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Festivals & Holidays: Content Preview


The theme for the next volume of the d-Infinity multi-platform game supplement is Festivals & Holidays, and as we have several significant holidays coming up in the out-of-character world, we here at d-Infinity.net have decided to gift you with a preview of one of the next volume's feature articles, "Festivals & High Holy Days: A Guide to Celebrations for Pathfinder".

The theme for the next volume of the d-Infinity multi-platform game supplement is Festivals & Holidays, and as we have several significant holidays coming up in the out-of-character world, we here at d-Infinity.net have decided to gift you with a preview of one of the next volume's feature articles, "Festivals & High Holy Days: A Guide to Celebrations for Pathfinder". Within this article we present a system that rewards adventurers for participating in holiday celebrations, as well as detailed descriptions of twelve and the benefits they confer.

What follows is the introduction and general High Holy Day holiday description, a general holiday that can be tailored to fit many different clerics, divinities, and religions within your campaign.

Using Holidays

Holidays are used to add a sense of realism to your campaign, introduce unique role-playing opportunities, and help emphasize the passage of time in long-running games. This article presents twelve annual causes of celebration inspired by real-world holidays. Game Masters are free to use these holidays as they see fit and use them as a guideline for designing holidays of their own. Each entry includes a brief description of the celebration, its duration, common activities which mark the observance of the event, and benefits granted to those who wholeheartedly engage in the traditions and observances of the holiday itself.

High Holy Days

Every faith, pantheon, and god holds one particular day sacred above all others. This day may celebrate the birth of a prophet, the anniversary of a great miracle, or simply mark the beginning of a new cycle of the liturgical calendar. The exact details of the holy day vary depending upon the nature of the deity and its cult, but for the faithful, this is the holiest day of the year.

Duration: 1 day.

Observances: prayer, worship, sacrifice, recitation of sacred texts, activities pleasing to the deity in question.


·      All Clerics who serve the deity in question are considered 2 levels higher for the purpose of channeling energy.

·      All divine spellcasters who worship the deity in question are considered 2 levels higher for the purpose of calculating spell effects based on caster level.

·      Faithful celebrants earn their deity’s favor and gain the benefits of the bless spell as if cast by the attending priest. The benefits of this blessing can be used at a later date before the next High Holy Day, provided the celebrant is taking actions pleasing to the deity.