor, mk 5 defences, mk 2 trinode computer (tier 2); Security anti-hacking systems mk 1 (DC +1), computer countermeasures (alarm, firewall, lockout); Expansion Bays cargo hold, passenger seating

Modifiers +2 any three checks per round, +4 Computers, +2 Piloting; Complement 2


Gunner gunnery +12

Pilot Computers +11 (2 ranks), gunnery +7, Piloting +12 (2 ranks)

Super Coagulators

System: Heart

Price: 3,000

Level: 5


Advanced Cybernetic Exoskeleton Mk 1

Price: 39,100 Level: 5

EAC Bonus:  +8 KAC Bonus: +13

Max Dex Bonus: +2 Armor Check Penalty -4 Speed: 30 ft.

Strength: 18 (+4) Damage: 1d10 B

Weapon Slots: 2 Upgrade Slots: 3

Capacity: 40 Usage: 1 / hour

Size: Medium Bulk: 20


Advanced Cybernetic Exoskeleton Mk 2

Price: 42,850 Level: 10

EAC Bonus:  +16 KAC Bonus: +20

Max Dex Bonus: +3 Armor Check Penalty -3 Speed: 30 ft.

Strength: 20 (+5) Damage: 1d10 B

Weapon Slots: 3 Upgrade Slots: 3

Capacity: 40 Usage: 1 / hour

Size: Medium Bulk: 25


Advanced Cybernetic Exoskeleton Mk 3

Price: 242,850 Level: 15

EAC Bonus:  +20 KAC Bonus: +24

Max Dex Bonus: +3 Armor Check Penalty -2 Speed: 30 ft.

Strength: 24 (+7) Damage: 2d8 B

Weapon Slots: 4 Upgrade Slots: 2

Capacity: 40 Usage: 1 / hour

Size: Large (10 ft. reach)  Bulk: 30


Advanced Cybernetic Exoskeleton Mk 4

Price: 1,607,850 Level: 20

EAC Bonus:  +28 KAC Bonus: +32

Max Dex Bonus: +4 Armor Check Penalty -2 Speed: 30 ft.

Strength: 30 (+10) Damage: 4d10 B

Weapon Slots: 4 Upgrade Slots: 3

Capacity: 40 Usage: 1 / hour

Size: Large (10 ft. reach) Bulk: 35


Resistance Battle-dress (Heavy Armor)






Max Dex

AC Penalty

Speed Adjust

Upgrade slots









-5 ft.










-5 ft.










-5 ft.










-5 ft.










-5 ft.




Resistance Duty Uniform (Light Armor)






Max Dex

AC Penalty

Speed Adjust

Upgrade slots































































Resistance Long coat (Equipment)




EAC / KAC Bonus

To hit bonus


EG FS Mk 1






EG FS Mk 2






EG FS Mk 3






EG FS Mk 4






EG FS Mk 5








Lost Combatant CR 1/2 XP 200

Neutral medium monstrous humanoid

Init +3; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9 (+19)


Defense                                                             HP 13

EAC: 10; KAC: 12

Fort: +2; Ref: +4; Will: +2

Weakness: Vulnerability to fire



Speed: 30 ft.

Melee: bash +7 (1d4+3) or bite +6 (1d6+3)

Space: 5 ft., Reach: 5 ft.



Str +3; Dex +3; Con +3; Int -3; Wis -2; Cha -3

Skills: Athletics +4, stealth +4

Languages: None



Environment: Urban locations only

Organization: Packs (2d6+6), swarms (4d8+8), hoards (12d12+20)


Special Abilities

Keen sense of hearing (Ex): The Lost gain a racial bonus of +10 to perception checks involving sound.

Vulnerability to fire (Ex): Whenever a lost is hit with a fire-based attack or damage, it takes +1 point per dice damage, and any saving throw involving fire is at a -4.