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Ask the Rules Lawyer: Magic Resistance and Spell Effects

Does MR affect non-pure-force damage from spells, like elemental and physical damage from a created effect? For example, obviously Magic Missile is affected by MR, but is fire damage from a Fireball that explodes near a MR creature, too?

Dear Rules Lawyer, 

I have a question about magic resistance; been awhile since I've used, or fought against, MR creatures. Does MR affect non-pure-force damage from spells, like elemental and physical damage from a created effect? For example, obviously Magic Missile is affected by MR, but is fire damage from a Fireball that explodes near a MR creature, too? Isn't the fire from the fireball spell still just fire? Does MR affect breath weapons? What about non-damage spells, like Entangle and summoned monsters? And, lastly, what about the effects of enchanted weapons? Is damage from a +2 flaming sword affected and, if so, which parts -- the +2 and/or the flaming? 

Mayhap a stupid question that is answered directly in the DMG, but I can't remember and don't have a copy on hand, so there! 

Roberto De Moraes

Dear Roberto, 

Yes, that is a stupid question (a series of them, actually). Lazy, too.

You also failed to specify the edition you are inquiring about.

As such, I will choose to answer regarding the edition I personally prefer. 3.5.

The answer can be found on page 298 of the 3.5 DMG.

But, since you asked ... First off, there is no “MR” in 3 and 3.5. These editions incorporated “Spell Resistance”. That said ...

No, Fireball fire is derived from a magical spell and resisted by SR ... breath weapons are not protected by SR ... non-damage spells are resisted by SR and weapon enchantments are not resisted or neutralized. 

Pretty simple ... If the source is a spell or spell-like ability, you’re protected. If not, no SR protection. Extraordinary and supernatural abilities (including enhancement bonuses on magic weapons) are not resisted. Also, and as an example, a cleric’s spells are subject to spell resistance, but his use of positive or negative energy is not. 

Jonathan B. Reichman, Esq.
The Rules Lawyer