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A d-Infinity Playlist


Seeing as I am posting after the d-Infinity Amusical Proposition Challenge, I thought my answer should have a twist. So instead of using music to create a game, I'll do the opposite — find a piece of music that suits a game or setting and, more specifically, creations that have been featured at d-Infinity Online. The first three are my main answer but there were others that almost added themselves! 

Seeing as I am posting after the d-Infinity Amusical Proposition Challenge, I thought my answer should have a twist. So instead of using music to create a game, I'll do the opposite — find a piece of music that suits a game or setting and, more specifically, creations that have been featured at d-Infinity Online. The first three are my main answer but there were others that almost added themselves! So, here goes:

1. Knights Marshall of the Commonwealth = Position Music, Dimensions. Clint's sci-fi setting needs a militaristic vibe. If you listen to this, try to imagine the Horns and Drums sections as the Knights Marshall and the string and other instruments as their foes. The Knights are a force to be reckoned with - loud and authoratative but perhaps pompous and unaware of what's really going on at the same time; the strings, etc. are their enemies; light and dexterous out-maneuvering them both physically and perhaps politically too. Don't know enough about the setting to comment more but I imagine the piece starts by focusing on the heroes and then pans out at various times to show prominent planets and epic battles going on around and so on. 1:38 sounds like a large base or even planet being destroyed and the heroes fly away in their spaceship just in time (*cough* Death Star *cough*). https://youtu.be/3d9-eYgdTfc

2. Ragnarok = Wardruna - Algir - Stien Klarnar. Oh man, this has end of times all over it. So solemn and steeped in tradition, it has a hypnotic feel that screams a prophecy is about to be fulfilled. You can hear the wailing of The Norns as all the loose ends that have been woven come to one dramatic finale. It feels as if a game has been played and gone past the point of no return, the game isn't over but the result is inevitable and honour dictates that the remaining players play out their part or bring shame upon their ancestors. I love how at times even the music falters and it is just the chanting voices, waiting for the inevitable end — which is suitably sudden when it comes. https://youtu.be/oiC0kBTpbjs

3. Swords of Kos = Corner Stone Cues, Neda. Don't really need to say much about this one, music speaks for itself. Has a wonderfully exotic feel and combines a slow-ish start as evil DM Michael O. Varhola sets the scene before bringing on the hordes of Aegean monsters after a minute or so. Listen out for the flashback to the Cataclysm at the 2:00 mark. https://youtu.be/3b0Cq6a8ep4

4. Desdinova & the Four Winds Tavern (Swords of Kos Bonus Track) = Blind Guardian, The Bard's Song. Had to include this. Can just imagine Desdenova singing this in the Four Winds. He sings to both inspire and grant courage to adventurers but also to caution them that the gods are fickle. How's this for Bardic Inspiration? Also check out their Skalds and Shadows for a bonus Ragnarok track. https://youtu.be/20sIhZLVJR4

5. Cards & Quests = Two Steps From Hell, My Freedom. Wanted a song that reflects the changing of the deck and this has something of everything. I like the "decide you fate" because there is more to this game then just playing the cards as they fall; having the upper hand is no guarantee of success ("you are the key"). Two Steps from Hell have a lot of incredible tracks. https://youtu.be/VQeKnDiYTxc

6. Swords of Infinity = Groove Addicts, Crusaders. Brendan's game is pretty epic, I like the way you can push through your attacks and so on to bring about extra successes and results. This track has that "next level" feel to it for me. https://youtu.be/lR1nShKck2Q

7. Little Orc Wars = Epic Score, A Hero Rises. As I listen to this I imagine a trailer for the game with an eight-year-old's Orc Army decimating her grandfather's Dwarf Legion and the message "actual game footage" emblazoned across it. Yeah, 'nuff said. https://youtu.be/NfikTyGpRmw

8. Chaps & AppsTM (C&ATM) = Corner Stone Cues, Outlaw. There is something 'love to hate' about space westerns and this has that cowboys in space feel for me. Posting from Cowboys and Aliens would've been to easy but there's some good songs there. https://youtu.be/ad5tLrlnTsI

9. Age of Night = Future World Music, Welcome to Your Fantasy. So whilst not a Skirmisher product, Age of Night is Amanda's work and deserves a mention. I love the artwork and hope this song does it some justice. https://youtu.be/TiElXjvMq2U

10. Baker Street = Sherlock Holmes Movie, Discombobulate. Hans Zimmer's music is fantastic and, whilst Baker Street is Fearlight Games, this product won the 2016 d-Infinity Independent Game Awards and is has also been played on the show at least twice. https://youtu.be/vgRVJksQocM

11. Wisdom from the Wastelands = Celldweller, The Wings of Icarus. There's so many products from Wisdom of the Wastelands it would be a crime to omit it. Hopefully this track has the slightly sinister, slightly hopeless feel of a post-apocalyptic future to it. https://youtu.be/BfQgTz_znn0

12. Jester Dragon & Oddities series = Two Steps From Hell, Smirnoff. Just for a bit of crazy variety. https://youtu.be/vrK8y7WzTE8