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Runequest Thursday #106 - 1d4 Magic Weapons!


Here are a quartet of magical weapons from various Runequest games I have run or played in:

Roll 1d4:

  1. Skalrak: the Demonblade of Scylliax
  2. Saint Traynor's Waster
  3. Angantyr ("Head-Hewer")
  4. Cindershade


1: Skalrak:

A longsword forged from the demon arm of Wyrmhere, who was formerly called "Blackhand" because of it. The Furnace Demon Umalclan, tore the arm from the sorcerer's body, and bound Scylliax into weapon form to repay Wyrmhere for s service rendered. A beautiful longsword, fast in the hand and especially lethal, it crackled with lightning when wielded.

Skalrak uses the system I worked out in "Demon Weapons and Armor".

Demonic Knight (rank 3) 152 Demon Points

Armour Points: 8 AP (Immune to damage from normal weapons or attacks)

Hit Points: 24

STR: 24 +3 Damage, +3 Armour Points (Already Added)

DEX: 24 +1 Strike Rank, +2d8% to hit.

CON: 24 (HP)


INT: 11

POW: 2d8+12

CHA: 20

Damage 1d8+3+1d8 Lightning

Powers: 80 pts

  • Improved Damage: +1d8 Lightning
  • Improved Armour Points: +5
  • Magical Adept: The Demon’s POW may be used by the wielder to cast spells.
  • Roll 1d12 for a Random Rank 3 Demon Power, or Increase the stats above by a total of 20 points.

Update: Skalrack was rather shorl-ived in the campaign, since it tried to dominate Wyrmhere and was destroyed by the sorcerer and his allies.


2. Saint Traynor’s Waster:

A wooden training greatsword, of fine workmanship and balance, but obviously heavily used.

Sir Traynor was an Esrolian Sword-Knight of Humakt during the time of Arkat. A master with a greasword, Sir traynor died when his training hall was overrun by enemies.  The knight faced his foes with only an arming coat, his gauntlets, and his training sword. Followers of the Saint say that Humakt was impressed by the courage, dedication and skill of his hero, and allowed the knight’s prowess to pass into the weapon he chose to wield to his death.

Saint Traynor’s Waster is a training sword, called a waster, that has become legendary. Often confused with the Wooden Sword, The Waster is deservedly famous itself and sacred to Humakt. It is a smaller greatsword, such as was used in ancient times, only a little over 5 feet in length, but heavy and very solid. Experienced warriors who have handled it speak of its weight, but also of its speed and responsiveness. It is said that something of the soul of Traynor is imbued in the weapon, and that those who are found worthy, may learn ancient secrets of sword-work.

Saint Traynor’s Waster is unbreakable as long as its wielder does not retreat. It does damage as a greatsword, though the wielder may choose whether the damage is deadly slashing damage or stunning temporary damage.

The Waster’s true powers are unlocked only by someone who has attuned the weapon. Although Traynor’s soul has long gone on to Humakt’s Hellhall, Humakt himself requires that the attuner overcome a POW of 24 in order to make the Waster his own. If this is done, the Waster grant’s an immediate and permanent +10% to all sword skills. In addition, Traynor’s Waster will also teach potent Sword Talents to its wielder. Each one may be “unlocked” by a deed judged great enough by Humakt, and carried out while wielding the Waster. The GM may also require the payment of some other attribute (Hero/Luck/Permanent POW Points). The nature of the Sword Talents has varied over time, but all are said to have been known by the Sword Saint himself, and passed into the Waster on his death.


3. Angantyr:  (“Hewer”):

A steel great-axe, with a crescentic main blade and an armor-piercing spike on the reverse side. Langets of steel reinforce the front and sides of the haft, and up a short distance from the butt spike. All the metal portions fo the axe have a greenish tint, giving the impression that they are composed of dark, smoky jade rather than steel. The wood of the haft is oil-darkened bog-oak, tough and flexible, with a complex grain of interlocking serpentine whorls.

Angantyr deals damage as a normal great axe with the following differences:

Piercing 1 because of the steel of its manufacture.

Angantyr is devastating to vampires, who cannot turn to mist if overcome in a location or brought to Zero HP by a strike from it.

It is exceptionally well balanced as well, granting it +10% to Attack and Parry. A Reach Bonus of 4, and a lower ENC (2 instead of 3). The langets and tough haft material give it great resilience and strength (8 AP/ 15 HP).


4. Cindershade

A longsword, which can be wielded either 1 or 2 handed, the sword has a keen edge and is made of steel [Pierce 2]! A highly prized metal in the Savage North.

Cindershade uses the rules developed in "Iron in Glrantha, Steel for the Rest!"

Cindershade does normal damage for a longsword, but with the addition of Pierce 2 (ignores 4 Armor Points). It may be enchanted with Bladesharp, because the Pierce effect is because it was made of steel. Only greater levels of Piercing will affect it, and then only equal to the difference between the effect and the Piercing effect from the steel.

It has 14 Armor Points / 20 Hit Points, and has also been enchanted to deal +1d6 Fire damage against the total HP (once Armor is penetrated) to any of the Blood, including the blood races – Werewolves, Vampires, Serpent folk, ghouls, ice ogres, etc. Each wound, thereafter will lose 1 HP to the blue flames per round until healed.

Cindershade may not be drawn from its sheathe except in the presence of those of The Blood. Within 10 yards the pommel blade will glow with light equal to that of a torch.

Attunement – An attunement ritual by someone who commands eldritch power.  POW vs POW 20. If Cindershade is attuned, it will allow itself to be drawn as desired by the attuned, will grant a greater understanding of Blood Creatures (+40%) to the attuned, and will turn its internal fire upon an attuner that uses Blood magic. Henceforth it will also shed light equal to the above, on command.